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looks like we're returning to the hard coded "dutch nationalism" of EU 1 again :)
I think artois considered itself dutch (heck.. there are still people that speak dutch in the region.. and it hasn't been dutch for 500 years or so)
NOT = { flag = DutGenEst }  #So it doesn't happen twice for the same country#

this line puzzles me.. are flags kept on a per-country base?

that is to say.. it seems to indicate (to me) that as soon as one country has the event for friesland, the flag goes to yes, and other nations dont get the general estates for Gelre, Holland etc...
and an idea :)

change the choices in "general estates" to this:

action_a ={			#No Concessions#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3159A"
				command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = -1 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = setflag which = DutGenEst }

and this

action_b ={			#Lower the taxes#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3159B"
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = 1 }
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
		command = { type = setflag which = DutGenEstLowTax }
(notice the "LowTax")

and then for each provice a seperate event to give the revoltrisk and treasury (seperate for "lowtax" and normal)
so that you dont gain 300 for 1 province, or lose 500

which imho is not right :)

ad likewise solutions for the other events (EdictBloodLowTax)

ofcourse, this is only a suggestion :D