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Lapsed Pacifist

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Aug 4, 2014
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Hello, I've got a pretty serious problem when playing Littlefinger in the AFFC start. For some reason, when Tommen wins all his wars, almost all the Riverlands lords become his direct vassals when they should default to me as LP of the Riverlands. It means I need to declare war on EVERY SINGLE one, as Tommen keeps refusing my requests to get them back.

Is this supposed to be happening?
No, how far into the game is this?
About 4-5 years. I even tested it and immediately ended all of Tommen's wars by imprisoning everyone, only about 1/3 of my vassals returned to me.

The weird thing is that for some reason Riverrun and the Bay of Claws came under my control, but all the others: Seaguard, Southstone, the Crossing, etc. did not.
I've had this problem happen as well during my Iron Throne game, apparently the Vale refused to help me in an external war, and it got into a big civil war shortly afterwards. After the external war's end, the civil war went on but when it ended the Vale did not return to me and is still a King-level title.

EDIT: Nevermind that, they were in some sort of war with the Riverlands, when that ended they came back into my fold.
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It happens at least, for instance, when I as LP decide to support the king but get a few messages that certain vassals "turned craven and refused my call" and became neutral. When the megawar ends, they revert as the king's vassals rather than mine.

Happens all around, meaning de jure wars are happening all the time and most kings are constantly throwing the realm back into megawar and revoking LPs left and right if they have medium authority.
About 4-5 years. I even tested it and immediately ended all of Tommen's wars by imprisoning everyone, only about 1/3 of my vassals returned to me.

The weird thing is that for some reason Riverrun and the Bay of Claws came under my control, but all the others: Seaguard, Southstone, the Crossing, etc. did not.
I see, do you have a save from before this war ended please?