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Sorry Guys I have to give it the thumbs down. I down loaded the patch and played a game. I unistalled the game inside half an hour. Not for the country events they where very good, but the negative random events are too goddammned fierce. I got shafted by the random event system. I don't find that fun. Sorry Guys, I am really impressed by the country events but it is not for me.
Originally posted by Crook

Wrong settings my friend. It's not full serfdom and high aristocracy anymore, has to be more balanced in your DP settings.

So if you start in a country with high Aristocracy and Serfodom (just about everybody in 1419) you get screwed. That is just brilliant, whos idea was that?
Originally posted by Crook

No, you don't. That's real life. If you get +200 ducats for being at high aristocracy, shouldn't you also get smth nasty?

As an opinion here, I don't think 200 ducats quite equals the negative effects. I managed to have +9% revolt risk through random events. Btw this was after stabilty, religion, manufacturies and the fact that it was my capatol province, taken into effect. I was full stab, not at war and maxed tollerance my state religion. Basically in the random events killed me. If it was my choice I would tell them to keep their 200 ducats cuase I don't want the down side.