Edge of Darkness
A mod for Darkest Hour Full.
Hello everyone and welcome to Edge of Darkness, a mod primarily focusing on a more realistic 1933 scenario, building on Fernando's World in Flames II.
A mod for Darkest Hour Full.
Hello everyone and welcome to Edge of Darkness, a mod primarily focusing on a more realistic 1933 scenario, building on Fernando's World in Flames II.
History of this mod
Initially starting as a two man project, Aleksa75 and I released the first version in July 2013. Several project members and versions followed, trying to increase historical accuracy as well as balancing. Then, after Darkest Hour released Patch 1.04, this mod seemed to be dead. However, Novapaddy and I joined forces and adapted the mod to 1.04, bringing Edge of Darkness back to life. In 2016, JJMerrill joined the Edge of Darkness team to add post-war content for Germany to ensure that the Reich's campaign is rewarding and engaging for those that are up to the challenge. This add-on mod, Generalplan Ost, is a new component of Edge of Darkness that delivers all new events and decisions that focus on Germany's ambitions in the eastern territories after a successful Operation Barbarossa.
By building on top of Fernando's exceptional World in Flames II mod, Edge of Darkness was created to deliver the definitive 1933 scenario for Darkest Hour. Hundreds of new flavor events, decisions, all new graphics and special units have all been designed with a realistic, historic focus that will be sure to reward those that have a passion for the history of the Second World War and teach even the most well-read armchair historian fascinating new information about this definitive event of the 20th century. Combining this content along with providing a more challenging experience compared to vanilla Darkest Hour that will keep you engaged and satisfy the craving for intense grand strategy gaming, Edge of Darkness aims to be the hallmark mod for those that love Darkest Hour and the intensity of the Second World War.
Includes all WIF2 events:
### 9300001 GER 4-year Plan
### 9300002 GER Polish Campaign Goals
### 9300003 GER Polish Campaign Goals
### 9300004 GER French Campaign Goals
### 9300005 GER French Campaign Goals
### 9300006 GER Russian Campaign Goals
### 9300007 GER Russian Campaign Goals
### 9300008 GER Build the Siegfried Line
### 9300009 GER Build the Peenemünde Army Research Center
### 9300013 GER The Peenemünde Army Research Center is ready
### 9300010 GER 1936 Winter Olympic Games
### 9300011 GER 1936 Summer Olympic Games
### 9300012 GER Force Dutch Surrender
### 9300014 GER The Neuschwabenland Expedition
### 9300015 GER Build Flak Towers
### 9300016 GER Enigma Machine
### 9300017 ENG Breaking Enigma
### 9300018 POL Breaking Enigma
### 9300019 FRA Breaking Enigma
### 9300020 IRE Conduct Sabotage Campaign in England
### 9300021 ENG IRA Sabotage Campaign
### 9300022 IRE Irish Neutrality
### 9300023 GER The Anglo-German Naval Agreement
### 9300024 GER Renounce the Anglo-German Naval Agreement
### 9300025 GER The Hindenburg Explosion
### 9300026 GER The Volkssturm
### 9300027 GER 1932 Physics Nobel Prize
### 9300028 GER 1935 Peace Nobel Prize
### 9300029 GER Build Underground Factories
### 9300030 GER Seize Vemork Heavy Water Plant
### 9300031 GER Vemork Heavy Water Plant is Ready
### 9300032 ENG Sabotage German Heavy Water Plant
### 9300033 ENG Sabotage German Heavy Water Plant
### 9300034 ENG Sabotage German Heavy Water Plant
### 9300035 ENG Sabotage German Heavy Water Plant
### 9300036 GER The British have failed to sabotage our heavy water plant in Norway
### 9300037 GER The British managed to sabotage our heavy water plant in Norway
### 9300038 GER The Reichskonkordat
### 9300039 GER Mit brennender Sorge
### 9300040 GER Mein Kampf
### 9300041 GER Demand the restoration of former African colonies
### 9300042 GER The Degenerate Art Exhibition
### 9300043 GER Capture Fort Eben-Emael
### 9300044 GER Capture Fort Eben-Emael
### 9300045 GER Change Playlist (Music Pack)
### 9300046 GER 88 mm Gun as Ground Troops Support
### 9300047 GER General Winter
### 9300048 GER Provide Winter Equipment
### 9300049 GER Leni Riefenstahl's Olympia
### 9300050 GER Reichsparteitage
### 9300051 GER Plan Z
### 9300052 ENG Peace Demonstration
### 9300053 ENG Build Radar Stations
### 9300054 GER Force Troops Transit Through Sweden
### 9300055 SWE The Engelbrecht Transit
### 9300056 GER Continuation War
### 9300057 FIN Continuation War
### 9300058 GER Welthauptstadt Germania
### 9300059 GER Build Air Defenses in Ploiesti
### 9300060 GER The Downfall of Wilhelm Canaris
### 9300061 GER The Downfall of Erich Raeder
### 9300062 GER German Economic Miracle
### 9300063 GER Standard Oil & I.G. Farben Cooperation
### 9300064 GER Henry Ford awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle
### 9300065 GER GM & Opel Cooperation
### 9300066 GER Hitler Man of the Year
### 9300067 GER Rommel's 'Infantry Attacks'
### 9300068 GER Guderian's 'Achtung Panzer'
### 9300069 GER Mechelen Incident
### 9300070 GER Bremen Wins Blue Riband
### 9300071 GER Marlene Dietrich Becomes an American Citizen
### 9300072 GER Bomb on Hitler's aircraft
### 9300073 GER German Occupation of Romania
### 9300074 GER Venlo Incident
### 9300075 GER Oberkommando der Luftwaffe Reorganization
### 9300076 GER Hitler's Interview
### 9300077 GER Scapa Flow Naval Base Attack
### 9300078 ENG Scapa Flow Naval Base Attack
### 9300079 GER The Attack is a Success
### 9300080 GER The Attack is a Failure
### 9300081 GER Annex Polish Posen Province
### 9300082 GER The Rise of Albert Speer
### 9300083 GER Blitzkrieg Success
### 9300084 GER German-Portuguese Trade Agreement
### 9300085 GER U-Boats Success
### 9300086 GER Sloped Armor
### 9300087 ENG Anglo-American Military Conference
### 9300088 SOV Soviet-American Military Conference
### 9300089 GER German-Italian Military Conference
### 9300090 GER Take Out a State Loan
### 9300091 GER Pay the Money Back
### 9300092 GER League of Nations Reaction to Rhineland Re-occupation
### 9300093 GER Force Warsaw Surrender
### 9300094 GER German Troops Climb Mount Elbrus
### 9300095 GER Skoda Works Factories
### 9300096 GER Stuka Ace Hans-Ulrich Rudel
### 9300097 GER Luftwaffe Ace Erich Hartmann
### 9300098 ENG Outlaw British Union Party
### 9300099 FRA Outlaw French Communist Party
### 9300100 FRA De Gaulle's 'Toward a Professional Army'
### 9300101 GER Communists Partisans Join the French Resistance
### 9300102 SOV Stalin Man of the Year
### 9300103 GER Stalin's Son Captured
### 9300104 GER The Return of the Ashes of Napoleon II
### 9300105 FRA The Return of the Ashes of Napoleon II
### 9300106 GER Compulsory Work Service
### 9300107 FRA Compulsory Work Service
### 9300111 USA Panic on the West Coast
### 9300112 USA Doolittle Raid
### 9300113 USA Racial Riots in Detroit
### 9300114 USA Breaking the Japanese Navy's Code
### 9300115 GER Hitler Suicide
### 9300116 GER Death of the Führer
### 9300117 GER Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
### 9300118 GER Hitler's Berghof
### 9300119 SOV Breaking Enigma
### 9300120 USA The Eagle Squadrons
### 9300121 CAN The Eagle Squadrons
### 9300122 ENG The Eagle Squadrons
### 9300123 ENG Foreign Volunteers in the Royal Air Force
### 9300124 GER Alpenkorps Success
### 9300125 USA Combat Cameramen
### 9300126 GER 'Gleichschaltung' Laws
### 9300127 GER The German Labor Front
### 9300128 GER 'Volkswagen' Project Becomes 'Kübelwagen'
### 9300129 GER Hitler-Jugend
### 9300130 GER Thule Society
### 9300131 GER Wilhelm Canaris Named Chief of the Abwehr
### 9300132 GER Propose German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact
### 9300133 POL German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact Proposal
### 9300134 POL German-Polish Cooperation
### 9300135 POL German-Polish Cooperation
### 9300136 GER Propose Poland to Join the Pact of Steel
### 9300137 POL German Proposal to Join the Pact of Steel
### 9300138 GER Poland Joins the Pact