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Dutch Ambition events.

Playing the county of holland turned Holland i've noticed the following event (and its two predecessors) in the major_por.txt.

exists = HOL
OR = {
owned = { province = 205 data = -1 }
owned = { province = 701 data = -1 }
owned = { province = 702 data = -1 }
owned = { province = 677 data = -1 }
NOT = {
alliance = { country = HOL country = POR }

ie. POR owns one of the provinces.

18019 HOL gets a core on them.

then 18020

#Dutch Ambitions Realized#
event = {
id = 18020
trigger = {
event = 18019
OR = {
owned = { province = 205 data = -1 }
owned = { province = 701 data = -1 }
owned = { province = 702 data = -1 }
owned = { province = 677 data = -1 }
random = no
country = HOL
name = "EVENTNAME18020"
desc = "EVENTHIST18020"
style = 3

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1600 }
offset = 360
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1720 }

action_a ={ #Well, they still speak Portuguese...#
name = "ACTIONNAME18020A"
command = { type = removecore which = 205 }
command = { type = removecore which = 677 }
command = { type = removecore which = 701 }
command = { type = removecore which = 702 }

If HOL owns one of them their core is removed for all!!! what is the intent of this?

In my game I build a level 1 colony there in Djakarta in 1606 and within the year got the event... is a colony not owned?

I havent seen any POR in the east indies and 205 (is that dutch guiana?) I dont know yet.

If the intent is that at any time HOL does not own one of them I should have gotten it in 1600.
in major_fra.txt

#Hapsburg inherits Burgundy#
event = {

	id = 3320			#Triggered by BUR3597#
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME3320"
	desc = "EVENTHIST3320"
	style = 1

	action_a ={			
		name = "Claim Artois, Flanders and Franche Comté"
		command = { type = addcore which = 379 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 387 }
		command = { type = war which = BUR }
      action_b = {
                name = "Accept the Hapsburgs as heirs of Burgundy"
                command = { type = relation which = BUR value = 100 }
                command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 50 }
                command = { type = sleepevent which = 170000 } #FRA: Treaty of Senlis

It looks like the first option only adds a core for Artois and Franche Comte, but it seems there's a line missing for Flanders.
I recently started a new game as Sweden with EEP 1.4.1.
I observed the following problems (most severe first):

A. Sayyid Mansur became ruler in 1482 and before him Vacant! Some duplicated tags between Monarchs.swe and Monarchs.cal!

B. I released Holstein as a vassal sometimes around 1480 and they immediately defected to my enemy Danmark! (Event 279003), perhaps there needs to be some kind of check in the trigger of the event that Holstein isn't vassal of another country.

C. I still got Danish kings after I picked up the torch of freedom with the Engelbrekt Rebellion. Fixing this is requires ofcourse more work. I would recommend to as a quickfix sleep Christian I & II, Hans and Erik of Pommernia, awaken the Stures, KKB and add Engelbrekt as a ruler until 1440. (He should probably have good mil score, fair to good adm and poor dipl.) This would leave Christoffer of Bavaria as the ruler of both realms, but the situation would at least be better. Ofcourse everything will change when more events are added.

D. Sweden is still missing a CB shield on Gotland.

E. Why is Savolaks producing Iron? I see no reason for it, should be Naval Supplies instead. (If you think Sweden gets too much NS with this change, then change Nyland or Västerbotten to fish instead.)
Scotland #20431 - Triggered by itself??

Milan # 228003 - option b - should be command = { type = wakemonarch which = 06569 }

Austria #179021 has #'s 666223, 666224, 666225 in the trigger. Are these events?? I can't find them.

Bremem #133005 triggers 279000 which I believe should be 279009

Gelre #75002 has wakemonarch commands. You have no monarch file for Gelre and the original Pardox file never has them dormant.

Palatinat #255001 - missing a #

Little nitpicky stuff. Reading about the multiplayer game you guys want and thought they should be fixed. There are more but I can't remember them. Do you guys use the parser??
As they currently are, the monarchs for Burgundy get messed up should one choose the "Charles Never Died" option as it activates simultaneous rulers who cancel each other out. I've experienced a monarch assuming the thrown and immediately being replaced by another monarch with concurrent dates.
I think all monarchs for after 1477 should be listed as dormant = yes, with the Habsburg line being awoken with the Habsburgian succession and the Burgundian line being awoken with Charles' survival.

