I have verifed my game files (Steam only)
YesI have disabled all mods
YesI am running the latest game update
CTD on specific dayDescription
CTD when the game date reaches an specific day, concretely 12nd of any month. At first the CTD was supposedly ocurring when the game was ticking 12/11/1092 (November 12nd, I'm spanish sorry for dates differences) but I tried setting different dates in order to avoid the crash date - e.g. 1 day later, 1 month later, 3 months later, 1 year later - and the CTD always happens on day 12. Also tried going through that dates at any game speed, but neither worked.Steps to reproduce
Load save and play until day 12 of any month.Game Version
WindowsAdditional Information
Affected Feature
- Crashes
Save Game
View attachment last_save.ck3Other Attachments
View attachment debug.logView attachment error.logView attachment game.log