of Steel
### 9300139 GER The Discovery of Nuclear Fission
### 9300140 GER First Resistance Act in Athens
### 9300142 AUS ITA GER CZE 1934 FIFA World Cup
### 9300143 GER Sino-German Cooperation
### 9300144 CHI Sino-German Cooperation
### 9300145 GER The Hossbach Memorandum
### 9300146 HUN Start Gyor Rearmament Program
### 9300147 GER The SS-Tibet-Expedition
### 9300148 HOL Dutch Surrender (Duplicate)
### 9300149 GER The Beer Hall Putsch Commemoration
### 9300150 GER Hitler Appointed as Chancellor
### 9300151 GER Reichstag Fire
### 9300152 GER Hitler Sportpalast Speech
### 9300153 GER Total War Speech
### 9300154 GER Konstantin von Neurath replaced by the Führer
### 9300155 GER Sinking of Athenia
### 9300156 GER Renewing Enabling Act
### 9300157 GER Renewing Enabling Act
### 9300158 GER Meeting with Mussolini at Venice
### 9300159 GER Richard Sorge
### 9300160 GER Richard Sorge Arrestation
### 9300161 GER Build U-Boat Pens in the Atlantic Bases
### 9300162 GER The U-Boat Pens Are Ready
### 9300163 GER German-Afghan Cooperation
### 9300164 SOV Stakhanovite Movement
### 9300165 GER Röhm Speaks of a 'Second Revolution'
### 9300166 GER 1936 Max Schmeling vs Joe Louis
### 9300167 GER 1938 Max Schmeling vs Joe Louis
### 9300178 GER Tungsten Fever
### 9300168 SPA Tungsten Fever
### 9300169 POR Tungsten Fever
### 9300170 USA Bracero Program
### 9300171 POR Portuguese Volunteers Join Franco's Army
### 9300172 SPA Portuguese Volunteers Join Franco's Army
### 9300173 MEX Mexico Supports Republican Spain
### 9300174 SPR Mexico Supports Republican Spain
### 9300175 GER Align Portugal
### 9300176 POR Germany Aims at Aligning Portugal
### 9300177 BRA The Second Rubber Boom
### 9300179 GER The Second Neuschwabenland Expedition
### 9300180 GER German Submarine Celebrates Finnish Independence
### 9300181 ENG Narvik Allied Expeditionary Corps
### 9300182 SOV Build The Stalin Line
### 9300183 SOV The Stalin Line is Ready
### 9300184 GER Adolf Hitler's 50th birthday
### 9300185 GER Kreisau Circle
### 9300186 GER White Rose
### 9300187 USA War in the Pacific
### 9300188 JAP War in the Pacific
### 9300189 USA First Presidential Inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt
### 9300190 USA The Supreme Court Rules the NIRA Unconstitutional
### 9300191 USA The Court-Packing Bill
### 9300192 USA The Supreme Court Upholds New Deal Legislation
### 9300193 USA National Housing Act
### 9300194 USA Glass-Steagall Act
### 9300195 USA Civilian Conservation Corps
### 9300196 USA Public Works Administration
### 9300197 USA 1934 Midterm Elections
### 9300198 USA 1938 Midterm Elections
### 9300199 USA The Einstein Letter
### 9300200 USA The Hoover Dam
### 9300201 USA The Golden Gate Bridge
### 9300202 USA Mount Rushmore
### 9300203 USA War of the Worlds Radio Broadcast
### 9300204 GER The Capture of the SS Automedon
### 9300205 POL Four-years Plan
### 9300206 POL The Central Industrial District - 1938
### 9300207 POL The Central Industrial District - 1939
### 9300208 ENG The Blitz
### 9300209 SOV Stalin's Order 270
### 9300210 SOV Stalin's Order 227
### 9300211 GER Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross
### 9300212 ITA Build the Via Balbia
### 9300213 FRA Franc Devaluation
### 9300214 FRA Matignon Agreements
### 9300215 ENG Liddell Hart's 'Study in Strategy'
### 9300216 JAP Hitachi Works Opens in Katsuta
### 9300217 JAP 2600th Anniversary Celebrations of the Japanese Empire
### 9300218 JAP The Kanmon Railway Tunnel
### 9300219 JAP The Imperial Way Faction
### 9300220 JAP February 26 Incident
### 9300221 JAP South Manchuria Railway
### 9300222 JAP Withdraw From League of Nations
### 9300223 SOV Second Five-Year Plan
### 9300224 SOV Third Five-Year Plan
### 9300225 GER Deutsches Afrika-Korps
### 9300226 GER Resistance Movements in Europe
### 9300227 ITA ITA AI Claims Athens
### 9300228 SOV Peace with Orthodox Church
### 9300229 SOV Soviet Union expelled from League of Nations
### 9300230 SOV Russian bombs dropped in Sweden
### 9300231 GER Bomb Sevastopol Forts
### 9300232 GER Bombing Sevastopol Forts - Outcome
### 9300233 GER The Fallschirmjäger
### 9300234 GER ITA Pact of Steel - Strategic Effect (Disabled)
### 9300235 GER ITA Pact of Steel - Strategic Effect Ends (Disabled)
### 9300236 ALL Ships Conversion
### 9300237 SOV Purges of the Red Army
### 9300238 GER Repudiate Locarno Treaties
### 9300239 GER Build IG Farben Leuna Chemical Plant
### 9300240 GER IG Farben Leuna Chemical Plant is Ready
### 9300241 GER Build Synthetic Fuel Plants
### 9300242 GER Synthetic Fuel Plants are Ready
### 9300243 GER Build Underground Synthetic Fuel Plants
### 9300244 GER Underground Synthetic Fuel Plants are Ready
### 9300245 JAP Train Suicide Aircraft Pilots
### 9300246 ENG Train Gurkha Regiments
### 9300247 ENG Upgrade Gurkhas
### 9300248 USA Train Rangers Battalion
### 9300249 USA Upgrade Rangers
### 9300250 SOV Train Ski Infantry
### 9300251 SOV Upgrade Ski Infantry
### 9300252 GER Train SS Infantry
### 9300253 GER Upgrade SS Infantry
### 9300254 GER Train SS Mot Infantry
### 9300255 GER Upgrade SS Mot Infantry
### 9300256 GER Train SS Mech Infantry
### 9300257 GER Upgrade SS Mech Infantry
### 9300258 GER Train SS Armor
### 9300259 GER Upgrade SS Armor
### 9300260 JAP Help JAP AI
### 9300261 SOV Kirov Assassination
### 9300262 SOV Gorky's Death
### 9300263 SOV Trotsky Assassination
### 9300264 SOV 1936 Soviet Constitution
### 9300265 USA America First Committee
### 9300266 GER The Volk Products
### 9300267 GER Barbarossa Logistical Challenge
### 9300268 CHI First Shanghai Incident
### 9300269 JAP First Shanghai Incident
### 9300271 GER Schacht Wins Re-Appointment as Reichsbank President
### 9300272 CAN Conscription Crisis
### 9300273 SOV Stalin's Initial Surprise at Barbarossa
### 9300274 SOV Great Patriotic War Speech (MOVED IN GAMEPLAY)
### 9300275 GER The Luftwaffe Hits Soviet Airfields
### 9300276 SOV The Luftwaffe Hits Soviet Airfields
### 9300277 GER The Luftwaffe Hits Soviet Airfields - The Operation is a Success
### 9300278 GER The Luftwaffe Hits Soviet Airfields - The Operation is a Failure
### 9300279 USA Speed Up Manhattan Project
### 9300280 GER Afrika-Korps Training
### 9300281 ENG Western Desert Campaign
### 9300282 GER Priorities for 1942
### 9300283 GER Priorities for 1943
### 9300285 ENG Mj Gen Hobart Dismissed
### 9300286 ENG Mj Gen Hobart Re-Enlisted
### 9300287 GER Berlin Motor Show
### 9300288 GER Hitler's Comments at a Dinner with the Chiefs of the Army and the Navy
### 9300289 GER The Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold Organization Demonstrates Against 'Hitler Dictatorship'
### 9300290 GER The Prague Manifesto
### 9300291 GER The Metal Worker Pamphlet
### 9300292 GER Otto Wels' Reichstag Speech Against the Enabling Actf
### 9300293 GER Resistance to Nazism in the Workers' Movement
### 9300294 GER Red Orchestra
### 9300295 SOV Red Orchestra
### 9300296 GER Hitler Secretly Meets with Industrialists
### 9300297 GER 'Kinder, Küche, Kirche'
### 9300298 GER 1940 Field Marshall Ceremony
### 9300299 GER Erwin von Witzleben Retires from the Army
### 9300300 GER Sturmgeschütz III Development
### 9300302 GER Establish Protectorate Government in Denmark
### 9300303 ENG British Expeditionary Force (AI)
### 9300304 GER Assault on Brest Fortress
### 9300305 GER Assault on Brest Fortress
### 9300306 GER Goering Marries 'First Lady of the Third Reich'
### 9300307 GER Berlin Celebrates 700th Birthday
### 9300308 GER New Olympiastadion Ready for Olympic Games
### 9300309 GER Winifred Wagner's Friendship with Adolf Hitler
### 9300310 GER 'Reichskulturkammer' Established
### 9300311 GER First TV Broadcast in the World
### 9300312 GER Reich Ministry of Aviation's Building is Complete
### 9300313 GER New Reich Chancellery Complete
### 9300314 GER Konrad Zuse Develops the First Computer
### 9300315 ENG Nazi Book Burnings
### 9300316 USA Nazi Book Burnings
### 9300317 FRA Nazi Book Burnings
### 9300318 ENG Arthur Henderson Awarded Peace Nobel