First Contact
Entry to Juss System
It was in June 2202 when Norman Task Force arrived in the Juss system. The very instant, the scanners went crazy. Different kind of crazy though then usual. From the moon orbiting one of the gas giants in the system, the scanners picked up energy surges, communication and something that appeared to be a bad sitcom. The actors were not human. Further scans revealed an orbital station around the same moon. Even further scans showed a fleet orbiting the said station- and outnumbering Normans to 3 to 1.
Hauteville Empire stumbling upon homeworld of another civilization
Captain Odo Dregnot ordered immediate retreat, recording as much of the communication as possible while the wormhole opened and Normans made a quick retreat. It was about time too- for they had been discovered for sure. Chatter from communications directed towards them was filling the screens. Unintelligible chatter, for sure, but the annoyance of the “Frogs”, as they were dubbed for some reason, was evident. Also, their fleet left the orbit and started heading towards human fleet. Luckily, the wormhole was opened way before the Frogs got anywhere near the humans.
After that, Humans took deciphering the language of Frogs as their top priority. Que ahead half a year of deciphering their language, understanding their culture, their government system and then, tries of humans to successfully to establish the communications with them. The picture was not pretty. Jusstkan Galactic Coalition, as they called themselves. Deeply xenophobic, hating all aliens. Oligarchic government, where the wealthy elite oppresses everyone else. And even worse, they consider them to be rightful rulers of the galaxy.
As the First Contacts go, this one is not the most friendly one
On top of that, the Jusstkan arrived a bit earlier to space. They had already colonized a second planet, their fleet was superior to Humans, they were more technologically advanced and they posed a clear threat- though to be fair, combined power of Hauteville Fleet and the space station in Earth would still be enough to stop them. Hopefully.
Another interesting topic though- there appears to be no wormhole stations in Jusstkan space. Meaning, the pigs have another means of travel, totally different from Hauteville one.
As from evolutionary standpoint, the Jusstkan resemble the Earth’s boars more then anything. Though, as humans painfully found out, even mentioning something of resemblance really gets under Jusstkan fur. Coming from desert world of Juss, Jusstkan were the utmost predators of the planet, capable of fighting for the scarce water sources. Moving in packs, they have still retained their collectivistic nature and are actually very good farmers, both allowing population growth way beyond human standards.
At the same time, Jusstkans spent doing what the Humans were- researching us. And the conclusion- humans are disgusting species. Dangerously free government. Weird habits. Of course, stinking aliens on top of that. In short, they really-really didn’t like Humans. It sort of ended up like your typical dislike-hate relationship.
Hauteville and Jusstkan space. And they don't seem to like us much....
Overall, Jusstkans are just the species you don’t want living next door...
Sassodem dol'Trhad, Jusstkan Ambassador
Sassodem dol’Thrad, ambassador of the Executive Geslith cur’Yuhal and younger son of one of the oligarchic families in the Jusstkan Galactic Coalition, looked like he was walking on a field littered with cow shit and he was walking carefully not to step on any of it. Only the field was Hauteville Palace, serene place in Palermo, cut off from city traffic and noise.
His tusks were showing the extreme displeasure or pretty much everything. Thus far, the list had included: his assignment, his travel here, the honorary military escort, the layout of Solar system, the entry into Earth's atmosphere, the condition of Palermo spaceport, the mind winter of Sicily, the overall humidity of Earth, lack of “proper” respect from average citizens (no bowing or better, getting to their knees), the sea, the color of the sea, the smell of the sea, the waves on the sea, the human architecture, the human clothing style- civilian and military, the layout of Hauteville Palace, the green grass of the Hauteville Palace garden, the trees, the bees, the Empress, the reception, the manners of the Empress, the clothing of the Empress, the fact that the palace was next to sea, the slight gust of rain and pretty much everything else as well. There was one thing he liked much though- complaining about the things he disliked. As much as Humans could determine, Sassodem had been a really-really bad piggie in their homeworld, and was given a choice of firing squad, or ambassador’ status on Earth.
Inviting the Jusstkan over to Earth
Still, he was the ambassador, though he demanded that the embassy should be opened in Kalahari desert, in the middle of nowhere and no-fly zone of 50km to be established on the perimeter and that there are no human staff, only his own; for the lack of correct term in Human language: slaves-servants-serfs, should be allowed there and so on and so on. Well, the Hautevilles agreed of course.
Thus, the diplomatic relations were established between two Empires in space. Though no human was allowed to set foot on Juss. And the Hautevilles had to refrain from serving pork in official dinners. At least when the “Angry miss Piggy”, as Sassodem was called when he was not around, was attending. Luckily, he seemed more happy in Kalahari desert, his snout deep in the sand and his liver full of alcohol. Oh yes, one thing he liked about the Earth- booze!
Jusstkans were still something you’d call a very bad start for the Hautevilles, just taking first steps into the great unknown. As a deterrent, Normans started construction of another corvette. Not much, but every bit helps
Uncovering Sirius
Sirius system was something of a wonder. The most visible star from Earth. Class A star, recently formed (in galactic terms). Still, it has a planet in the Goldilocks zone. Teeming with primitive life, fertile, rich, slightly larger then Earth. It had oceans, it had continents, it had fertile soil. Also, some wild beasts, one huge volcano and lot of poisonous kelp. In short, it was a perfect world for colonization. After finishing the survey, Paseka Hauteville-Khumato set sail to Alpha Centauri system, to investigate the system and another potential habitable world there.
Sirius III, the future first Human colony
In July 2204, the Hauteville construction ship jumped through the wormhole for the first time. It’s target- Sirius II, a barren world orbiting the star. It also had some rich mineral resouces. It was the first extrasolar construction undertaken by the Hauteville Empire, though soon, there will be plenty to follow.
HTV Volga moving towards Sirius II to begin construction of a first extrasolar mining station