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Aug 31, 2018
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Hello! Dynamic province names are an interesting part of the game. But it grieves that for some nations do not have dynamic province names. I compiled a table of dynamic province names for the ALL TURKIC cultures in EU4 (astrakhani, azerbaijani, bashkort (in EU4 is bashkir), crimean, dagestani, kazani, kazakh (in EU4 is khazak), kirgiz, mishari (in EU4 is mishary), nogaybak, siberian, turkish, turkmeni, uyghur, uzbek (in EU4 is uzbehk), sakha (in EU4 is yakut)).
I also corrected the names for the Turkish (Ottoman) culture and added many new ones, they are outdated and contain many mistakes, for example, "Karabag" instead of "Gence" for Ganja province, but none for Melikates province instead Karabag and many other mistakes.
Unfortunately, some letters are not supported in your game and wrote names without using the special characters that no supporting by ASCII.
I created and filled in a table for the names of the provinces as much as I have information.

So this is link for table document:

I uploaded all text files in this thead.

P.S. If you are concerned about the name of any province, this option is used, then I can explain to you here why, for example, for Neva province (which will then turn into St. Petersburg), the Petresburq variant is used in Azerbaijani, although now the word Sankt-Peterburq is used in Azerbaijani. The fact is that in the dictionaries till 19th centurie I see the word Petresburg, and the word Sankt-Peterburq appeared in the 30s or 40s of the 20th century.


  • astrakhani.txt
    7,3 KB · Views: 158
  • azerbaijani.txt
    7,8 KB · Views: 45
  • bashkir.txt
    7,3 KB · Views: 31
  • crimean.txt
    7,7 KB · Views: 194
  • dagestani.txt
    7,2 KB · Views: 161
  • kazani.txt
    6,9 KB · Views: 180
  • khazak.txt
    7,2 KB · Views: 196
  • kirgiz.txt
    6,9 KB · Views: 179
  • mishary.txt
    6,9 KB · Views: 195
  • nogaybak.txt
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  • siberian.txt
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  • turkish.txt
    7,6 KB · Views: 309
  • turkmeni.txt
    7,3 KB · Views: 148
  • uyghur.txt
    7 KB · Views: 147
  • uzbehk.txt
    7,7 KB · Views: 40
  • yakut.txt
    7,2 KB · Views: 169
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I don't really know why you'd call the province of Neva Petersburg before Petersburg was even built. It seems kind of forced to me.
I don't really know why you'd call the province of Neva Petersburg before Petersburg was even built. It seems kind of forced to me.
You may be right, but Neva is just a river, you can not find in History "Neva province".
And in EU4 we have so much situations like this for example we have Borisoglebsk province in Great Horde before Russian invasion to Great Horde and long before it was built by Russians (Borisoglebsk builted in 1698, game starts at 1444)
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You may be right, but Neva is just a river, you can not find in History "Neva province".
And in EU4 we have so much situations like this for example we have Borisoglebsk province in Great Horde before Russian invasion to Great Horde and long before it was built by Russians (Borisoglebsk builted in 1698, game starts at 1444)
I agree but there are many provinces named after rivers in the game and it's mostly fine. I'd just leave Neva unaffected by dynamic names rather than naming it after a city that hasn't been built yet.
As to Borisoglebsk, they could've definitely picked a better name, I agree.
I agree but there are many provinces named after rivers in the game and it's mostly fine. I'd just leave Neva unaffected by dynamic names rather than naming it after a city that hasn't been built yet.
As to Borisoglebsk, they could've definitely picked a better name, I agree.
Now I agree with you, I just wrote these dynamic name (Petresburg), because I saw many cities that had not yet been built and were not even mentioned in history before the Modern history, but now I agree that it is better to solve the problem than to raise it, as for Borisoglebsk, then in my table you can see the name Tellerman, this is the name of the forest in this province, It comes from the Turkic Töbe-Orman (forest on top, forest on hiils, high forest)
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Can you explain why you choose to keep Kostantiniyye in its Turkish version but changed it to variations of Istanbul/Islambul in other languages?
Other Turkic languages don't have variations for Contantinople/Konstantiniye. In addition, in the files of the game the Turkish Dynamic Province Name for Contantinople was originally Kostantiniyye, and I decided not to change it, but if you want my personal opinion, then I would like Istanbul to be in Turkish, but I think the developers decide it.

