To His Greatness, the Just King of Léon, et. al:
We sense concern in His Majesty's correspondence. Therefore We, the King of England, wish to declare that Our friendship is sincere, and that His Highness the King of Léon should not think ill of Our intentions. As for the historical boundaries of Portugal they were forged in the ancient past, before the infidels, and known by its people by a differrent name.* Also, You ask why We would have Our son or brother put on the portuguese throne. Our dear friend, will not You also pursue the glory of conquest and crusade? Will not You seek the Prestige and Piety gained from Holy War? The glory of Our blood are Our own, and every inch of land gained and ruled by Our dynasty will increase the reverence with which Our name is whispered in times to come. God favours the righteous, and no cause is more rightous than driving off the infidel and replace their rule with that of Our kin.
Yet, We are not blind in Our ambition. If We would free Portugal, We would not demand the throne for Our kin if it displeases its people, or His Highness. And if the sight of English banners on Iberian soil would anger His Majesty, rest assured, You would not have to witness such a thing.
*OOC: I'm too lazy to think up a better reason for Portugal to consist of the provinces it does in CK(the provinces needed to create the title).
We sense concern in His Majesty's correspondence. Therefore We, the King of England, wish to declare that Our friendship is sincere, and that His Highness the King of Léon should not think ill of Our intentions. As for the historical boundaries of Portugal they were forged in the ancient past, before the infidels, and known by its people by a differrent name.* Also, You ask why We would have Our son or brother put on the portuguese throne. Our dear friend, will not You also pursue the glory of conquest and crusade? Will not You seek the Prestige and Piety gained from Holy War? The glory of Our blood are Our own, and every inch of land gained and ruled by Our dynasty will increase the reverence with which Our name is whispered in times to come. God favours the righteous, and no cause is more rightous than driving off the infidel and replace their rule with that of Our kin.
Yet, We are not blind in Our ambition. If We would free Portugal, We would not demand the throne for Our kin if it displeases its people, or His Highness. And if the sight of English banners on Iberian soil would anger His Majesty, rest assured, You would not have to witness such a thing.
*OOC: I'm too lazy to think up a better reason for Portugal to consist of the provinces it does in CK(the provinces needed to create the title).