Prize
### 9300319 ITA Create the 'Africa Orientale Italiana' Colony
### 9300320 ITA Mussolini Victory Speech
### 9300321 U49 Occupation of Ethiopia
### 9300322 ITA Assassination Attempt on Graziani
### 9300323 ITA Appoint Duke of Aosta as New Viceroy in 'Africa Orientale Italiana'
### 9300324 U49 Duke of Aosta New Viceroy in 'Africa Orientale Italiana'
### 9300325 ITA Subsidize 'Africa Orientale Italiana' Development
### 9300326 ITA Recruit 'Dubats' in Colonial Troops
### 9300327 U49 Recruit 'Dubats' in Colonial Troops
### 9300328 ITA The Blackshirts
### 9300329 ITA Emperor Selassie's Speech at the League of Nations
### 9300330 FRA Emperor Selassie's Speech at the League of Nations
### 9300331 ENG Emperor Selassie's Speech at the League of Nations
### 9300332 ENG Emperor Selassie's Exile
### 9300333 ALL Public Opinion Shocked by the Horrors of War
### 9300334 ITA Enrico Fermi Leaves to the US
### 9300335 USA Tokyo Rose
### 9300336 GER Hitler Oath
### 9300337 CHI GDE Penalty to Help JAP AI (AI)
### 9300338 GER Peace Economy
### 9300339 GER Rationing - Step One
### 9300340 GER Rationing - Step Two
### 9300341 GER Rationing - Step Three
### 9300342 GER Rationing - Step Four
### 9300343 GER Rationing - Step Five
### 9300344 GER Operation Bernhard
### 9300345 ENG Operation Bernhard
### 9300346 GER Hitler Declares War Against the USA
### 9300347 ENG Initiate Diplomatic Talks with Ireland
### 9300348 IRE Britain Demands Ports Access
### 9300349 IRE Britain Proposes Full-Alliance
### 9300350 ENG Return Ulster to Ireland
### 9300351 GER Prepare Seelöwe
### 9300400 GER End of Surprise Bonus Against Allied Convoys
### 9300451 GER Occupation Policy in Poland
### 9300452 GER Occupation Policy in Ukraine
### 9300453 GER Occupation Policy in Ostland
### 9300454 SOV 1942 Lend-Lease Shipment
### 9300455 SOV 1943 Lend-Lease Shipment
### 9300456 SOV 1944 Lend-Lease Shipment
### 9300457 GER Form 'Volksgrenadier' Divisions
### 9300458 GER Fall Silberfuchs (AI)
### 9300459 GER German Mobilization - 2nd Wave
### 9300460 GER German Mobilization - 3rd Wave
### 9300461 GER German Mobilization - 4th Wave
### 9300462 GER German Mobilization - 5th Wave
### 9300463 GER German Mobilization - 6th Wave
### 9300464 GER German Mobilization - 7th Wave
### 9300465 GER Crimea Shield
### 9300466 ENG Allied Crete Garrison (AI)
### 9300467 FRA ENG Secret Intervention in Spain (+ decision)
### 9300473 GER Send Weapons and Military Advisers to Spain (+ decision)
### 9300475 GER Send the 'Condor Legion' to Spain (+ decision)
### 9300477 FRA ENG Experience from the Spanish Civil War
### 9300478 GER Experience from the Spanish Civil War
### 9300479 GER Operation Ursula
### 9300480 GER Deutschland Incident
### 9300481 GER Rommel's Spy in Egypt (Operation Salaam)
### 9300482 GER The Fall of Leningrad
### 9300484 GER The Fall of Moscow
### 9300486 GER The Fall of Stalingrad
### 9300488 GER The Fall of Baku
### 9300490 GER The Fall of Kiev
### 9300492 GER The Fall of Sevastopol
### 9300494 GER The Fall of Brest-Litovsk
### 9300496 GER Quisling Coup
### 9300497 GER Establish Protectorate Government in Norway
### ENG Home Guard (+ decision)
### FRA Spanish Volunteers Join the Foreign Legion
### GER Hilfskreuzer (+ decision)
### GER Floating AA (+ decision, see http://www.german-navy.de/kriegsmarine/ships/aabattery/index.html)
### ENG USA Tallboy
### ENG Polish Government in Exile
### FRA ENG Polish Armed Forces in the West
### SOV Sikorski–Mayski agreement (+ decision)
### SOV Polish Armed Forces in the East
### ENG Operation Peking (+ decision)
### FIN Lotta Sward
### ROM CZE YUG The End of the Little Entente
### GER Fernsehsender Paul Nipkow
### Secret Weapons Mini-Mod
### 9300108 SOV Stalin's Organ
### 9300109 GER Stalin's Organ
### 9300110 SOV Anti-tank Dogs
### 9300141 GER The Fa 223 Drache
### 9300270 SOV Russian Airborne Experiment
### 9300284 ENG Hobart's Funnies
### 9300301 GER Fund Jet Fighter Research
### 9300352 GER Messerschmidt Me 262
### 9300353 GER Start 80 cm Railway Guns Project
### 9300354 GER 80 cm Railway Guns
### 9300355 GER Create the Decima Flottiglia MAS
### 9300356 GER Train Commando Frogmen
### 9300357 GER Koenigstiger
### 9300358 GER Panzerfaust
### 9300359 GER Volkswagen Kübelwagen
### 9300360 GER MG 42
### 9300362 GER Sturmgewehr 44
### 9300362 GER Panzer VIII Maus
### 9300363 GER Fliegerfaust
### 9300364 GER Heinkel He 162 'Salamander'
### 9300365 GER 'Fritz X' Guided Anti-Ship Glide Bomb
### 9300366 GER Lichtenstein Radar
### 9300367 GER Horten Ho 229
### 9300368 GER Flak 40
### 9300369 GER Bachem Ba 349
### 9300370 GER 'Amerika Bomber'
### 9300371 GER U-Boat Type XXI
### 9300380 USA P-51 Mustang
### 9300381 USA Sherman Tanks
### 9300382 USA Airborne Infantry
### 9300383 USA P-47 Thunderbolt 'Jabo'
### 9300384 USA Boeing B-17 'Flying Fortress'
### 9300385 USA F4U Corsair
### 9300386 USA Willys Jeep
### 9300387 ENG Spitfire
### 9300388 JAP Mitsubishi A6M 'Zero'
### 9300389 JAP Yamato Class
### 9300390 SOV T-34
### 9300391 GER Sd.Kfz. 251
### 9300392 ENG Illustrious Class
### 9300393 JAP Type 93 Torpedo 'Long Lance'
### 9300394 JAP Mitsubishi G4M 'Betty'
### 9300395 ITA Semovente
### 9300396 ITA Bicycles
### 9300397 JAP Bicycles
### 9300398 GER Flamethrower
### 9300399 USA Flamethrower
### 9300400 FIN Ski Infantry
### 9300401 GER Volkswagen Schwimmwagen
### 9300402 SOV Ilyushin Il-2 'Sturmovik'
### 9300403 ENG 'Churchill Crocodile' Flame-Throwing Tank
### 9300404 SOV OT-34-85 Flame-Throwing Tank
Includes 600 new events (Edge of Darkness v2.0):
# Expand Aalborg Airport (GER)
# Take over Danish Fleet (GER)
# Wehrmacht Enigma Cipher (GER)
# Konrad Zuse presents the Z3 (GER)
# 1936 German Grand Prix held at the Nürburgring (GER)
# Prussian Esprit du Corps (GER)
# SS Junkerschulen (GER)
# Lufthansa planes (GER)
# Erich von Manstein (GER)
# The He-183 Test Flight (GER)
# Heinz Guderian Becomes the Inspector-General (GER)
# Conversion of 22nd Infantry Division (GER)
# Upgrade 1. SS LSSAH (GER)
# 3. SS Totenkopf (GER)
# Upgrade 3. SS Totenkopf (GER)
# 2. SS Das Reich (SS-Division Verfügungstruppe) (GER)
# Upgrade 2. SS Das Reich (GER)
# 4. SS Polizei-Division (GER)
# Upgrade 4. SS Polizei-Division (GER)
# 5. SS-Division Wiking (GER)
# Upgrade 5. SS-Division Wiking (GER)
# 6. SS-Division Nord (GER)
# 7. SS-Division Prinz Eugen (GER)
# 8. SS-Division Florian Geyer (GER)
# 9. SS-Division 'Hohenstaufen' (GER)
# 10. SS-Division 'Frundsberg' (GER)
# 11. SS-Division 'Nordland' (GER)
# 12. SS-Panzer-Division 'Hitlerjugend' (GER)
# Großdeutschland (GER)
# Upgrade Großdeutschland (GER)
# Panzer Lehr (GER)
# 7. Fliegerdivision (GER)
# Scharnhorst & Gneisenau (GER)
# 13. SS-Division 'Handschar' (GER)
# 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (galizische Nr. 1) (GER)
# 15. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (lettische Nr. 1) (GER)
# 16. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division Reichsführer SS (GER)
# 17. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division 'Götz von Berlichingen' (GER)
# 18. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division „Horst Wessel“ (GER)
# 19. