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Field Marshal
Oct 23, 2001
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Dutch revolts - a province based approach

It's been suggested that the Dutch revolts could be changed to use the 'province' command rather than being tied to specific countries. I was working to update EEP Dutch revolts to EUII 1.06, and thought I'd propose this solution, which will help the Netherlands form more consistently (although it has problems).

Changes in Dutch revolts from 1.05 to 1.06:

1) General Estates:
-protestant and reformed no longer exempt
-option B: mercantilism -1 changed to innovative -1

2) Duke of Alba and edit of blood:
-option B mercantilism -1 changed to innovative +1

3) Allesandro Farense and Union of Arras:
-option C mercantilism -1 changed to innovative +1

4) Dutch Revolt Successful:
same as before

5) Repatriation of Netherlands
-requirement that Holland doesn't exist removed
-requirement that province of Holland owned is removed
-Dutch culture removed
-conversion of Flanders added

The major changes are that the Dutch demand general estates will happen to everyone, and the repatriation has been totally reworked so that it now reduces provincerevoltrisk as it should.

I don't know if we should keep the Flanders conversion, or how the fall of Antwerp event would work with a province based approach.
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Dutch demand general estates - an example

Here is how i would do a province based version of the first Dutch revolt event (no idea what the text would say as currently it is nation specific)

First to happen:
#Dutch Nobility demands General Estates#
#Friesland version
event = {
	id = 337020
	trigger = {
		NOT = { #exempts all the Netherlands minors
			NOT = {
				core = 387 # Franche Comte-not exempt FRA, SPA, BUR and HAB
			OR = {
				core = 337 # exempt FRI
				core = 338 # exempt GEL
				core = 339 # exempt U12??
				core = 378 # exempt HAU
				core = 380 # exempt FLA		
				core = 377 # exempt LUX
		NOT = {
			domestic = {
				type = innovative
				value = 8
	random = no
	province = 337 # Friesen
	name = "EVENTNAME3159"  #ADD TEXT
	desc = "EVENTHIST3159"  #ADD TEXT
	style = 2

	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1560 }
	offset = 10
	deathdate = { day = 20 month = january year = 1560 } #to be sure it happens before the next one.

	action_a ={			#No Concessions#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3159A"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 337 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 338 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 339 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 340 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 377 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 378 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 379 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = 10 }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = -1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = 300 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }

	action_b ={			#Lower the taxes#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3159B"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 337 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 338 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 339 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 340 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 377 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 378 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 379 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = 5 }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = 1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -500 }
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }

Later on:
#Dutch Nobility demands General Estates#
#Zeeland version
event = {
	id = 337023
	trigger = {
		NOT = { #exempts all the Netherlands minors
			NOT = {
				core = 387 # Franche Comte-not exempt FRA, SPA, BUR and HAB
			OR = {
				core = 337 # exempt FRI
				core = 338 # exempt GEL
				core = 339 # exempt U12??
				core = 378 # exempt HAU
				core = 380 # exempt FLA		
				core = 377 # exempt LUX
		AND = {
			NOT = {
				domestic = {
					type = innovative
					value = 8
		NOT = { 
			OR = {
				event = 337020 #if they already had the Friesland event don't need this one
				event = 337021 #if they already had the Gelderland event don't need this one			
				event = 337022 #if they already had the Holland event don't need this one			
	random = no
	province = 340 # Zeeland
	name = "EVENTNAME3159"  #ADD TEXT
	desc = "EVENTHIST3159"  #ADD TEXT
	style = 2

	date = { day = 1 month = april year = 1560 }
	offset = 10
	deathdate = { day = 20 month = april year = 1560 } #to be sure it happens before the next one.

	action_a ={			#No Concessions#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3159A"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 340 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 377 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 378 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 379 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = 10 }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = -1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = 300 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }

	action_b ={			#Lower the taxes#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3159B"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 340 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 377 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 378 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 379 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = 5 }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = 1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -500 }
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }

