So, here I am to start the thread on Danzig. I had written a nice, complex event chain in which Danzig is added to the inheritors of Gotland, but due to the revelation of Vitalia, I've had to scrap it, and so am back to the initial three events (of which only one matters, and the other two are to give the player some insight into what they've gotten themselves into). It is currently being written in Interregnum 1 language.
That event sets up two event paths, one of which turns Danzig into a naval fighting power in the Baltic, the other leads to Danzig becoming a trading state, directly opposed to Genoa, and coincidentally competing with the Hansa.
Also, as an aside to introduce these two events, all of the 'monarchs' of Danzig are statesmen who rose to great prominence in the Stadtrat, hence all monarch names are 'Stadtrat mit $name', and all 'monarchs' will be, consequently, noteworthy people, few of them will be poorly or avaricious, as they would be quickly excised from the Stadtrat. This is not to say that there won't be periods of decline in Danzig, there will be.
The plan is this. Giese will set you on the line to fighting Kalmar Union and conquest in the simpler terms, he is, in essence, the one the AI actually stands a chance at playing. Castaldi (notice his event was much more vague as there are several outcomes to his 'reign', whereas Giese only has two ends) is a much more complicated event path that eventually leads to Trade War, and requires much more deft handling than the AI could hope to give. However, as there is always a chance, I don't think we should completely remove the option for the AI to play it.
Some foresight for these two paths:
Giese will attempt to work with the Vitalians against the other groups, unless the Teutonic Order, who have a hand in this and are vastly intimidating to the Danzigers, decide to oppose Vitalia, in which case Giese would choose prudence and look for allies other than the Pirates.
Castaldi will start by attempting to lay historical claims (Danzig used to be the capital of a Pomeranian kingdom, and so he can try to lay his claim on the land), and move on to trade reform and challenging the Hansa monopoly. The circumstances of his death will determine the the eventual path of Danzig, be it a Trade War axis of the Baltic and North Sea versus the Mediterranean and Black Sea, or a hefty interest in Colonialism, to establish riches abroad.
Questions, Comments, Ideas?
event = {
id = 700000
random = no
country = DEL
name = "First Stadtrat in Your Hands"
desc = "It is time for the first player-determined election of the Stadtrat. This is meant to simulate public opinion (entirely in your favour, no less), by electing high ranking officials into the Stadtrat to steer the country's course. For simplicity's sake, the elections will assume that the elected official will retain a seat and influence until death, or for several elections. Also, a republic model is used as Danzig will hopefully become much larger, which makes direct democracy impractical. For your first election, the two officials likely to make it into the Stadtrat are Admiral Giese, who seeks to challenge the Kalmar Union for naval superiority in the Baltic, and a descendent of the Venetian Doges named Castaldi, who has made himself a man about town despite his foreign nature and wishes to create trade prosperity in Danzig, as well as manipulating the surrounding land powers for Danzig's own purposes."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }
action_a = {
name = "Admiral Giese! May the Kalmar Union tremble!"
command = { type = setflag which = Giese }
command = { type = wakemonarch which = 40001 } #Stadtrat mit Giese
command = { type = gainbuilding which = 301 value = shipyard } #Note, this will be destroyed in the event that will trigger the next election cycle in the Giese line, titled "Shipwreck!"
command = { type = naval value = 300 } #A naval expert will naturally gear the country towards the navy.
command = { type = domestic which = land value = -2 }
command = { type = trigger which = 700001 }
action_b = {
name = "Castaldi! May this foreigner prove his worth."
command = { type = setflag which = Castaldi }
command = { type = wakemonarch which = 40002 } #Stadtrat mit Castaldi
command = { type = trade value = 300 } #Some trade bonuses to lure in the discerning player
command = { type = merchants value = 4 }
command = { type = domestic which = mercantilism value = 1 }
command = { type = trigger which = 700002 }
That event sets up two event paths, one of which turns Danzig into a naval fighting power in the Baltic, the other leads to Danzig becoming a trading state, directly opposed to Genoa, and coincidentally competing with the Hansa.
