Reservists? Why not build these on militia then, since reservists are just about the same as militia.
Gwalcmai said:Oh, and another thing. When we figure out what unit fits where, we should also agree on their NATO symbols (what would be the symbol for fortress infantry?), as the counters are using the HOI ones (fort inf is represented by the "armoured infantry" combination right now).
ptan54 said:Another point - I noticed the Romania "Join the Entente" event has Austria at war with USA and Italy as triggers. USA never joins the war in my games, and there's always a chance Italy stays with Central Powers. In my opinion, the most important factor leading to Romania's trigger happiness was the Brusilov offensive. I suggest that we add the trigger that Lwow (725), Chisinau (763), and Beltsy (767) is in Russian hands, as well as the conditions already specified. This would simulate Russian success in the Carpathian front - is this enough for modelling Brusilov?
StephenT said:The Russian independence events worked perfectly when I tested them, but that was with 1.04, not 1.05... Back then, the original owner of the territory had to be the one to release it. Looks like Paradox have changed things on us.![]()
In the October Revolution break-up, there are (at least) two events for each country: one checks whether Russia controls the country's capital, others check if Germany or other countries do so. For 1.05, we will need to change these from being Russian events to those of the appropriate country. Each event would check to see if the October Revolution event had occurred and the country in question owned the minor's capital, and if it activates it should sleep all the other independence events for that country.
Frankly I'm not bothered if this means the countries don't have their historical borders. This is a game of alternative history, after all - and the new countries will still have national claims on the unredeemed provinces. You could write extra events, such as for Austria "If POL exists, and POL is a puppet of GER or U11, then cede [Galicia] to POL". We'd have to test whether it would cause a crash if Austria attempted to cede a province it no longer actually controlled.
I'm not particularly enamoured of the "Germany creates a puppet" (before Brest-Litovsk) events either, but they're in there because we had some Polish posters who were extremely insistent that the historical setting-up of a Polish government by the Germans in ?? 1916 should be represented. You'll notice that "create the puppet" is the less-likely choice for the AI, and this was deliberate design. Yes, the fact that German troops advancing out of Poland would be expanding the borders of Greater Poland, not the Reich, is noted: but I'd suggest that in WW1 terms, that actually is what they'd be doing.
Having the break-up of Russia happen only after Russia and Germany go to peace would be unhistorical and silly, because you'd then need another event immediately afterwards putting them back at war again...One of the biggest issues in the early Russian Civil War was that the White factions were still at war with Germany, so the Allies supported them against the Soviets.
There's no separate Treaty of Brest-Litovsk event for revolutionary Russia because the October Revolution event already includes it in its effects. Soviet Russia gains independence, and is automatically (because that's how the game works) at peace with Germany. Plus, historically, most of the new countries declared their independence immediately on hearing of the October Revolution, if not before. The actual Treaty was more an acknowledgement by the Bolsheviks that they wouldn't try and reclaim the independent territories, and would permit Germany to absorb them into her sphere of influence. This Germany did by backing friendly factions within each state, and providing them with military assistance where possible - in effect, making them puppets.
StephenT said:In my opinion, trying to write the event around the actual historical situation in August 1916 is hopeless; we can't predict where the front lines will be or what the military situation would be like, and there's no event trigger for "who's won a big battle recently?". More to the point, Rumania joined the war because they thought the Entente would win; the Brusilov Offensive was merely the impulse that pushed them into choosing that particular moment.
Gwalcmai said:Should we stick with the TGW special NTL patch or just start including the generic one? Because creating the conditions to share the HOI installation with other mods requires either the generic NTL or having two exe files. And the contents of the batch files will depend on whether or not there are two different EXE files to run.