And finally
#Dutch Nobility demands General Estates#
#Flanders version
event = {
	id = 337027
	trigger = {
		NOT = { #exempts all the Netherlands minors
			NOT = {
				core = 387 # Franche Comte-not exempt FRA, SPA, BUR and HAB
			OR = {
				core = 337 # exempt FRI
				core = 338 # exempt GEL
				core = 339 # exempt U12??
				core = 378 # exempt HAU
				core = 380 # exempt FLA		
				core = 377 # exempt LUX
		AND = {
			NOT = {
				domestic = {
					type = innovative
					value = 8
		NOT = { 
			OR = {
				event = 337020 #if they already had the Friesland event don't need this one
				event = 337021 #if they already had the Gelderland event don't need this one			
				event = 337022 #if they already had the Holland event don't need this one		
				event = 337023 #if they already had the Zeeland event don't need this one	
				event = 337024 #if they already had the Luxemburg event don't need this one		
				event = 337025 #if they already had the Brabant event don't need this one		
				event = 337026 #if they already had the Artois event don't need this one		
	random = no
	province = 380 # Flanders
	name = "EVENTNAME3159"  #ADD TEXT
	desc = "EVENTHIST3159"  #ADD TEXT
	style = 2

	date = { day = 1 month = august year = 1560 }
	offset = 10
	deathdate = { day = 20 month = august year = 1560 } #to be sure it happens before the next one.

	action_a ={			#No Concessions#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3159A"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = 10 }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = -1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = 300 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }

	action_b ={			#Lower the taxes#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3159B"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = 5 }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = 1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -500 }
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }

The idea is all Dutch countries are exempt from the event, and any country can only get one event which will hit all the Netherlands provinces they own.
Just thought of something. I wonder if the "event = xxxx" trigger works if the event happened for a different country. I would assume yes in which case the events as posted won't work as intended. Anyone know for sure? I've just never used the province line...
Really excellent you took some time with this Isaac Brock. I read it more careful tomorrow. I think you are right about the event trigger, since all events that have happened is in just one long line in the save, but of course the game could backtrack to a nation via a list. Testing is once again the best way..
Originally posted by Isaac Brock
Just thought of something. I wonder if the "event = xxxx" trigger works if the event happened for a different country. I would assume yes in which case the events as posted won't work as intended. Anyone know for sure? I've just never used the province line...

AFAIK the game doesn't keep track of who received a non-country-targeted event. The history = { } section in the save file contains only a big bunch of event IDs without any info attached, so I assume that it does not matter.
looks like we're returning to the hard coded "dutch nationalism" of EU 1 again :)
Province based approach of Fall of Antwerp and Conversion of Flanders.I'll look at it. I believe should the country having FLanders succeed in keeping it, it would turn catholic except for protestant nations off course. I even think it's better and somehting I needed.
Fall of Antwerp I think if the nation that had Antwerp or regained it, it would still send protestants out there. But I'll look at it next week when I've back access to the files.
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Just wanted to say I really like the idea, and the events looks good. :cool:

However I just started wondering. Since the events wont fire more than once, what happens if the dutch territories is handed over to another nation in war? Does the revoltrisk disappear?
Isaac Brock - Haven't had a chance to look at them too closely, but just wanted to say that your idea is excellent. I never liked the fact that the Dutch revolts could only happen to certain countries.

BTW, I'm almost positive that "event = xxxx" works regardless of what country received the event. I'm sure I've used the trigger in my British Isles events without any problems.
To make the triggers more readable (even though they are nicely commented) they could be:
	trigger = {
		NOT = { #exempts all the Netherlands minor						
			OR = {
				country = FRI
				country = GEL
				country = U12??
				country = HAU
				country = FLA	
				country = LUX
		NOT = {
			domestic = {
				type = innovative
				value = 8
Also this is better if for some obscure reason any of the nations listed loose the Franche-Comte core. Then we don't need to change here. A redundant AND was also still in somewhere.

