1819 to 1836 Converter Proposal
EDIT: Gah there is a thread below which deals with the same thing. Could some moderator merge this thread with the other one?
EDIT vol2: Sure, Grosshaus
Hello to all. Before I start, I want to mention that anything I speak of here I make no guarantee I will make or work with. I'm just asking myself the question whether the huge undertaking would be worth it, or possible.
My proposal is that I could write a converter for 1819 EU2 save games to Victoria 1836 save games. Before you start laughing, I'd say I'm sufficiently fluid in C++ and file handling to make a program like this. Else I'm sure someone else could. The big problem however, is the issue about how to translate EU2 save game data into Victoria save game data. There is also a an issue about the strange game world that would be initialized into Victoria, not at all close to the real campaign. Would anyone even consider to continue playing under these conditions?
Let's compare the save game formats. Victoria and EU2 use the same basic file format. The actual differences begin in the data itself. In order to convert an EU2 game to a Victoria game the following things would have to be taken care of:
1. Years. The years between the end of the EU2 grand campaign and the start of the Victoria GC would probably have to be considered in some way, although they initially could be totally ignored.
2. Provinces. There are a lot more provinces in Victoria than in EU2. It could just be managable however by letting a X province in EU2 represent Y provinces in Victoria.
3. Armies and fleets. How the &#!"/&#! does one convert EU2 military units? Giving X divisions for Y number of men or what?
4. Technology. Perhaps this could be solved by letting a certain interval tech of EU2 tech give certain levels of Victoria tech for a country.
5. Countries. There aren't nearly as many countries in EU2 as there are in Victoria, and many of them do not have the same names. This could be lived through however by simply placing down certain countries without any regard to historical accuracy.
6. POPs, factories & the WM. These elements are very different in Victoria. WM data could however be importanted from the real Victoria GC, and the same applies to POP data. Factories could be placed based on the number of manufactories.
7. Center of trades. These EU2 high value provinces would probably be needed to be represented somehow as high value Victoria provinces. One might accomplish this by factories, high population or something else.
8. Terra incognita. As far as I'm concerned the corresponding provinces would most likely be initialized as empty, colonizable provinces.
9. AI and events. The AI events are a huge problems, considering a lot of event files maybe don't take into account when certain countries don't exist (I think of majors like England here). The AI is pretty screwed as well.
10. Diplomacy. This is not a major problem; EU2 treaties are probably happily converted to Victoria treaties.
11. DP settings and religion. While religion is really important in EU2, it becomes much less important in Victoria. It is of course suitable for the time period, but huge losses might take place here. And how would one reflect the DP settings of an EU2 country in Victoria?
12. Any other Victoria specific data could probably be imported from the Victoria GC as previously mentioned. It requires it is not too closely tied to the existance of countries however.
As can be seen there is a HUGE number of problems with a potential conversion tool. However, I do think it might just be possible to pull off.