Westeros fell into a civil war a few decades after Aegon's conquest. Old king Aegon was doing his best to fight his gout while flying on Balerion and I decided to raid rebellious Highgarden's unprotected coasts.
We met no armies while raiding, but it seems my ambitious and brave son Rymolf (poor man was a misguided warrior and poor fighter, but hey, he had it in him once) was slain by some lowborn servant of a septon called Robert. How did the bastard even get close to my son during the raid?
"Well okay" I told myself, "I have another son that will work as an excellent heir anyway.". So I went on with my raids yet to my dismay my armies suddenly had no commanders, "I'll check their portraits, I handpicked them myself!". All dead, I saw. As I said, my son died, then this bastard called Skyte Pyke (who was also a misguided warrior and poor fighter) was also slain by some lowborn under a castle mayor, and now to put the cherry on top: my 50 year old raiding veteran (A skilled fighter, reaver and owner of a valyrian sword!) was slain as well, this one by a drooling lowborn imbecile from Greenshield with the poor fighter trait.
This was my first raid and quite the nasty adventure, I enjoyed it and could (with some roleplay from my part) make sense out of all their deaths. Reaving is a dangerous business and you might just find a hedge knight or two that doesn't want to deal with your bullshit and slays you before your men can go to your aid. But still, the power levels aren't well set in the dueling business, and I feel like the fighter traits should have way more of an influence in it (and imbeciles should have a big nerf to their fighting ability).
But since this is more of a personal request and many people are probably fine with the way it is, where can I check and modify how each trait affects duels?
We met no armies while raiding, but it seems my ambitious and brave son Rymolf (poor man was a misguided warrior and poor fighter, but hey, he had it in him once) was slain by some lowborn servant of a septon called Robert. How did the bastard even get close to my son during the raid?
"Well okay" I told myself, "I have another son that will work as an excellent heir anyway.". So I went on with my raids yet to my dismay my armies suddenly had no commanders, "I'll check their portraits, I handpicked them myself!". All dead, I saw. As I said, my son died, then this bastard called Skyte Pyke (who was also a misguided warrior and poor fighter) was also slain by some lowborn under a castle mayor, and now to put the cherry on top: my 50 year old raiding veteran (A skilled fighter, reaver and owner of a valyrian sword!) was slain as well, this one by a drooling lowborn imbecile from Greenshield with the poor fighter trait.
This was my first raid and quite the nasty adventure, I enjoyed it and could (with some roleplay from my part) make sense out of all their deaths. Reaving is a dangerous business and you might just find a hedge knight or two that doesn't want to deal with your bullshit and slays you before your men can go to your aid. But still, the power levels aren't well set in the dueling business, and I feel like the fighter traits should have way more of an influence in it (and imbeciles should have a big nerf to their fighting ability).
But since this is more of a personal request and many people are probably fine with the way it is, where can I check and modify how each trait affects duels?