However I just started wondering. Since the events wont fire more than once, what happens if the dutch territories is handed over to another nation in war? Does the revoltrisk disappear?
As Sute]{h points out, this might be a problem. Could we give province specific flags to any country getting the revolts, change the triggers accordingly and also make a conqueror get the revolt?
This flag has to be cleared (trigger: have flag and not have province) if a province is going back and forth. Hopefully this reset event can be the same for all nations, one for every province?
Every province event should just give revolts to it's own province, otherwise we could get:

1. HAB holds provinces A,B,C and get a revolt event (RR +10 in all)
2. HAB lose province C (flag cleared), and then get it back (RR +10 in all)
3. HAB Then A, B have RR +20, C have RR+10.
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I wasn't sure that the "country" trigger works, which is why I did the trigger in such a complicated way. Also HOL needs to be exempted.

I don't see a nice way to handle the province switching problem. Obviously a second set of events for each province could exist that only happen if the first event took place and the country getting it didn't get the original one. But this just avoids the first province switch, not the second one, and introduces holes like the one mnorrefeldt mentioned.

I'm inclined to just let the revolts go away if the province is lost. The new owner will could get the next event in the sequence anyway.
Originally posted by ForzaA
looks like we're returning to the hard coded "dutch nationalism" of EU 1 again :)

I would like to get people's thoughts on this - and from a broad group. Mostly I've heard on the boards that people don't like the fact that only 4 countries can get the revolts. I mostly agree with this, but can understand concerns about this becoming 'hard coded'.
has this been tested?
it would be nice if it works well?
Give me some time...
The idea is fine, if it works it will certainly be a good addition and would finally deal with German minors taking the Netherlands which unfortunately still happens quite often.
Just one remark: the County of Holland is U10, not U12.
Mnorre, there is no country trigger, core trigger is the way to go (and I don't think we should care about complicated triggers as long as they accomplish what is desired). A nice side effect of triggering this on cores is that it also exempts a Kleve that has inherited and kept Geldre (like it should be).
Version II

OK, I had an isue with that 'core=' syntax, but I have a revised version. Basically, the events are as the Paradox ones, but each sets a flag so we can keep track of who had which events. I've duplicated the repatriation of the Netherlands events so that you only get the goodies (300 cash, +3 stability) if you really have repressed the revolt (HOLL was never independent). If not the revoltrisk is just turned off.

So here is one event from each sequence. I have all scripted and am running a test now.

#Dutch Nobility demands General Estates#
#Gelderland version
event = {
	id = 337021
	trigger = {
		NOT = { #exempts all the Netherlands minors
			NOT = {
				core = { province = 387 data = -1 } # Franche Comte-
not exempt FRA, SPA, BUR and HAB#
			OR = {
				core = { province = 337 data = -1 } # exempt FRI#
				core = { province = 338 data = -1 } # exempt GEL#
				core = { province = 339 data = -1 } # exempt U10#
				core = { province = 378 data = -1 } # exempt HAU#
				core = { province = 380 data = -1 } # exempt FLA#
				core = { province = 377 data = -1 } # exempt LUX#
		NOT = {
			domestic = {
				type = innovative
				value = 8
		NOT = { 
			flag = DutGenEst #if they already had an event don't need this one
	random = no
	province = 338 # Gelre
	name = "EVENTNAME3159"  #ADD TEXT
	desc = "EVENTHIST3159"  #ADD TEXT
	style = 2

	date = { day = 1 month = february year = 1560 }
	offset = 13
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1571 }

	action_a ={			#No Concessions#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3159A"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 337 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 338 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 339 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 340 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 377 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 378 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 379 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = 10 }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = -1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = 300 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = setflag which = DutGenEst }

	action_b ={			#Lower the taxes#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3159B"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 337 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 338 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 339 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 340 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 377 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 378 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 379 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = 5 }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = 1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -500 }
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
		command = { type = setflag which = DutGenEst }

