I, representing the Kingdom of Venice, Croatia and assorted Duchies would like to negotiate the partition of the Balkans in the hopes of peace and continued friendship between out peoples.
We would like to provide a rough blue print for peace that we believe shall serve all of our needs and provide mutual security and economic benefits.
Here is the future mutal border I propose:
Here are my claims:
The you see is to maintain the security of Venetian Adriatic shipping and to provide a jumping point for attacks on heathen trade and provide the nessasary forward position of incursions into Eqypt.
(OOC) note for some reason I dont have an autosave thats more recent, can someone send me the save
Here's I propose a pretty even split between out nations including giving that little province waaay up north to Kiev, also the split is very even, its recognizes that Georgia can have all the influence it wishes in Turkey and a buffer zone between us in the Balkans. Next, out of all of us because of the limited amount of space involved and considering longterm considerations Hungary gets the most space out of all of us.
Here's is an extrapolation between the Kingdom of Venice and the Kingdom of Hungary's claims.
As we can all see this is all very valid,
inreturn each one of us will recognize each others claims in the region, and sign an agreement of non aggression with each other to support cross Balkans trade and prosperity (Note NAP does only considers the Balkans) for the next 50 years.
I hope this treaty is considerate, and I believe that it is a fair and balanced deal.