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (lettische Nr. 2) (GER)
# Gian Galeazzo Ciano appointed Foreign Minister (ITA)
# Reinforcements to East Africa (ITA)
# Reinforcements to East Africa (EIA)
# More loyal officers (ITA)
# The Under-Secretary of War (ITA)
# The old school admiral (ITA)
# Luftwaffe Reorganisation (GER)
# Retrocession of Alsace-Lorraine (GER)
# German victory march through Paris (GER)
# Hilfswillige (GER)
# Belgium Neutrality Promises (GER)
# JV 44 (GER)
# Assassination of Gustloff in Switzerland (GER)
# Assassination of Gustloff in Switzerland (SWI)
# German-Yugoslav Barter Agreement (change to trade agreement) (GER)
# Resignation of Romanian Foreign Minister Titulescu (ROU)
# Resignation of Romanian Foreign Minister Titulescu (GER)
# Amnesty for Austrian National Socialists (AUS)
# Amnesty for Austrian National Socialists (GER)
# Hungarian State Visit to Germany (HUN)
# Hungarian State Visit to Germany (GER)
# Death of Cordeanu (ROM)
# Death of Cordeanu (GER)
# Memel Elections (LIT)
# Memel Elections (GER)
# Resignation of Hungarian Premier (HUN)
# Resignation of Hungarian Premier (GER)
# National German Boycott of Jews (GER)
# Danzig Elections (GER)
# Danzig Elections (POL)
# Hungarian State Visit to Berlin (GER)
# Hungarian State Visit to Berlin (HUN)
# National Socialist Party Dissolved in Austria (AUS)
# National Socialist Party Dissolved in Austria (GER)
# Catholic Parties Dissolved in Germany (GER)
# Brenner Pass Conference (GER)
# Brenner Pass Conference (ITA)
# Turco-German Non-Aggression Pact (GER)
# Turco-German Non-Aggression Pact (TUR)
# The Arrest of Priest Martin Niemöller (GER)
# Stillwell Promoted (CHI)
# USA Volunteer Group sent to China (USA)
# USA Volunteer Group sent to China (CHI)
# Creation of the 14th Air Force (USA)
# Creation of the 14th Air Force (CHI)
# Chiang Kai-shek on the cover of TIME magazine (CHI)
# Fujian People's Government (CHI)
# The Draft Constitution of 1936 (CHI)
# New Life Movement (CHI)
# Nanjing Dajiaochang Airport (CHI)
# Anhui Polytechnic University (CHI)
# Central Party School of the Communist Party of China (CHC)
# Ching Yun University (CHI)
# Murder of John and Betty Stam (CHI)
# Murder of John and Betty Stam (USA)
# China National Radio (CHI)
# 1938 Changsha Fire (CHI)
# 1938 Changsha Fire (JAP)
# Visits to Middle eastern countries (CHI)
# 1933 Diexi earthquake (CHI)
# Downfall of the Laval Government in France (FRA)
# General Strikes in Syria (FRA)
# Reorganization of the Bank of France
# Dissolution of Cortes in Spain (SPR)
# Military Revolt in Paraguay (PAR)
# Austrian Conscription (AUS)
# Spanish Cortes Removal of President Zamora (SPR)
# Death of King Fuad of Egypt (EGY)
# National Guard Revolt in Nicaragua (NIC)
# Suppression of Fascists in France (FRA)
# Devaluation of the Swiss Franc (SWI)
# Devaluation of the French Franc (FRA)
# New Irish Constitution (IRE)
# Finnish National Elections (FIN)
# National Socialist Plot in Hungary Revealed (GER)
# Rowell Commission and the Canadian Constitution (CAN)
# Hungarian National Socialist Party Established (HUN)
# French Official Visit to Eastern Europe (FRA)
# King Carol Appointment of Right Wing Government in Romania (ROM)
# King Farouk of Egypt Dismissal of Wafd Government (EGY)
# Romanian Dismissal of Fascist Government (ROM)
# New French Government (FRA)
# Bulgarian Dissolution of the National Socialists (BUL)
# Irish National Elections (IRE)
# Finnish Government Dissolution of Fascist Organization (FIN)
# French General Strike (FRA)
# Hungarian Adherence to Anti-Commintern Pact (HUN)
# Death of King Ghazi of Iraq (IRQ) (add event for UK)
# New Australian Government (AUS)
# British Royal Visit to Canada (CAN) (add event for UK)
# Assassination of Romanian Premier (ROM)
# Arrest of Communists in Bulgaria (BUL)
# Yugoslav Royal Visit to Bulgaria (YUG)
# Yugoslav Royal Visit to Bulgaria (BUL)
# Opening of Moroccan-Tunisian Railway (FRA)
# Romanian Premier Assassinated (ROM)
# New Belgian Government (BEL)
# Establishment of Fascist Front in Argentina (ARG)
# Military Coup in Greece (GRE)
# Return of King George II of Greece (GRE)
# French Government Dissolution of Political Leagues (FRA)
# Daladier Resignation in France (FRA)
# New Romanian Government (ROM)
# Iron Guard Coup in Romania (ROM)
# Churchill Official Visit to Canada (ENG) add UK EVENT
# Vienna Confernece (ITA)
# Vienna Confernece (AUS)
# Vienna Confernece (HUN)
# Imperial status proclamation (ITA)
# Three Power Pact of Rome (ITA)
# Three Power Pact of Rome (AUS)
# Anglo-Italian Mediterranean Treaty (ITA)
# Anglo-Italian Mediterranean Treaty (ENG)
# Capture of Ethiopian Resistance Leader by the Italians (ITA)
# Austrian State Visit to Italy (AUS)
# Austrian State Visit to Italy (ITA)
# Withdraw from League of Nations (ITA)
# Abolishment of Chamber of Deputies in Italy (ITA)
# Anglo-Italian Pact Activated (ITA)
# Anglo-Italian Pact Activated (ENG)
# Franco-Italian Crisis (ITA)
# Franco-Italian Crisis (FRA)
# Italian Invalidation of Treaty of 1935 with France (ITA)
# Italian Invalidation of Treaty of 1935 with France (FRA)
# Ratification of Anglo-Italian Pact (ITA)
# Ratification of Anglo-Italian Pact (ENG)
# British Official Visit to Italy (ENG)
# British Official Visit to Italy (ITA)
# Italian Official Visit to Yugoslavia (ITA)
# Italian Official Visit to Yugoslavia (YUG)
# Racial Laws (ITA)
# Guglielmo Marconi dies (ITA)
# Costanzo Ciano dies (ITA)
# Bruno Mussolini dies (ITA)
# U.S. Ban on Arms Shipments to China and Japan (USA)
# U.S. Ban on Arms Shipments to China and Japan (JAP)
# Establishment of Japanese Cabinet Advisory Council (JAP)
# Roosevelt's Quarantine Speech (USA)
# Roosevelt's Quarantine Speech (JAP)
# National Mobilization Bill in Japan (JAP)
# League Declaration of Japanese Aggression (JAP)
# League Declaration of Japanese Aggression (CHI)
# U.S. Reaffirmation of the Nine-Power Treaty (USA)
# U.S. Reaffirmation of the Nine-Power Treaty (JAP)
# U.S. Protest of Japanese Open Door Violations (USA)
# U.S. Protest of Japanese Open Door Violations (JAP)
# Japanese Response to U.S. Open Door Note (JAP)
# Japanese Response to U.S. Open Door Note (USA)
# U.S. Rejection of Japanese "New Order" (USA)
# U.S. Rejection of Japanese "New Order" (JAP)
# Russo-Japanese Fishing Rights Dispute (SOV)
# Russo-Japanese Fishing Rights Dispute (JAP)
# Russo-Japanese Fishing Accord (SOV)
# Russo-Japanese Fishing Accord (JAP)
# Hakko ichiu (JAP)
# Hirota Cabinet (JAP)
# Hayashi Cabinet (JAP)
# Konoe Cabinet (JAP)
# Hiranuma Cabinet (JAP)
# Abe Nobuyuki Cabinet (JAP)
# Yonai Cabinet (JAP)
# 2nd. Konoe Cabinet (JAP)
# Tojo Cabinet (JAP)
# The death of Isoroku Yamamoto (JAP)
# Russo-Japanese Accord on Manchukuo (SOV)
# Russo-Japanese Accord on Manchukuo (JAP)
# Russo-Japanese Treaty of Neutrality (SOV)
# Russo-Japanese Treaty of Neutrality (JAP)
# U.S. Freezing of Japanese Credits (USA)
# U.S. Freezing of Japanese Credits (JAP)
# Manchuria heavy industry development corporation (JAP)
# Manchuria heavy industry development corporation (MAN)
# The Fengtai incident (JAP)
# The Fengtai incident (CHI)
# Hashimoto and the Greater Japan Young Men's Society (JAP)
# Japan Gives Germany Military Information Concerning the USSR (JAP)
# Japan Gives Germany Military Information Concerning the USSR (GER)
# Ho-Umezu Agreement (JAP)
# Ho-Umezu Agreement (CHI)
# War Minister Araki Speech (JAP)
# Araki, A Popular Figure (JAP)
# Giretsu Kuteitai (JAP)
# Britain´s ambessedor hit (JAP)
# Britain´s ambessedor hit (ENG)
# CANON is founded (JAP)
# Toshiba is founded (JAP)
# China sends two B-10 bombers to Nagasaki (CHI)
# China sends two B-10 bombers to Nagasaki (JAP)
# Teishin-Shudan (JAP)
# Partisan Events (JAP)
# I-400-class submarine (JAP)
# War tuba (JAP)
# Type A Ko-hyoteki-class submarine (JAP)
# AI Add_on for African War (JAP)
# Peter and The Wolf (SOV)
# Soviet Advisors Return Home (SOV)
# Soviet Equipment to China (SOV)
# Soviet Equipment to China (CHI)
# NKVD Order no. 00447 (SOV)
# Protest Swedish and Norwiegian Aid to Finland (SOV)
# Sweden Protests Against Sinking of Fenris (SWE)
# Sweden Protests Against Sinking of Fenris (SOV)
# General Semyon Timoshenko takes command of all Russian forces (SOV)
# Death of King Fuad of Egypt (ENG)
# New Irish Constitution (ENG)
# Death of King Ghazi of Iraq (ENG)
# Anglo-Irish Trade Pact (ENG)
# Anglo-Irish Trade Pact (IRE)
# Formation of the Arab High Committee in Palestine (ENG)
# Saudi-Iraqi Treaty of Non-Aggression (ENG)
# Representation of Natives Act in South Africa (ENG)
# Representation of Natives Act in South Africa (SAF)
# End of Arab General Strike in Palestine (ENG)
# End of Arab Boycott of Peel Commission (ENG)
# Provincial Assembly Elections in India (ENG)
# British Military Mission to Egypt (ENG)
# All-India Congress Meeting in Delhi (ENG)
# Portuguese Accept British Border Patrols (ENG)
# Imperial Conference in London (ENG)
# Belgium Withdrawal from the Locarno Pact (BEL)
# Belgium Withdrawal from the Locarno Pact (ENG)
# Belgium Withdrawal from the Locarno Pact (FRA)
# British Concessions to All-India Party (ENG)
# Pan-Arab Congress at Bludan (ENG)
# Assassination of British Commissioner for Galilee (ENG)
# British Arrest of Arab High Committee in Palestine (ENG)
# Palestinian Arab Leader Escape to Syria (ENG)
# New British High Commissioner in Palestine (ENG)
# Terrorist Attacks in Palestine (ENG)
# British State Visit to France (ENG)
# British State Visit to France (FRA)
# Woodhead Commission Report on Palestine (ENG)
# Palestine Conference in London (ENG)
# Anglo-Indian-Yemeni Treaty of Friendship (ENG)
# Anglo-Indian-Yemeni Treaty of Friendship (YEM)
# Anglo-Indian-Yemeni Treaty of Friendship (U02)
# Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement (ENG)
# Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement (SOV)
# Allied default on War Loans (BEL)
# Allied default on War Loans (ENG)
# Allied default on War Loans (FRA)
# Allied default on War Loans (ITA)
# Allied default on War Loans (USA)
# Anglo-Australian Air Mail Service (ENG)
# Anglo-Australian Air Mail Service (AST)
# New Anglo-Persian Oil Company Concession (ENG)
# New Anglo-Persian Oil Company Concession (PER)
# 'Buy British' campaign (ENG)
# London Convention (ENG)
# Indian Civil Disobedience Campaign (ENG)
# Opening of Mosul-Haifa Oil Pipeline (ENG)
# Anti-Catholic Riots in Belfast (ENG)
# British Parliament Passage of Government of India Act (ENG)
# Nationalist Uprising in Egypt (ENG)
# Resignation of Hoare (ENG)
# British Seizure of French Ships (ENG)
# British Seizure of French Ships (FRA)
# Edward Decides to Marry (ENG)
# The Abdication Crisis (ENG)
# Spanish Civil War ends - An important experience (ENG)
# BBC Launches TV Network (ENG)
# 1937 Nobel Peace Prize (ENG)
# Carl Friedrich Goerdeler Talks A Lot (ENG)
# Polish Volunteers (ENG)
# British Commandos (ENG)
# The Special Operations Executive (ENG)
# The Gloster E.28/39 (ENG)
# The Special Air Service (ENG)
# Colossus Computer (ENG)
# Vergeltungswaffe 1 attack on England (ENG)
# Bonnie and Clyde (USA)
# Black Sunday (USA)
# Minneapolis Strike (USA)
# Toledo Auto-Lite strike (USA)
# 1935 Labor Day Hurricane (USA)
# Mexican Expropriation Law (MEX)
# Mexican Expropriation Law (USA)
# U.S. Ban on Arms Shipments to Spain (USA)
# Bolivian Nationalization of U.S. Oil Companies (BOL)
# Bolivian Nationalization of U.S. Oil Companies (USA)
# Mexican Government Control of Oil Resources (MEX)
# Mexican Government Control of Oil Resources (USA)
# Oshawa Strike (USA)
# Mexican Nationalization of Petroleum (MEX)
# Mexican Nationalization of Petroleum (USA)
# Mexican Nationalization of Petroleum (ENG)
# Mexican Tariff Increase (MEX)
# Mexican Tariff Increase (USA)
# Mexican Court Decision on Oil Companies (MEX)
# Mexican Court Decision on Oil Companies (USA)
# Mexican Expropriation of Foreign Oil Companies (MEX)
# Mexican Expropriation of Foreign Oil Companies (USA)
# Mexican Expropriation of Foreign Oil Companies (ENG)
# U.S. Cancellation of Mexican Silver Purchases (USA)
# U.S. Cancellation of Mexican Silver Purchases (MEX)
# U.S.-Mexican Property Agreement (MEX)
# U.S.-Mexican Property Agreement (USA)
# Declaration of Lima (USA)
# Declaration of Lima (ARG)
# British Royal Visit to the U.S. (ENG)
# British Royal Visit to the U.S. (USA)
# U.S. Ratification of Panama Treaty of 1936 (USA)
# U.S. Neutrality Declaration (USA)
# Atomic Bomb Proposal (USA)
# Atomic Bomb Proposal (ENG)
# U.S. Protest of British Mail Censorship (USA)
# U.S. Protest of British Mail Censorship (ENG)
# Roosevelt's Repudiation of the International Economic Conference (USA)
# Political Instability in Cuba (CUB)
# Political Instability in Cuba (USA)
# Philippine Legislature Rejection of the Howes-Cutting Plan (USA)
# Philippine Legislature Rejection of the Howes-Cutting Plan (PHI)
# Panama Canal Declaration (USA)
# Panama Canal Declaration (PAN)
# U.S. Rejection of Membership in World Court (USA)
# U.S. Approval of Philippine Constitution Draft (USA)
# U.S.-Liberian Financial Agreement (USA)
# U.S.-Liberian Financial Agreement (LIB)
# Welles Mission to Europe (USA)
# USA reaction on Paris falling into German hands (USA)
# Non-Transfer Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (USA)
# U.S. Cabinet Appointments (USA)
# U.S. National Defense Tax Act (USA)
# U.S. Alien Registration Act (USA)
# Canadian-American Joint Board of Defense (USA)
# Canadian-American Joint Board of Defense (CAN)
# Extension of Pittman Act (USA)
# American Military Registration (USA)
# Stimson-Layton Agreement (USA)
# Stimson-Layton Agreement (ENG)
# Four Freedoms Speech (USA)
# Secret U.S.-British Staff Conference (USA)
# Secret U.S.-British Staff Conference (ENG)
# U.S. Fleet Assets in the Caribbean (USA)
# Panamanian Air Defenses (USA)
# Panamanian Air Defenses (PAN)
# U.S. Extension of the 'Sea Frontier' (USA)
# U.S. Warning to the Japanese (USA)
# U.S. Selective Service Extension (USA)
# British Pledge in the U.S.-Japanese War (USA)
# British Pledge in the U.S.-Japanese War (ENG)
# U.S. Atlantic Convoy Duty (USA)
# U.S. Atlantic Convoy Duty (ENG)
# U.S. Revenue Law (USA)
# Modification of U.S. Neutrality Laws (USA)
# Anglo-American Atomic Bomb Project (USA)
# Anglo-American Atomic Bomb Project (ENG)
# Arming of American Merchant Ships (USA)
# U.S.-Mexican Expropriation Settlement (MEX)
# U.S.-Mexican Expropriation Settlement (USA)
# Securities Exchange Acts of 1933 (USA)
# Securities Exchange Acts of 1934 (USA)
# The National Labor Relations Act (USA)
# The Social Security Act (USA)
# The Great St. Patrick’s Day Flood (USA)
# 1936 North American heat wave (USA)
# Triborough Bridge (USA)
# 1936 Summer Olympics (USA)
# San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge (USA)
# The Flint Sit-Down Strike (USA)
# The New London School Explosion (USA)
# Japanese Fire Balloons (USA)
# Port Chicago Disaster (USA)
# Fortify Leningrad (SOV)
# Fortify Stalingrad (SOV)
# Lessons of the Winter War (SOV)
# The Soviet Government changes in the Crimea (SOV)
# Second Defence Line (SOV)
# Third Defence Line (SOV)
# Sevastopol Mobilizes for defense (SOV)
# Krasnodar mobilizes for defense (SOV)
# Rostov mobilizes for defense (SOV)
# Moscow mobilizes for defense (SOV)
# Murmansk mobilizes for defense (SOV)
# Voronezh mobilizes for defense (SOV)
# 1st Airborne Guards Division (SOV)
# 10th 'Stalingrad' NKVD Division (SOV)
# Partisan Events Balkan (GER)
# Partisan Events Balticum (GER)
# Partisan Events Belarussia (GER)
# Partisan Events Ukrain (GER)
# Partisan Events Moscow Region (GER)
# Occupation Policy at Balkans (GER)
Another 164 new events (Edge of Darkness 2.1)