#The Edict of Blood#
# Gelderland version#
event = {

	id = 337029
	trigger = {
		NOT = { #exempts all the Netherlands minors
			NOT = {
				core = { province = 387 data = -1 } # Franche Comte-
not exempt FRA, SPA, BUR and HAB#
			OR = {
				core = { province = 337 data = -1 } # exempt FRI#
				core = { province = 338 data = -1 } # exempt GEL#
				core = { province = 339 data = -1 } # exempt U10#
				core = { province = 378 data = -1 } # exempt HAU#
				core = { province = 380 data = -1 } # exempt FLA#
				core = { province = 377 data = -1 } # exempt LUX#
		NOT = {#have to be catholic for this one
			religion = protestant
			religion = reformed
		NOT = {
			domestic = {
				type = innovative
				value = 8
		flag = DutGenEst #Only get this one if you had Dutch Nobles Demand general Estates
		NOT = { flag = EdictBlood } #can't get it twice
	random = no
	province = 338 #Gelre
	name = "EVENTNAME3315"  #need text
	desc = "EVENTHIST3315"  #need text
	style = 2

	date = { day = 1 month = february year = 1565 }
	offset = 13
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1576 }

	action_a ={			#No Concessions#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3315A"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 337 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 338 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 339 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 340 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 377 value = 7 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 378 value = 7 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 379 value = 7 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = 7 }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = -1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = 300 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = setflag which = EdictBlood }

	action_b ={			#Don't introduce that Consumption Tax#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3315B"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 337 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 338 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 339 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 340 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 377 value = 2 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 378 value = 2 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 379 value = 2 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = 2 }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = 1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -500 }
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
		command = { type = setflag which = EdictBlood }

#The Union of Arras#
# Gelderland version#
event = {

	id = 337037
	trigger = {
		NOT = { #exempts all the Netherlands minors
			NOT = {
				core = { province = 387 data = -1 } # Franche Comte-
not exempt FRA, SPA, BUR and HAB#
			OR = {
				core = { province = 337 data = -1 } # exempt FRI#
				core = { province = 338 data = -1 } # exempt GEL#
				core = { province = 339 data = -1 } # exempt U10#
				core = { province = 378 data = -1 } # exempt HAU#
				core = { province = 380 data = -1 } # exempt FLA#
				core = { province = 377 data = -1 } # exempt LUX#
		NOT = {#have to be catholic for this one
			religion = protestant
			religion = reformed
		NOT = {
			domestic = {
				type = innovative
				value = 8
		flag = DutGenEst #Only get this one if you had Dutch Nobles Demand general Estates
		flag = EdictBlood #Only happens if you had the Edict of Blood
		NOT = { flag = Arras }
	random = no
	province = 338 #Gelre
	name = "EVENTNAME3316"  #need text
	desc = "EVENTHIST3316"  #need text
	style = 2

	date = { day = 1 month = february year = 1575 }
	offset = 13
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1586 }
	action_a ={			#Sign the Union of Arras#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3316A"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 337 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 338 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 339 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 340 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 377 value = -7 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 378 value = -7 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 379 value = -7 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = -7 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -200 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = setflag which = Arras }

	action_b ={			#No Concessions#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3316B"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 337 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 338 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 339 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 340 value = 10 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 377 value = 7 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 378 value = 7 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 379 value = 7 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = 7 }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = -1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = 300 }
		command = { type = stability value = 3 }
		command = { type = setflag which = Arras }

	action_c ={			#Sign the Union of Arras and lower taxes#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3316C"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 337 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 338 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 339 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 340 value = 5 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 377 value = -7 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 378 value = -7 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 379 value = -7 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = -7 }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = 1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -500 }
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = setflag which = Arras }


#The Repatriation of the Netherlands, Gelderland version/Dutch defeated#
event = {
	id = 337049
	trigger = {
		OR = { #if you had any of the Dutch revolt events
			flag = DutGenEst #Dutch Nobles Demand General Estates
			flag = EdictBlood #Edict of Blood
			flag = Arras #Union of Arras
		NOT = { flag = NethRepat } # can't have had another version of this one
		NOT = { event = 3900 } #Dutch independence - HOL was never independent		
	random = no
	province = 338 #Gelre
	name = "EVENTNAME3171"
	desc = "EVENTHIST3171"
	style = 3

	date = { day = 2 month = january year = 1648 }
	offset = 13
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1649 }