P.S. If you think that Atatürk gave İstanbul name for Constantinople in XX century then you can read this sources:
in Danişmend-Name (1360 year)
Niksardan tā İstanbūla varınça lağımdan giderlerdi
in Gazavat-ı Sultan Murad (<1451 years)
Tekvur daχı kalyonuŋa süvār olub şehr-i İstanbūla gelüb
Province 2961 in Crimean seems to not be properly capitalized.
The name is written with a small letter, because the İ letter is not supported in the game.
Also current crimean Lviv name for this province borrowed from Ukranian in XXI sentury, in XX sentury name borrowed from Russian and was Lvov, but İlbav is historical version in Crimean.
I'm fine with whatever name you have there... But the game's usual approach to missing diacretics is just to omit them, and that's what happened to Turkish, and I think this should be the case here too.
For Turkish
101 = "Cineviz" should be "Ceneviz"

I saw couple of other missing Turkish letters: (ç, ğ, ı, ö, ş, ü) I didn't point out all but some of them:
118 = "Kizilelma" -> Kızılelma (why dont we use ı letter?)
131 = "Hirvatistan" -> Hırvatistan
138 = "Karadag" -> Karadağ
141 = "Sirbistan" -> Sırbistan
161 = "Bükres" -> Bükreş
164 = "Naksa" -> Nakşa
2202 = "Karabag" - Karabağ
2367 = "Asagi Yayik" -> Aşağı Yayık
2405 = "Gök Oguz" -> Gök Oğuz
2412 = "Kizilyar" - Kızılyar
2428 = "Kizil Tura" -> Kızıl Tura
2444 = "Baskurt" -> Başkurt
3003 = "Egriboz" -> Eğriboz

I think this would be wrong 1064 = "Enver Pasa", Enver Pasha was born around 1800s so.

I also somewhat tried Turkish names in other regions Europe and Arabic regions which might be somewhat modern for eu4:
My new suggestions:
94 = Luxemburg -> Lüksemburg
97 = Holland -> Hollanda
116 = Firenze -> Floransa
168 = Normandie -> Normandiya
130 = Istria -> İstirya
136 = Dalmatia -> Dalmaçya
142 = Corfu -> Korfu
206 = Galicia -> Galiçya
224 = Andalucia -> Endülüs
225 = Cordoba > Kurtuba
227 = Lisboa -> Lizbon
253 = Western Isles -> Dış Hebridler
257 = Warszawa -> Varşova (or Varshova)
266 = Prague -> Prag
272 = Lithuania -> Litvanya
273 = Latgalia -> Letonya
295 = Moskva -> Moskova
343 = Fez -> Fes
344 = Marrakech -> Marakeş (or Marakesh)
353 = Gabes -> Kabis
359 = Faiyum -> Feyyum
362 = Rosetta -> Reşid (or Reshid)
363 = Damietta -> Dimyat
366 = The Canarias -> Kanarya Adaları
367 = The Azores -> Azorlar
368 = Madeira (This is not Kanarya Adaları, it was assigned wrong) mistake
379 = Jerusalem -> Kudüs (if you can use "ü", just why not here?)
383 = Tabuk -> Tebük
389 = Kinda -> Kinde
393 = Jabal Shammar -> Cebel Şammar (or Shammar)
400 = Muscat -> Maskat
401 = Dhofar -> Zufar
403 = Nizwa -> Nizva
440 = Qaraqalpak -> Karakalpak
451 = Qabul -> Kabil
455 = Kyrzyl-Kum -> Kızıl-Kum
456 = Turkestan -> Türkistan
476 = Kypshak -> Kıpçak
529 = North Konkan -> Kuzey Konkan
530 = South Konkan -> Güney Konkan
531 = North Kanara -> Kuzey Kanara
475 = Bashkortostan -> Başkurtistan (or Bashkurtistan)
482 = Bahamas -> Bahamalar
487 = Jamaica -> Jamaika
492 = Puerto Rico -> Porto Riko
497 = Dominica -> Dominika
498 = Martinique -> Martinik
596 = Malacca -> Malakka
635 = West Timor -> Batı Timor
712 = Bechbalig -> Beşbalık (or Beshbalık) https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beşbalık
745 = Suriname -> Surinam
783 = Patagonia Occidental -> Patagonya Dağları
1080 = North Urals -> Kuzey Urallar
1096 = Cape Verde -> Yeşil Burun (or Yeshil Burun)
1247 = Corsica -> Korsika
1816 = Beijing -> Pekin
1828 = Donji Kraji -> Travnik (not Travik) mistake
1869 = Zurich -> Zürih
1875 = Turin -> Torino
2029 = South Kanara -> Güney Kanara
2121 = Kuqa -> Kuçar
2195 = Adyghe -> Adıge
2348 = Chios -> Sakız Adası (instead of only Sakiz name)
2368 = Karamegdan -> Karamay or Karameydan
2448 = Fezzan -> Fizan
2695 = East Timor -> Doğu Timor
4207 = Turpan -> Turfan
4114 = Northern Lappmarks -> Kuzey Lapland

Could be lot more added around Iran and Turkestan.

Also I saw somekinda mistake.
For example Cizre turns into Jazirat bin Umar when Turkish country conquers. It is weird. Cizre is Turkish name, other one is Arabic. I feel like in these situations Turkish name should stay. Cizre should stay.

And this is someting I point out:
Al names including "Island" should be "Adası" or just "Ada"
All names including "Islands" should be "Adaları" or just "Adalar"
Island: Ada/ Islands: Adalar
North: Kuzey
South: Güney
West: Batı
East: Doğu
Thanks for informing, actually it really kills the meaning for some words. Sad.
It's the same for many languages, trust me. From Polish alphabet you can only use "ó" because that letter also happens to be a part of the Spanish alphabet. ASCII is a terrible encoding system that belongs to the previous century.