# Fall of Warsaw (GER)
# Fall of Belgrade (GER)
# German Occupation of Athens (GER)
# Dissolution of Nationalist Party in Syria (FRA)
# First Popular Front Government in France (FRA)
# Fall of Dunkirk (GER)
# Death of Pope Pius IX (GER)
# Death of Pope Pius IX (SOV)
# First Czechoslovak-German Crisis (GER)
# First Czechoslovak-German Crisis (CZE)
# National Defense Research Committee (USA)
# German Occupation of Bulgaria (GER)
# German Occupation of Bulgaria (BUL)
# Communist Party Outlawed in Argentina (ARG)
# Venezuelan Communist Crackdown (VEN)
# Finnish National Elections (FIN)
# Formation of the Oriental Entente (TUR)
# Formation of the Oriental Entente (IRQ)
# Formation of the Oriental Entente (SAU)
# Formation of the Oriental Entente (AFG)
# Vatican Recognition of Spanish Nationalist Government (SPA)
# Polish-Lithuanian Crisis (POL)
# Polish-Lithuanian Crisis (LIT)
# Ecuadorian-Peruvian Border Dispute (ECU)
# Ecuadorian-Peruvian Border Dispute (PRU)
# Canadian Withdrawal from the Gold Standard (CAN)
# Opening of Mosul-Haifa Oil Pipeline (IRQ)
# Opening of Mosul-Haifa Oil Pipeline (FRA)
# Death of Pilsudski of Poland (POL)
# Philippine Elections (PHI)
# Chiang Elected President (CHI)
# Allied Mining of Norwegian Waters (ENG)
# Wehrmacht Motorized Formations (GER)
# Brandenburgers (GER)
# Bersaglieri (ITA)
# Special Naval Landing Forces (JAP)
# Devil's Brigade (USA)
# Destruction of Mount Rushmore (GER)
# Occupation Policy in Belgium and Netherlands (GER)
# Fall of Washington (GER)
# Fall of Washington (USA)
# Fall of New York (GER)
# Fall of New York (USA)
# Fall of London (GER)
# Fall of London (ENG)
# Führerbunker (GER)
# Fortify the southern front even further (ITA)
# Alpenfestung (GER)
# Soviet Union test GIRD-R1 rocket (SOV)
# Socialist realism (SOV MON TAN DDR U11 U12 U14)
# Soviet invasion of Xinjiang (SIK)
# Soviet invasion of Xinjiang (SOV)
# Sino-Soviet Non-aggression Pact (SOV)
# Sino-Soviet Non-aggression Pact (CHI)
# Russo-Czechoslovak Mutual Assistance Pact (SOV)
# Russo-Czechoslovak Mutual Assistance Pact (CZE)
# Soviet expedition to Greece (SOV)
# Soviet expedition to Greece (GRE)
# Ilyushin Il-2 (SOV)
# Soviet Volunteer Group (CHI)
# Sale of Russian interest in Chinese Eastern Railway (SOV)
# Sale of Russian interest in Chinese Eastern Railway (JAP)
# Edge of Darkness (all)
# Hitler's Death (GER)
# Stalin's death (SOV)
# Stalin's evacuation (SOV)
# Stalin's death (SOV)
# Mussolini's death (ITA)
# Hirohito's death (JAP)
# Churchill's death (ENG)
# Roosevelt's death (USA)
# Negotiations with Japan (GER)
# Negotiations with Japan (JAP)
# Fate of France I (GER)
# Fate of France I (FRA)
# Fate of France II (GER)
# Expansion of Manchuko (JAP)
# Hessen (GER)
# Austrian Dissolution of the Heimwehr (GER)
# Austrian Dissolution of the Heimwehr (AUS)
# German Recognition of the Nationalist Spanish Government (GER)
# German Recognition of the Nationalist Spanish Government (SPA)
# Kriegsmarine (GER)
# 21. Unterseebootsschulflotille (GER)
# 30. Unterseebootsflotilla (GER)
# Pervitin (GER)
# Operation Gertruda (GER)
# Victory celebrations in Japan (JAP)
# Fall of Chonqqing (JAP)
# Fall of Hong Kong (JAP)
# Fall of Singapore (JAP)
# Fall of Singapore (GER)
# Fall of Vladivostok (JAP)
# Fall of Vladivostok (GER)
# Fall of Calcutta (JAP)
# Fall of Calcutta (GER)
# Fall of Delhi (JAP)
# Fall of Delhi (GER)
# Fall of Sydney (JAP)
# Fall of Sydney (GER)
# Fall of Christchurch (JAP)
# Fall of Christchurch (GER)
# Fall of Pearl Harbor (JAP)
# Fall of Dutch Harbor (JAP)
# Fall of Anchorage (JAP)
# Fall of Seattle (JAP)
# Fall of Los Angeles (JAP)
# Fall of San Francisco (JAP)
# Logistical Challenge in China (JAP)
# Aggreviation of Logistical Challenge in China (JAP)
# Macchi C.205 (ITA)
# Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero (ITA)
# The Italian tank development (ITA)
# Britain's tank development (ENG)
# Japanese tank development (JAP)
# Minor tank development (nearly all)
# Barbarossa difficulty setting (GER)
# Enemy at the gate - easy/normal (SOV)
# Sue for peace with the Germans - hard version (SOV)
# Turkestan Legion (GER)
# 369th (Croat.) Infantry Division (GER)
# 373rd (Croat.) Infantry Division (GER)
# 392nd (Croat.) Infantry Division (GER)
# Armenische Legion (GER)
# Azerbaijani Legion (GER)
# Free Corps Denmark (GER)
# Kalmykian Voluntary Cavalry Corps (GER)
# Georgian Legion (GER)
# 1st Cossack Cavalry Division (GER)
# Ukrainian Liberation Army (GER)
# Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism (GER)
# Russian Corps (GER)
# Indische Legion (GER)
# Swedish Volunteers (FIN)
# The second offensive against Yugoslav partisans (GER, CRO)
# The third offensive against Yugoslav partisans (GER, CRO)
# The fourth offensive against Yugoslav partisans (GER, CRO)
# The fifth offensive against Yugoslav partisans (GER, CRO)
# The sixth offensive against Yugoslav partisans (GER, CRO)
# The seventh offensive against Yugoslav partisans (GER, CRO)
# Rise of Hjmar Schacht
# Fall of Hjmar Schacht
# Aggrevation of Logistical problems
# Invest in Defence -West
# Heavy Water is now ready for transport
# Haigerloch is finished
Introduces the "Generalplan Ost" post-war events:
### 1000510 Fate of France (GER)
### 1000511 Fate of Benelux (GER)
### 1000512 The Breton Question (GER)
### 1000513 Creation of SS-Ordensstaat Burgund (GER)
### 1000514 The French State (GER)
### 1000600 The Treaty of Moscow (GER)
### 1000601 Victory parade in Berlin (GER)
### 1000602 Generalplan Ost - First Phase (GER)
### 1000603 Generalplan Ost - Pacification of the East (GER)
### 1000604 Existential conflict (U40 U41 U42 U43)
### 1000605 Uprising in the East (GER)
### 1000606 Calm after the Storm (GER)
### 1000607 Empire of Ruins (U40 U41 U42 U43)
### 1000608 Partisan uprising (U40}
### 1000609 Partisan uprising (U41)
### 1000610 Partisan uprising (U42)
### 1000611 Partisan uprising (U43)
### 1000612 Generalplan Ost - Eastern Colonization (GER)
### 1000613 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau (GER)
### 1000614 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew (GER)
### 1000615 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland (GER)
### 1000616 Generalplan Ost - Baku (GER)
### 1000617 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau Colonization (U41)
### 1000618 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew Colonization (U40)
### 1000619 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland Colonization (U40 U43)
### 1000620 Generalplan Ost - Baku Colonization (U42)
### 1000621 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau: Phase One (GER)
### 1000622 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau: Phase Two (GER)
### 1000623 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau: Phase Three (GER)
### 1000624 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau: Phase Four (GER)
### 1000625 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau: Final Integration (U41)
### 1000626 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew: Phase One (GER)
### 1000627 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew: Phase Two (GER)
### 1000628 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew: Phase Three (GER)
### 1000629 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew: Phase Four (GER)
### 1000630 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew: Final Integration (U40)
### 1000631 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland: Phase One (GER)
### 1000632 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland: Phase Two (GER)
### 1000633 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland: Phase Three (GER)
### 1000634 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland: Phase Four (GER)
### 1000635 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland: Final Integration (U40)
### 1000636 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland: Final Integration (U43)
### 1000637 Generalplan Ost - Baku: Phase One (GER)
### 1000638 Generalplan Ost - Baku: Phase Two (GER)
### 1000639 Generalplan Ost - Baku: Phase Three (GER)
### 1000640 Generalplan Ost - Baku: Final Integration (U42)
### 1000641 The Polish Question (GER)
### 1000642 Fate of Poland (U44)
### 1000643 Germanization of Poland: Phase One (GER)
### 1000644 Germanization of Poland: Phase Two (GER)
### 1000645 Germanization of Poland: Phase Three (GER)
### 1000646 Germanization of Poland: Phase Four (GER)
### 1000647 Germanization of Poland: Final Integration (U44)
### 1000648 Generalplan Ost - Incorporation of Gotengau (GER)
### 1000649 Generalplan Ost - Incorporation of Memel-Narew (GER)
### 1000650 Generalplan Ost - Incorporation of Ingermannland (GER)
### 1000651 Generalplan Ost - Incorporation of Baku (GER)
### 1000652 Generalplan Ost - Incorporation of Poland (GER)
### 1000653 Generalplan Ost - All quiet on the Ostfront (U40 U41 U42 U43)
### 1000654 Generalplan Ost - All quiet on the Ostfront (GER)
### 1000655 Generalplan Ost has been disrupted (GER)
### 1000656 Volga SSR defects to Germany! (SOV)
### 1000657 The Volga Germans (GER)
### 1000658 Successful crusade against Bolshevism (GER ITA HUN ROM BUL FIN SLO CRO)
### 