Also, not a bug but a suggestion--shouldn't Burgundy get at least some of the Spanish leaders if it follows the Habsburgian succession, and some extra ones if it stays independent?
Anyone else noticed that the late 17th-early 18th c. English monarchs are still not working right - George I and George II still appear even if the Stewarts keep the throne, because they are dormant = no in the monarch file.

All the relevant events and monarchs need to be sorted out so that one line (Stewarts make most sense) is dormant = no, while all the alternatives are dormant = yes. I did this all once, but it apparently didn't make it into earlier releases. I have the "master plan", however, and I'll try to post the necessary changes here.
Originally posted by Count Six
Anyone else noticed that the late 17th-early 18th c. English monarchs are still not working right - George I and George II still appear even if the Stewarts keep the throne, because they are dormant = no in the monarch file.

All the relevant events and monarchs need to be sorted out so that one line (Stewarts make most sense) is dormant = no, while all the alternatives are dormant = yes. I did this all once, but it apparently didn't make it into earlier releases. I have the "master plan", however, and I'll try to post the necessary changes here.

Presumably this means I should do the same thing for the Mantuan monarchs. Is that right?
strange things I noticed

After a long pause, I went back to playing in these latest weeks, and I noticed a bunch of strange things in my games, which maybe reveal some tweaks in AI.

First of all, I play EEP 1.4.1 over EU2 1.7 without betas. Difficulty and aggressiveness standard, all things as default.

Most of the times France is not getting its capital back to Paris, even if Englands look beaten.

Burgundy is always still in play around 1530.

Byzantium is most of the times still existing in the late 17th century and Ottoman Empire is never able to make its way in the Balkans.

These things tend to happen no matter what country I play and in most cases without interference by my country.

In addition I have hard times in understanding how much money AI is spending, since small states look like having huge armies, and still keep pace with tech development. Is AI cheating?

Sorry if I repeated already known things
for Hundred Years Wars you must use all the events "made in France" by Philippe, i think they'll work well

for Ottoman you should use MKJ's PAI mod or Daywalker's one which are the 2 best AI ever made i think, normally the Turks will be more powerful with one of them
I think that this is the correct site to report my bug. Is the first time that i use the epp mod, and i'm playing wich China. In the date april 16, 1644 appears one event and the tittle " Event name3913" and the next text "eventhist3414" and the next option "actionname".

And one observation, playing China you ve a lot of years a high RR, (i think that i ve 30 for the events only) and when you ve more than 20% you cant recruit troops wich china, and you cant buy mercenaries ( no european country) and this do a a umplayable nation in this years, what i should do, wait 30 years wichout recruit troops, looking how my goverment is falling continuosly?, this should be correct in my opinion.

I want read your opinions about this.

OOC: sorry for my english
BUR events 137003 & 137005 should have this trigger:

[color=white]trigger = { event = 3178 #Hapsburg inheritance of Burgundy
                      OR = { 	event = 3848 #Spain is unified
					event = 285005 #Final settlement in Aragon
                      ai = no

As it is, if Spain takes the long route to incorporating Aragon (by event 285005), the inheritance of Burgundy won't happen.
Originally posted by Count Six
BUR events 137003 & 137005 should have this trigger:

[color=white]trigger = { event = 3178 #Hapsburg inheritance of Burgundy
                      OR = { 	event = 3848 #Spain is unified
					event = 285005 #Final settlement in Aragon
                      ai = no

As it is, if Spain takes the long route to incorporating Aragon (by event 285005), the inheritance of Burgundy won't happen.
That trigger is removed in EEP 1.42 and replaced by exists = SPA. AI Spain lost out on the Burgundian inheritance too often because it had diplo-annexed Aragon before the event.
Originally posted by Garbon
And as of the current date, I'm still wondering if we thought it out enough before implementing it...;)
As with many other things it was put in without the extensive testing this kind of things really need. Some 'ferocity = yes' have been removed now, for instance one early for OE that didn't seem to work very well.
Originally posted by Duc de Guise
well is the EEP 1.4.2 will be released tomorrow? (didn't you say that all will be ready for sunday)

please! please! :D

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to give you a no. :( Some bits have started acting up on my end (database mismatch! :eek: ) and a few things still need to be added in.