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Jia Xu

64 Badges
Feb 27, 2010
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Hi. Just want to start by saying that I really enjoy the mod and I thank everyone who worked on it.

Getting on topic now, I've found it a little too easy to beat the Dothraki at home right now. I think they could benefit from having a defensive unit_home_modifier modifier added to their religion, similar to what defensive pagans receive in base CK2. Giving their troops a defensive bonus while fighting in Great Stallion provinces would make them a little tougher to conquer. I'm not sure how strong the bonus should be without overpowering it. Maybe something like 25% more defense for all troop types.
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Higher attrition would help. Marching a Ghiscari army deep into the Dothraki sea should cause enormous losses from exposure and starvation, and from skirmishes with minor Khalasars. At the moment you tend to be able to reach the Khal's camp before they can get back to stop you.
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The Dothraki probably do need some positive modifiers, now that they have a far smaller amount of troops then they did before. The Jogos Nhai would probably get the offensive pagan bonus, while the Dothraki would probably benefit more from something similar to what the Zunists have (+20% defensive/offensive for Light Cavalry).
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The Dothraki probably do need some positive modifiers, now that they have a far smaller amount of troops then they did before. The Jogos Nhai would probably get the offensive pagan bonus, while the Dothraki would probably benefit more from something similar to what the Zunists have (+20% defensive/offensive for Light Cavalry).

It doesn't solve the problem of a human player being able to go straight for their capital and win without fighting the main Khalasar.
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