1000659 Heroes of the Ostfront (GER)
### 1000660 Spoils from the East (GER)
### 1000661 Glory of the Reich (GER)
### 1000663 Destruction of Kiev (GER)
### 1000664 Capital moves to Rowne (U41)
### 1000665 Destruction of Leningrad (GER)
### 1000666 Commission of Adolfsburg (U43)
### 1000667 Destruction of Moscow (GER)
### 1000668 Capital moves to Adolfsburg (U43)
### 1000669 Destruction of Stalingrad (GER)
### 1000670 Commission of Wolgaburg (U43)
### 1000671 Refugees from the west (SOV)
### 1000672 The USSR has surrendered (ENG USA)
### 1000673 The Icebreaker (GER)
### 1000674 Decommission the Stalin Line (GER)
### 1000675 Motorization of the East (GER)
### 1000676 Motorization of the East - Poland (GER)
### 1000677 Motorization of the East - Russia (GER)
### 1000678 Motorization of the East - Ukraine (GER)
### 1000679 Motorization of the East - Caucasus (GER)
### 1000680 South Tyrol Option Agreement (GER)
### 1000681 Manifest Destiny (GER)
### 1000682 Blut und Boden (GER)
### 1000683 Wehrbauer (GER)
### 1000684 The Ural Mountains (GER)
### 1000685 Operation Charlemagne (GER)
### 1000686 Struggle for existence (SOV)
### 1000687 Partition of the USSR (GER)
### 1000688 Partition of the USSR (JAP)
### 1000689 Destruction of Bolshevism (GER)
### 1000690 Expansion of RK Moskowien (GER)
### 1000691 Creation of Reichskommissariat Turkestan (GER)
### 1000692 Creation of Siberian Protectorate (GER)
### 1000693 Generalplan Ost - Eastern Integration: Phase One (GER)
### 1000694 Generalplan Ost - Eastern Integration: Phase Two (GER)
### 1000695 Generalplan Ost - Eastern Integration: Phase Three (GER)
### 1000696 Generalplan Ost - Eastern Integration: Phase Four (GER)
### 1000697 Generalplan Ost - Eastern Integration: Final Phase (GER)
### 1000698 Fate of Mongolia (GER)
### 1000699 Fate of East Turkestan (GER)
### 1000700 Transformation of the East (GER)
### 1000701 Division of Power (GER JAP)
### 1000702 Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line (GER)
### 1000703 Partition of Turkey (GER)
### 1000704 Partition of Turkey - Thrace (GER)
### 1000705 Partition of Turkey - Cyprus (GER)
### 1000706 Partition of Turkey - Reichskommissariat Kaukasus (GER)
### 1000707 Partition of Turkey - Armenia (GER)
### 1000708 Partition of Turkey - Kurdistan (GER)
### 1000709 Partition of Turkey - Final Step (GER)
### 1000710 The Swedish Question (GER)
### 1000711 Germany demands our submission (SWE)
### 1000712 Sweden has accepted our proposal (GER)
### 1000713 Sweden has rejected our propsal (GER)
### 1000714 Fate of Scandinavia (GER)
### 1000715 The Celtic Congress (GER)
### 1000716 German language schooling (GER)
### 1000717 French Fascism takes root (GER)
### 1000718 Mitteleuropa (GER)
### 1000719 Leon Degrelle's ambitions (GER)
### 1000720 Germany responds to our request (U52)
### 1000721 Neushwabenland Base 211 (GER)
### 1000722 The Swiss Question (GER)
### 1000723 Activate the National Redoubt (SCH)
### 1000724 The Swiss have collapsed bridges and tunnels! (GER)
### 1000725 Partition of Switzerland (GER)
### 1000726 The Greater Germanic Reich (GER)
### 1000727 The Final Battle (GER)
### 1000900 The British Isles are overrun (ENG)
### 1000901 British High Command surrenders (GER)
### 1000902 Germany occupies the British Isles (ENG)
### 1000903 Occupation of the British Isles (GER)
### 1000904 Collapse of the British Empire (ENG)
### 1000905 Collapse of the British Empire (GER)
### 1000906 Fate of the British Isles (GER)
### 1000907 Fate of the British Isles - Partition of Great Britain (GER)
### 1000908 Fate of the British Isles - Create the British Union (GER)
### 1000909 Fate of the British Isles - Appoint the British Union of Fascists (GER)
### 1000910 British Union of Fascists comes to power (U54)
### 1000911 The Irish Question (GER)
### 1000912 Irish nationalists seize power (IRE)
### 1000913 Welsh Nationalist cabinet (U76)
### 1000914 The Germans are preparing Operation Sealion! (ENG) (Marines 1940)
### 1000915 The Germans are preparing Operation Sealion! (ENG) (Troopship 1941)
### 1000916 The Germans are preparing Operation Sealion! (ENG) (Amphibious Assault 1942)
### 1000917 The Germans are preparing a paratrooper assault! (ENG) (Airborne Infantry 1941)
### 1000918 The Germans are invading the British Isles! (ENG)
### 1000919 Germany is invading the United Kingdom! (USA)
### 1000920 Concentrate the Royal Navy on home defense (ENG)
### 1000921 Petition the United Kingdom for peace (GER)
### 1000922 The United Kingdom refuses our offer (GER)
### 1000923 Defense of the British Isles (GER)
### 1000924 Fortress Britain - Phase 1 (ENG)
### 1000925 Fortress Britain - Phase 2 (ENG)
### 1000926 Fortress Britain - Final Phase (ENG)
### 1000927 Offer the British one last chance to surrender (GER)
### 1000928 The British did not bother to respond (GER)
### 1000929 Dismantle the British defenses (GER)
### 1000930 The Royal Family flees to Canada (ENG)
### 1000931 Destruction of the Bank of England (GER)
### 1000932 The Black Book (GER)
### 1000933 Trial of Winston Churchill (GER)
### 1000934 Scottish nationalists (GER)
### 1000935 Requisition of Harland and Wolff (GER)
### 1000936 Oswald Mosley's reforms (GER)
### 1000937 Return the Channel provinces (GER)
### 1000938 The British are using poison gas attacks! (GER)
### 1000939 The United Kingdom has fallen (USA)
### 1000940 Last stand of the Anglo-Saxon (ENG)
### 1000941 The Germans have landed in Canada! (USA)
### 1000942 Grey Dawn (USA)
### 1000943 The invasion of America (GER)
### 1000944 The USA offers an unconditional surrender (GER)
### 1000945 German terms of surrender (USA)
### 1000946 Creation of the American Union State (GER)
### 1000947 Fate of Canada (GER)
### 1000948 Control over Alaska (GER)
### 1000949 The remaining Allies sue for peace (GER)
### 1000950 Endsieg (GER)
### 1000951 Operation Sealion difficulty (GER)### 1000510 Fate of France (GER)
### 1000511 Fate of Benelux (GER)
### 1000512 The Breton Question (GER)
### 1000513 Creation of SS-Ordensstaat Burgund (GER)
### 1000514 The French State (GER)
### 1000600 The Treaty of Moscow (GER)
### 1000601 Victory parade in Berlin (GER)
### 1000602 Generalplan Ost - First Phase (GER)
### 1000603 Generalplan Ost - Pacification of the East (GER)
### 1000604 Existential conflict (U40 U41 U42 U43)
### 1000605 Uprising in the East (GER)
### 1000606 Calm after the Storm (GER)
### 1000607 Empire of Ruins (U40 U41 U42 U43)
### 1000608 Partisan uprising (U40}
### 1000609 Partisan uprising (U41)
### 1000610 Partisan uprising (U42)
### 1000611 Partisan uprising (U43)
### 1000612 Generalplan Ost - Eastern Colonization (GER)
### 1000613 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau (GER)
### 1000614 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew (GER)
### 1000615 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland (GER)
### 1000616 Generalplan Ost - Baku (GER)
### 1000617 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau Colonization (U41)
### 1000618 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew Colonization (U40)
### 1000619 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland Colonization (U40 U43)
### 1000620 Generalplan Ost - Baku Colonization (U42)
### 1000621 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau: Phase One (GER)
### 1000622 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau: Phase Two (GER)
### 1000623 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau: Phase Three (GER)
### 1000624 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau: Phase Four (GER)
### 1000625 Generalplan Ost - Gotengau: Final Integration (U41)
### 1000626 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew: Phase One (GER)
### 1000627 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew: Phase Two (GER)
### 1000628 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew: Phase Three (GER)
### 1000629 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew: Phase Four (GER)
### 1000630 Generalplan