Normally nomads have the problem that their camps are over weak and desperately need defending with an army. Dothraki, however, have a way around this - slave raiding gives you slave camps which provide light infantry, all of which go into your garrison as you are a nomad. Initially this might seem to make the camp fortifications, and their rather paltry percentage bonus to garrison size obsolete, given that at most this adds up to about 2000 troops, which makes slave raiding the obvious option for getting a semi respectable garrison. Right until you realise that the percentage bonus also affects the slave soldiers; with maxed out slave camp and camp fortifications your max garrison is just over 100,000 soldiers. In reality I only took it that far to see what would happen; with decent slave camp and a few fortification upgrades I had a few tens of thousands men - larger than my actual army - but my upgrade time was 100% faster (ie one day) thanks to councillors and the slave camp, so I figured it wouldn't hurt too much to try. There is no one on the map with a large enough army to take my camp, and attrition will start eating them well before they get anywhere near enough troops to take the holding. I'm not aware of whether dragons can perhaps just ignore that, but even then, if the only thing that can attack my tent city is a mythical beast (or possibly the embodiment of winter) then it seems like that might not be quite working as designed.
The suggested change I would perhaps make is that the camp fortifications should have flat increase to garrison size rather than percentage. I'd probably start them off with higher garrisons too, as 200 is low enough in vanilla, but absolutely pathetic when every Khal has thousands of troops to his name from the start - there is never any reason not to instantly assault as you outnumber the garrison so much.
Also, slightly related, but I found myself having issues with the slave camps bonuses disappearing every time I moved my camp, and only coming back when I gained a slave cam level - eventually I decided to just accept the occasional 'overgrazed' modifier, in exchange for having 1 day building upgrades.
The suggested change I would perhaps make is that the camp fortifications should have flat increase to garrison size rather than percentage. I'd probably start them off with higher garrisons too, as 200 is low enough in vanilla, but absolutely pathetic when every Khal has thousands of troops to his name from the start - there is never any reason not to instantly assault as you outnumber the garrison so much.
Also, slightly related, but I found myself having issues with the slave camps bonuses disappearing every time I moved my camp, and only coming back when I gained a slave cam level - eventually I decided to just accept the occasional 'overgrazed' modifier, in exchange for having 1 day building upgrades.