	action_a ={			#The Netherlands is Subjugated#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3171A"
		command = { type = conversion which = 380 }  
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 337 value = -30 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 338 value = -30 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 339 value = -30 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 340 value = -30 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 377 value = -27 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 378 value = -27 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 379 value = -27 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = -27 }
		command = { type = domestic which = CENTRALIZATION value = 3 }
		command = { type = treasury value = 300 }
		command = { type = stability value = 3 }
		command = { type = setflag which = NethRepat }#so it doesn't happen again
#The Dutch Revolt is successful!# Gelre version
event = {
	id = 337045
	trigger = {
		NOT = { #exempts all the Netherlands minors
			NOT = {
				core = { province = 387 data = -1 } # Franche Comte-
not exempt FRA, SPA, BUR and HAB#
			OR = {
				core = { province = 337 data = -1 } # exempt FRI#
				core = { province = 338 data = -1 } # exempt GEL#
				core = { province = 339 data = -1 } # exempt U10#
				core = { province = 378 data = -1 } # exempt HAU#
				core = { province = 380 data = -1 } # exempt FLA#
				core = { province = 377 data = -1 } # exempt LUX#
		exists = HOL
		NOT = {#should protestants be exempt?
			religion = protestant
			religion = reformed
	random = no
	province = 338 #Gelre
	name = "EVENTNAME3814" #need to change text
	desc = "EVENTHIST3814"
	style = 2

	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1555 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1648 }

     action_a = { # Curses!
         name = "ACTIONNAME3814A"
         command = { type = secedeprovince which = HOL value = 338 }

#The Repatriation of the Netherlands, Gelderland version/Dutch sucessful#
event = {
	id = 337057
	trigger = {
		OR = { #if you had any of the Dutch revolt events
			flag = DutGenEst #Dutch Nobles Demand General Estates
			flag = EdictBlood #Edict of Blood
			flag = Arras #Union of Arras
		NOT = { flag = NethRepat } # can't have had another version of this one
		event = 3900  #Dutch independence - was independent at some point	
	random = no
	province = 338 #Gelre
	name = "EVENTNAME3171"
	desc = "EVENTHIST3171"
	style = 3

	date = { day = 2 month = january year = 1648 }
	offset = 13
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1649 }

	action_a ={			#The Netherlands is Subjugated#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3171A"
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 337 value = -30 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 338 value = -30 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 339 value = -30 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 340 value = -30 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 377 value = -27 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 378 value = -27 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 379 value = -27 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 380 value = -27 }
		command = { type = setflag which = NethRepat }#so it doesn't happen again

Questions I have about this approach
1)I'd like to remove cores on the Netherlands for HAB, BUR, SPA, and FRA if the revolts are sucessful. I'd probably handle this with country specific events.
2) Should protestants and reformed really be exempt from all of this, now that we are making it so comprehensive
3) I may add some back up events in case there is province switching
4) Can anyone see any obvious holes/exploits that could be used to avoid or take advantage of these events?
5) We need to decide how to make this work with the Sack of Antwerp event that converts Antwerp. Perhaps the conversion of Antwerp should be removed from these events.
6) Are the effect manageable for minors? The events were written for major powers, what happens when 2 province Münster gets hit with them?
7) Overall, is this a good idea. We all want the Netherlands to form consistently, but should we really be forcing the Dutch revolts down everybody's throats? There have been posters saying that only Spain should get the Dutch revolts.
Looks very nice and this will be a very nice adding to EEP in my opinion.
My opinions on your points:
1. I'm for removing the cores, hopefully we can get more viewss on this, since that is a rather important change.
2. As it is now, all religions get the first event. I do not know enough about the reasons for the revolts, but we shouldn't let a protestant England just walk through it. On the other hand, perhaps they should have an easier time.
3. Back-up events in case of switching (first switch at least) would make it more waterproof, but I leave it up to you to do the job!
4. Will keep on searching... None so far.
5. I get back on this one.
6. As a first version, I think it will do. Perhaps we can let small protestant/reformed nations get away, but I think this will do.
7. A player should always get them, otherwise it will be exploited, so they are still needed. IMO Netherlands should be formed in most cases, from all owners, since it really adds. In any case we could argue it makes for a better game, since it is 'what if' history anyhow.

Do these events use only old text material, I think they do? Then perhaps they could get posted in the General Forum as a proposal for upcoming patches. Even if it doesn't get in, we'll at least get more comments there.