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Field Marshal
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Feb 21, 2010
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So I noticed that New Valyria directly borders Sarnor, but in TWOIAF, it's stated that the Valyrians never conquered Sarnor because of the distance between their borders and the large plains that separated them. Additionally, I get the impression that several of the territories ruled by Valyria in the west were more like vassals rather than directly-governed provinces. And on a related note, why is the Ghiscari Empire an existing de-jure entity anyway? It was conquered very early in Valyria's history, like 5000+ years ago, and Slaver's Bay should by all rights be de-jure (New) Valyria.
If you're picking over Ghiscar, why is there a Summer Sea Empire, when the Summer Islands were never unified, nor conquered Sothoryos. Why is there a Braavosi Empire when they were always a republic. Just go with the flow man. :p
I'm pretty sure that New Valyria mainly exists so Aegon is able to choose to invade Essos instead of Westeros in the Conquest scenario, so it would really only contain the various Free Cities and a few nearby kingdom-tier titles that aren't existent at the scenario's start.