The Empire Quest (EQ) "Master Smith" leads to an extra 5 Research for the specific Arcane Item Forge. This should be added in the description of Master Smith.
Misses info about the strength of the received item (strong to mythical). Add: „This reward can be captured along with the city, except if it gets migrated or purged to another race.“
EQ Eternal City: „This reward can be captured along with the city, except if it gets migrated or purged to another race.“
EQ Imperial Residence misses the ingame entry about Palace of the Perished. Compare
„Be the first to build an
Grand Palace or a Palace of the Perished...“ Reward: A Palace of the Perished will only generate an additional 10 CP. This reward can be captured along with the city, except if it gets migrated or purged to another race.“
EQ Heptatopia Bonus: Living and undead cities and Dwelllings under the control of a Necromancer player will receive +5% Gold, Mana, Knowledge and Production income instead (does not affect Undead Population Growth).
Undead City Bonus: Undead cities receive +15% Gold, Mana, Knowledge and Production income (does not affect Undead Population Growth).
Cathedral of Bones Bonus: Gives +10% Gold, Mana, Knowledge, Production and Undead Population Growth and lacks the Info “, +10%” in City Income list.
Bone Funeral Bonus: Gives +15% Gold, Mana, Knowledge, Production and Undead Population Growth and lacks the Info “, +15%” in City Income list.
Domain of Winter: +1 Range Damage on all damage channels.
Domain of Corruption/the Sun: +1 blight/fire for melee and range attacks.
Goblin Economic Prophet: Class specific buildings are 20 Gold cheaper and generate +10 Production. Additionally, all your Goblin cities get +10 Production, this also applies to Necromancer Players (bug?).
Sage Hut: Visiting units recieve Race Governance XP for the Player´s starting race.
Age of Death: 25% chance whether ALL killed living units return as Ghouls or not. Doesn´t work for fights in Treasure Structures. It doesn´t cancels Resurgance, but defeated (really killed) units with Resurgance can get ghouled as well.
Damnation: Works on Dwellings, too. Defenders in Treasue Structures are not affected.
Denounce City: Works on hostile Dwellings, too. Units from another hostile player and Roamers are not affected. The spell could be renamed in “Denounce Domain” as Dwellings can be targeted as well.
Armageddon: Independent units and roamers are not affected.
Spiritual Freedom, Embrace Darkness and Scales of Fortune: Work on Dwellings, too.
Ghouling Strike: Just like Assassin´s Strike: Performs an attack that can´t be retaliated against an target enemy unit.
Choking (Fumes): Elementals are not affected. Arch Angels, Fallen Angels and Chthonic Guardians are affected (I saw in Hili´s Excel sheet that they are listed as being unaffected, but they are affected).
Dominate: There is no timer shown after the unit got dominated. The description says it only lasts for 3 turns though.
Collect Bones: Cannot target corpses of Incorporeal units but can target corpses of Elemental Units.
Devour Corpse, Collect Bones, Healing Essence, Corpus Furia, Explosive Death, Explosive Ice Death, Void Implosion:
Don´t prevent Resurgence, which means that units with Resurgence which died and their bones got destroyed (Corpse disappears but is not transformed), will be alive after the battle is won. Same applies to Undying units, which be alive after the battle.
In combat, the destruction of the corpse means that any ability is prevented to be used on it (Great Reawakening or any transformation of the corpse).
Resurgence: If the corpse of the unit gets destroyed, it still returns to life after the battle is won.
Undying: If this unit falls in battle, it will return to life with 35% of it´s maximum HP after 2 turns or after the battle is won. If the corpse of the unit gets destroyed, it still returns to life after the battle is won. + See description of Resurgence: “Undying is prevented by abilities that transform corpses into other units, for instance Raise Corpse.”
Undying Army: Works only on allied units. Wrong in-combat description (3 turns instead of 2, see screenshot):
“All Undying units also have Resurgence”. This is misleading/not true as the units don´t come back if they were killed 2x in the combat. They still have the “Undying” status before getting killed for the 2nd time though. Maybe just delete this sentence.
Mark of Death: There is no entry in the Tome which describes “Marked for Death”. A unit gets this ability after it kills the unit which is affected by Mark of Death.
Mass Statis and Inflict Chilling: Elementals and Incorporeals are not affected.
Inflict Chilling: Elemental and Incorporeal units are not affected. Machine and Undead units are affected. This debuff can stack multiple times on the same unit - the timer for the stacked debuffs is set to 3 turns again.
Inflict Frostbite: Elemental, Incorporeal and Undead units are not affected. Machine units are affected.
Inflict Freezing Cold: Elemental and Incorporeal units are not affected.
Glacial Totem: Elementals and Incorporeal units can be affected although they are immune to Inflict Chilling. Missing the Strenght of the Chilling check (Frost?).
Dread Omen at Undead City: No -100 population malus but Undead units in the city´s domain get -500 Morale as well.
Network of Scrying Eyes: affects razed cities as well (Dwellings are not affected, so the description is correct in this case).
RG Draconian Deity Military: Only melee attack bonus.
Necromancer: Maybe make it more clear that the nearest city has no guarantee for the bonus: Undead Population Bonus for every killed unit affects one city BY CHANCE etc.
Domain of …: Work for Dwellings as well.
Terraforming: “Change the terrain in caster´s and Vassal´s domain…”
Wooden Fortress: Building an Outpost at the same location will stop the upgrading to a Stone Fortress – you receive the gold investment back.
There are some descriptions missing (e. G. Domain of Corruption (Unit Abilities)).
And Domain of the Sun affects volcanic terrain as well.
Goblin Military Deity: +2 Blight Melee damage (no Ranged). Infantry, Irregulars and Pikemen also get +5 HP.
Some weird stuff:
Goblin Economic Patron: Lacking info about the origin of +5 Population in the City Income table (you have to rejoin the game to see it).
Goblin Economic Deity: Lacking info about the origin of +1 Production in the City Income table (you have to rejoin the game to see it).