It does help to contextualise what is going on within the framework of what we’re dealing with in terms of the communications output we’re receiving. I don’t think pointing out the fact that they’re an SME is excusing them insofar as it helps us understand what’s going on, especially given OPs comment.
This week’s WotW, for example, was met with extreme disappointment judging by the comments. Why did they publish that? A larger company would have a dedicated marketing team to concentrate on public relations, engage with the community, etc. Where I work, Marketing consists of four departments totaling close to 100 people, each responsible for specific areas of marketing. CO has 30 people in total, and I guarantee most are from an IT background, not dedicated marketing professionals. Their communications is going to read like IT professionals writing down their ideas, go through a basic stage of refinement, and then published. Like a small business.
I don’t think that excuses them as much as it puts it in context with what we’re seeing. The disappointment in today’s WotW comes from this space: as far as Mariina is aware, her team is pumping out code as fast as they can, but she has to say something in the WotW that everyone wants to see on a weekly basis. They aren’t ready to show or announce anything. How does a large marketing team perform in this situation? How does a small team consisting of mostly IT professionals perform? How does a single person team perform? All very differently.
Likely, most people took what they said last week at face value and are bitterly disappointed that we didn’t see the goods. I’m not, i figured something like this would happen. Instead of saying “next week we’ll show you some goodies” they should have said “here are some of the features we’re working on, and here are some issues we’re facing, we’ll be happy to share more when we’ve solved some more problems”. Promising anything without the goods at the moment is not going to work well for anyone.
Otherwise I understand where you’re coming from. I’d be furious if I paid money for a game and it didn’t work.
Edit: I thought I’d also point out that personally I think this week’s WotW was a let down, precisely for the reason above. It’s dangerous to promise everyone’s favourite cheeseburgers and arrive with only one apple to share.