Also, as an aside to introduce these two events, all of the 'monarchs' of Danzig are statesmen who rose to great prominence in the Stadtrat, hence all monarch names are 'Stadtrat mit $name', and all 'monarchs' will be, consequently, noteworthy people, few of them will be poorly or avaricious, as they would be quickly excised from the Stadtrat. This is not to say that there won't be periods of decline in Danzig, there will be.
event = {
id = 700001
random = no
country = DEL
name = "Giese"
desc = "Footnote'd until it can be included the eventhist section."
action_a = {
name = "Hail Giese!" #This event is not for any sort of changes, it is to inform the player about Giese. There will be one of these for each 'monarch'.
# The description: "Giese was an admiral coming from a very strong political family in Danzig. During his youth, he had witnessed the cruelties being allowed around the Baltic, especially those belonging to the Kalmar Union, and swore to fight them himself, someday, somehow. He rose through the ranks of the Admiralty to get at his goal. It quickly became apparent that Giese had a power over other people. Even when at a serious disadvantage he could make people do what he wanted. From a historical perspective, it is also noticed that Giese's 'peculiar habits' were, in fact, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Unlike most sufferers at the time who were simply shunned however, Giese would turn his disorder into an advantage. His skills at inspiring, ordering, and organizing would lead him to become one of the most effective military leaders of the age, and to be innovative and cutting edge in naval technology well after his time had passed. He would serve the country of Danzig until his death. He would be interred with honor and remembered as a great war hero. Unfortunately, he would not live nearly long enough to be fully tried or to see Danzig become great. What this means to the player, is that you have chosen to challenge the other naval powers in the region for supremacy despite your lowly stature, and Giese will put you on the path towards that."
event = {
id = 700002
random = no
country = DEL
name = "Castaldi"
desc = "Footnote'd until it can be included in the eventhist section."
action_a = {
name = "Hail Castaldi!" #This event makes no changes, and is purely informative.
#The description: "Castaldi was a descendant of the Venexian doges, who had prospered after leaving their homeland behind. He had made himself a man about town in Danzig, and earnt the respect of the locals through his charisma and savvy. He had ambitions of making the Danzigers competitive in trade and diplomacy. His heritage as a Venexian certainly made him qualified for the job, and he would spend much of his time in office scheming to get ahold of lucractive territories and trading routes for Danzig. He had a peculiar need of avarice however, and the full strength of his reforms would not come to its zenith until after his demise. Unfortunately, despite his considerably peaceful and agreeable nature, Castaldi had very many enemies, and that fact would change the outlook of the tiny city towards its neighbours until far into the distant future, due to the circumstances surrounding the end of his reign. The player can look forward to assistance from Castaldi in finding the best places to go and the best sides to pick, but also to being disadvantaged when it comes to direct warfare."
The plan is this. Giese will set you on the line to fighting Kalmar Union and conquest in the simpler terms, he is, in essence, the one the AI actually stands a chance at playing. Castaldi (notice his event was much more vague as there are several outcomes to his 'reign', whereas Giese only has two ends) is a much more complicated event path that eventually leads to Trade War, and requires much more deft handling than the AI could hope to give. However, as there is always a chance, I don't think we should completely remove the option for the AI to play it.
Some foresight for these two paths:
Giese will attempt to work with the Vitalians against the other groups, unless the Teutonic Order, who have a hand in this and are vastly intimidating to the Danzigers, decide to oppose Vitalia, in which case Giese would choose prudence and look for allies other than the Pirates.
Castaldi will start by attempting to lay historical claims (Danzig used to be the capital of a Pomeranian kingdom, and so he can try to lay his claim on the land), and move on to trade reform and challenging the Hansa monopoly. The circumstances of his death will determine the the eventual path of Danzig, be it a Trade War axis of the Baltic and North Sea versus the Mediterranean and Black Sea, or a hefty interest in Colonialism, to establish riches abroad.
Questions, Comments, Ideas?