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Random thought. Could I empty Rome of people?

Every time I look at the province map I want to see it showing me how many are left to convert in those provinces either in culture or religion.

What do you think? Should I rename the Clan armies?

Hey Macedon? I am getting closer to you. Ever closer. Soon we will be border buddies and won't that be the best?

One boot heel acquired but at what cost!? At what cost!?

Well we need I had to do it eventually. The whole of the boot must be gained by the only means available.

I should make sure I control the Alps in case there are any elephants hiding up there.

Give me those lands! I like my location no big powers in my way now.

Lets do this Carthage! Your armies and ships against mine!

Ok so boat battles are going to remain an issue I think.

Well if the oceans are going to be trouble I had better make sure no elephants sneak through the Alps.

I need bigger letters on the map.

I could use a ledger to more easily see some things. Like how much of the Roman people are now Etruscan people.

Speaking of the Alps how did Hannibal get his elephants over there in the first place?

No more bois. Not here, not there, not anywhere.

Now once things are properly cultured in my northern lands colonies everywhere!

All the Alps must be mine. On all sides. Then we put down roads everywhere. Maybe conquer Rhodes at some point. Dunno.

Macedon, our one real technological local rival. I think we should prepare for something serious with them soon.

Ok Macedon let's see who is gonna be the big power in our neck of Europe. Legion vrs Phalanx! The power that crushed Rome against the heirs of Alexander!

Don't worry Alexander. We will manage your legacy far better than your heirs will I am sure. Rest comfortably in your grave wherever it may be.