Better? And Second event added.
# That Island is too stuffed
event = {
id = 200628
random = no
country = EIR
name = "The great famine"
desc = "The population of Irland grew enourmously in the 17th and 18th century up to a point were the island was totally overstuffed with people. A series of famines over ten years made living conditions totally unacceptable. Thankfully for the irish people the colonies were avaiable to release a bit of the pressure but it came as a strain on the mother country. But without the goverment's extreme support the people would have to suffer nevertheless."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1740 }
offset = 360
deathdate = { day = 1 month = december year = 1750 }
action_a = {
name = "Oh my god, we can't do anything about that."
command = { type = stability value = -2 }
command = { type = revoltrisk which = 36 value = 2 }
command = { type = population which = 231 value = -6000 }
command = { type = population which = 232 value = -10000 }
command = { type = population which = 233 value = -10000 }
command = { type = population which = 234 value = -6000 }
command = { type = population which = 235 value = -6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 231 value = -2 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 232 value = -3 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 233 value = -2 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 234 value = -2 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 235 value = -2 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 231 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 232 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 233 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 234 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 235 value = -1 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
action_b = {
name = "Do anything to help the people!!"
command = { type = stability value = -2 }
command = { type = inflation value = 5 }
command = { type = cash value = -2500 }
command = { type = domestic which = serfdom value = -2 }
command = { type = domestic which = aristocracy value = -1 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 231 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 232 value = -2 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 233 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 234 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 235 value = -1 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 2000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 2000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 2000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 200628 }
event = {
id = 200629
trigger = {
atwar = yes
random = no
country = EIR
name = "The establishment of a constitutional monarchy"
desc = "Art IV was unable to alleviate the suffering of the great famines and some years later he paid the price. During the next war as Art IV issued some war taxes, unrests broke out in the streets of Ulster. Most of the army and the navy in the war and people unhappy, Art IV was helpless as people stormed the royal palace. He had to sign a constitution stripping the irish monarchy of many of their powers and placing legislative and tax issuing powers to a parliament elected by the people. Also the royally imposed monopolies on many trade goods were abolished. The power of the monarchy in Eire was broken. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1755 }
offset = 360
deathdate = { day = 1 month = december year = 1785 }
action_a = {
name = "Those peasants.."
command = { type = stability value = -2 }
command = { type = revoltrisk which = 48 value = 5 }
command = { type = loosebuilding which = -1 value = barrack }
command = { type = loosebuilding which = -1 value = barrack }
command = { type = revolt which = 232 }
command = { type = revolt which = 232 }
command = { type = revolt which = 232 }
command = { type = revolt which = 231 }
command = { type = revolt which = 231 }
command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = -7 }
command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = 4 }
command = { type = domestic which = serfdom value = -5 }
command = { type = domestic which = aristocracy value = -5 }
command = { type = domestic which = mercantilism value = -5 }
# That Island is too stuffed
event = {
id = 200628
random = no
country = EIR
name = "The great famine"
desc = "The population of Irland grew enourmously in the 17th and 18th century up to a point were the island was totally overstuffed with people. A series of famines over ten years made living conditions totally unacceptable. Thankfully for the irish people the colonies were avaiable to release a bit of the pressure but it came as a strain on the mother country. But without the goverment's extreme support the people would have to suffer nevertheless."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1740 }
offset = 360
deathdate = { day = 1 month = december year = 1750 }
action_a = {
name = "Oh my god, we can't do anything about that."
command = { type = stability value = -2 }
command = { type = revoltrisk which = 36 value = 2 }
command = { type = population which = 231 value = -6000 }
command = { type = population which = 232 value = -10000 }
command = { type = population which = 233 value = -10000 }
command = { type = population which = 234 value = -6000 }
command = { type = population which = 235 value = -6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 231 value = -2 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 232 value = -3 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 233 value = -2 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 234 value = -2 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 235 value = -2 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 231 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 232 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 233 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 234 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 235 value = -1 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 6000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
action_b = {
name = "Do anything to help the people!!"
command = { type = stability value = -2 }
command = { type = inflation value = 5 }
command = { type = cash value = -2500 }
command = { type = domestic which = serfdom value = -2 }
command = { type = domestic which = aristocracy value = -1 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 231 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 232 value = -2 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 233 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 234 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 235 value = -1 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 2000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 2000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = provinceculture which = -4 value = gaelic }
command = { type = population which = -3 value = 2000 }
command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
command = { type = conversion which = -3 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 200628 }
event = {
id = 200629
trigger = {
atwar = yes
random = no
country = EIR
name = "The establishment of a constitutional monarchy"
desc = "Art IV was unable to alleviate the suffering of the great famines and some years later he paid the price. During the next war as Art IV issued some war taxes, unrests broke out in the streets of Ulster. Most of the army and the navy in the war and people unhappy, Art IV was helpless as people stormed the royal palace. He had to sign a constitution stripping the irish monarchy of many of their powers and placing legislative and tax issuing powers to a parliament elected by the people. Also the royally imposed monopolies on many trade goods were abolished. The power of the monarchy in Eire was broken. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1755 }
offset = 360
deathdate = { day = 1 month = december year = 1785 }
action_a = {
name = "Those peasants.."
command = { type = stability value = -2 }
command = { type = revoltrisk which = 48 value = 5 }
command = { type = loosebuilding which = -1 value = barrack }
command = { type = loosebuilding which = -1 value = barrack }
command = { type = revolt which = 232 }
command = { type = revolt which = 232 }
command = { type = revolt which = 232 }
command = { type = revolt which = 231 }
command = { type = revolt which = 231 }
command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = -7 }
command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = 4 }
command = { type = domestic which = serfdom value = -5 }
command = { type = domestic which = aristocracy value = -5 }
command = { type = domestic which = mercantilism value = -5 }