Ost - Memel-Narew: Final Integration (U40)
### 1000631 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland: Phase One (GER)
### 1000632 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland: Phase Two (GER)
### 1000633 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland: Phase Three (GER)
### 1000634 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland: Phase Four (GER)
### 1000635 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland: Final Integration (U40)
### 1000636 Generalplan Ost - Ingermannland: Final Integration (U43)
### 1000637 Generalplan Ost - Baku: Phase One (GER)
### 1000638 Generalplan Ost - Baku: Phase Two (GER)
### 1000639 Generalplan Ost - Baku: Phase Three (GER)
### 1000640 Generalplan Ost - Baku: Final Integration (U42)
### 1000641 The Polish Question (GER)
### 1000642 Fate of Poland (U44)
### 1000643 Germanization of Poland: Phase One (GER)
### 1000644 Germanization of Poland: Phase Two (GER)
### 1000645 Germanization of Poland: Phase Three (GER)
### 1000646 Germanization of Poland: Phase Four (GER)
### 1000647 Germanization of Poland: Final Integration (U44)
### 1000648 Generalplan Ost - Incorporation of Gotengau (GER)
### 1000649 Generalplan Ost - Incorporation of Memel-Narew (GER)
### 1000650 Generalplan Ost - Incorporation of Ingermannland (GER)
### 1000651 Generalplan Ost - Incorporation of Baku (GER)
### 1000652 Generalplan Ost - Incorporation of Poland (GER)
### 1000653 Generalplan Ost - All quiet on the Ostfront (U40 U41 U42 U43)
### 1000654 Generalplan Ost - All quiet on the Ostfront (GER)
### 1000655 Generalplan Ost has been disrupted (GER)
### 1000656 Volga SSR defects to Germany! (SOV)
### 1000657 The Volga Germans (GER)
### 1000658 Successful crusade against Bolshevism (GER ITA HUN ROM BUL FIN SLO CRO)
### 1000659 Heroes of the Ostfront (GER)
### 1000660 Spoils from the East (GER)
### 1000661 Glory of the Reich (GER)
### 1000663 Destruction of Kiev (GER)
### 1000664 Capital moves to Rowne (U41)
### 1000665 Destruction of Leningrad (GER)
### 1000666 Commission of Adolfsburg (U43)
### 1000667 Destruction of Moscow (GER)
### 1000668 Capital moves to Adolfsburg (U43)
### 1000669 Destruction of Stalingrad (GER)
### 1000670 Commission of Wolgaburg (U43)
### 1000671 Refugees from the west (SOV)
### 1000672 The USSR has surrendered (ENG USA)
### 1000673 The Icebreaker (GER)
### 1000674 Decommission the Stalin Line (GER)
### 1000675 Motorization of the East (GER)
### 1000676 Motorization of the East - Poland (GER)
### 1000677 Motorization of the East - Russia (GER)
### 1000678 Motorization of the East - Ukraine (GER)
### 1000679 Motorization of the East - Caucasus (GER)
### 1000680 South Tyrol Option Agreement (GER)
### 1000681 Manifest Destiny (GER)
### 1000682 Blut und Boden (GER)
### 1000683 Wehrbauer (GER)
### 1000684 The Ural Mountains (GER)
### 1000685 Operation Charlemagne (GER)
### 1000686 Struggle for existence (SOV)
### 1000687 Partition of the USSR (GER)
### 1000688 Partition of the USSR (JAP)
### 1000689 Destruction of Bolshevism (GER)
### 1000690 Expansion of RK Moskowien (GER)
### 1000691 Creation of Reichskommissariat Turkestan (GER)
### 1000692 Creation of Siberian Protectorate (GER)
### 1000693 Generalplan Ost - Eastern Integration: Phase One (GER)
### 1000694 Generalplan Ost - Eastern Integration: Phase Two (GER)
### 1000695 Generalplan Ost - Eastern Integration: Phase Three (GER)
### 1000696 Generalplan Ost - Eastern Integration: Phase Four (GER)
### 1000697 Generalplan Ost - Eastern Integration: Final Phase (GER)
### 1000698 Fate of Mongolia (GER)
### 1000699 Fate of East Turkestan (GER)
### 1000700 Transformation of the East (GER)
### 1000701 Division of Power (GER JAP)
### 1000702 Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line (GER)
### 1000703 Partition of Turkey (GER)
### 1000704 Partition of Turkey - Thrace (GER)
### 1000705 Partition of Turkey - Cyprus (GER)
### 1000706 Partition of Turkey - Reichskommissariat Kaukasus (GER)
### 1000707 Partition of Turkey - Armenia (GER)
### 1000708 Partition of Turkey - Kurdistan (GER)
### 1000709 Partition of Turkey - Final Step (GER)
### 1000710 The Swedish Question (GER)
### 1000711 Germany demands our submission (SWE)
### 1000712 Sweden has accepted our proposal (GER)
### 1000713 Sweden has rejected our propsal (GER)
### 1000714 Fate of Scandinavia (GER)
### 1000715 The Celtic Congress (GER)
### 1000716 German language schooling (GER)
### 1000717 French Fascism takes root (GER)
### 1000718 Mitteleuropa (GER)
### 1000719 Leon Degrelle's ambitions (GER)
### 1000720 Germany responds to our request (U52)
### 1000721 Neushwabenland Base 211 (GER)
### 1000722 The Swiss Question (GER)
### 1000723 Activate the National Redoubt (SCH)
### 1000724 The Swiss have collapsed bridges and tunnels! (GER)
### 1000725 Partition of Switzerland (GER)
### 1000726 The Greater Germanic Reich (GER)
### 1000727 The Final Battle (GER)
### 1000900 The British Isles are overrun (ENG)
### 1000901 British High Command surrenders (GER)
### 1000902 Germany occupies the British Isles (ENG)
### 1000903 Occupation of the British Isles (GER)
### 1000904 Collapse of the British Empire (ENG)
### 1000905 Collapse of the British Empire (GER)
### 1000906 Fate of the British Isles (GER)
### 1000907 Fate of the British Isles - Partition of Great Britain (GER)
### 1000908 Fate of the British Isles - Create the British Union (GER)
### 1000909 Fate of the British Isles - Appoint the British Union of Fascists (GER)
### 1000910 British Union of Fascists comes to power (U54)
### 1000911 The Irish Question (GER)
### 1000912 Irish nationalists seize power (IRE)
### 1000913 Welsh Nationalist cabinet (U76)
### 1000914 The Germans are preparing Operation Sealion! (ENG) (Marines 1940)
### 1000915 The Germans are preparing Operation Sealion! (ENG) (Troopship 1941)
### 1000916 The Germans are preparing Operation Sealion! (ENG) (Amphibious Assault 1942)
### 1000917 The Germans are preparing a paratrooper assault! (ENG) (Airborne Infantry 1941)
### 1000918 The Germans are invading the British Isles! (ENG)
### 1000919 Germany is invading the United Kingdom! (USA)
### 1000920 Concentrate the Royal Navy on home defense (ENG)
### 1000921 Petition the United Kingdom for peace (GER)
### 1000922 The United Kingdom refuses our offer (GER)
### 1000923 Defense of the British Isles (GER)
### 1000924 Fortress Britain - Phase 1 (ENG)
### 1000925 Fortress Britain - Phase 2 (ENG)
### 1000926 Fortress Britain - Final Phase (ENG)
### 1000927 Offer the British one last chance to surrender (GER)
### 1000928 The British did not bother to respond (GER)
### 1000929 Dismantle the British defenses (GER)
### 1000930 The Royal Family flees to Canada (ENG)
### 1000931 Destruction of the Bank of England (GER)
### 1000932 The Black Book (GER)
### 1000933 Trial of Winston Churchill (GER)
### 1000934 Scottish nationalists (GER)
### 1000935 Requisition of Harland and Wolff (GER)
### 1000936 Oswald Mosley's reforms (GER)
### 1000937 Return the Channel provinces (GER)
### 1000938 The British are using poison gas attacks! (GER)
### 1000939 The United Kingdom has fallen (USA)
### 1000940 Last stand of the Anglo-Saxon (ENG)
### 1000941 The Germans have landed in Canada! (USA)
### 1000942 Grey Dawn (USA)
### 1000943 The invasion of America (GER)
### 1000944 The USA offers an unconditional surrender (GER)
### 1000945 German terms of surrender (USA)
### 1000946 Creation of the American Union State (GER)
### 1000947 Fate of Canada (GER)
### 1000948 Control over Alaska (GER)
### 1000949 The remaining Allies sue for peace (GER)
### 1000950 Endsieg (GER)
### 1000951 Operation Sealion difficulty (GER)
Introduces 10 new units:
SS Infantry
SS Motorized
SS Mechanized
SS Armor
Waffen SS
Ski Infantry
Political leader unit
So who made this all possible -I´m glad you asked
The core team:
Fernando Torres
The Kaiserreich Team
Thank you for your wholehearted help and support!
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