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29 Badges
Nov 30, 2015
  • Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Magicka
  • Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition
  • Hearts of Iron III
  • Dungeonland
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Hearts of Iron IV: La Resistance
  • Prison Architect
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • Crusader Kings II: Holy Fury
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor
  • Crusader Kings II: Monks and Mystics
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory
  • Tyranny: Archon Edition
  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
I’ve just started playing around with this mod and I might be missing something crucial. I’ve tried to find info on this matter, but I can’t seem to find anything. If I have, please consider redirect to an existing thread.

So, as I just mentioned, I’m new to this mod. Hell, the only mod I’ve used frequently before this is CK2+. I’ve some questions regarding sieges and the massive loss of buildings after sieges.

• Is it possible to save buildings somehow?
• Am I able to “restore” buildings for a cheaper price than simply rebuilding everything from the ground up, again paying the steep cost of building Castle Towns, Steward’s Tower and etc.?
• Is there a way to reduce the buildings lost, i.e. some decision or building that decreases the number of lost upgrades per siege? I’m growing slightly tired of losing 4-8 upgrades after every siege.

As per usual, I’ve a disdain for playing great rulers from the start. I usually go for something small (preferably a single county), wrestling my way to the top through fabrications, inciting rebellions, stealing land during rebellions and etc. True to this fashion, I refused playing any of the iconic characters from the TV series (I’ve not yet read the books, so I’ve no knowledge of the smaller houses and a pretty piss poor understanding of the lore).

So I went for the Lady of Ghost Hill, Nymella of Toland. I read somewhere that her daughter Teora was a “greendreamer” - or “worg”, I guess - and I felt like this could be a cool starting point (this wasn’t true, however). But the first thing I noticed was how damn hard it was to grow as a Countess. Only able to fight for titles under your direct liege (House Jordayne of Ghost Hill for me) and not having ships* and the slow replenishment of them made it impossible to quickly conquer the Stepstone Islands.

So my first thought was “I’ll just farm money and build a super castle, becoming rich before conquering Dorne!”. This worked out just fine, stacking up more cash than most of the rulers around me. I conquered House Jordayne and usurped the Ghost Hill lordship and then shit hit the fan.

Larger nations began attacking Dorne and constantly sacking my specific demesne, leading to a constant loss of Town Castle upgrades and etc. Despite this, I struggled on and managed to conquer the Stepstone Islands and finally became a Great Duchess**.

But the sackings continued and now, I’m near my limit. I spend all my money keeping things upgraded in Ghost Hill. Every damn time I’ve spent my hard earned cash, Lysene declares war on Dorne, specificly targeting Ghost Hill*** and completely ruins the province.

So I’m stuck in this evil spiral; upgrade everything to keep the gold flowing, with the goal to declare independence from Dorne, but sackings and sieges keep draining my gold reserves and I never have any armies. They are constantly depleted due to these constant wars on my province. And as a plus on this, Lysene attacks Dorne with 10 000 to 20 000 men each time and I can’t defend myself from these numbers, it’s nigh impossible as I never get a chance to recover****.

* I later noticed that it’s dirt cheap to hire mercenary ships
** Generations later, mind you, this took a lot of time
*** Yes, I assassinate everyone having claims on these lands, but the AI seems hellbent on always attacking Ghost Hill or at least land on my province.
**** This took some time getting used to, the armies really recovers at a snail pace making independence and etc. a lot harder to aim for. Something I really like, though.

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Is it definitely 4-8 buldings per siege you are losing? All in one event? As it is supposed to be only 1-2...
Yes, I lost almost every Level 1 Upgrade; Barracks, Patrol Posts, Private Estates, Basic Defenses, Stables and Castle Town, more or less after every siege. I'm sorry, but I can't bring forth any proof of it as of now (the thought of saving a screenshot of it didn't occur), as I've continued playing and I've managed to become a dominant power now. Plus, all these damn pirates and corsairs are almost exterminated and the republics have lost a lot of power.

If could try to recreate it, but it'll have to wait a while as I've some stuff I've to fix today!
That is OK, just checking that was indeed happening. As I said the intention is only 1-2 buildings are lost, so it would seem slightly bugged currently. Will look into it, thanks for the report!