I've been scripting a bit for the Italian states 1419 - 1520 for ExtraWATK using Harvard's Event guide. Hopefully I'll put these up in the AGCEEP forums for consideration once they adopt the WATK map. In there, there are a lot of minor wars that ended up as status quo with no large amounts of land won or lost.
The problem I've been having is finding a way for these wars to end inconsequentially. I don't want either of the nations e.g. Milan vs. Florence to gain any provinces but whenever I cause a war via event, one or the other nation ends up winning and annexes all the other guy's land except their capital.
Esp. for the Italian 1 Province Minors this becomes a big problem. So my question is, is there a command code that makes instant peace like the command = { type = war which = MLO } code? Also is there a breakalliance command code?
Another minor question. For the command = { type = gainbuilding which = -2 value = cityrights } code, can you give a country that doesn't have the infra tech to build cityrights the building anyway? I know for fortresses you need to have a certain amount of pop. before you can upgrade it even via event.
Another big problem in scripting events is when to know which country is winning apart from having lost provinces. Many small wars were won or lost by 1 huge battle upon which they would make peace immediately afterwards. There are no trigger conditions for events when an AI country wins a battle or loses all their troops. Anyone found a way to simulate this?
I've been scripting a bit for the Italian states 1419 - 1520 for ExtraWATK using Harvard's Event guide. Hopefully I'll put these up in the AGCEEP forums for consideration once they adopt the WATK map. In there, there are a lot of minor wars that ended up as status quo with no large amounts of land won or lost.
The problem I've been having is finding a way for these wars to end inconsequentially. I don't want either of the nations e.g. Milan vs. Florence to gain any provinces but whenever I cause a war via event, one or the other nation ends up winning and annexes all the other guy's land except their capital.
Esp. for the Italian 1 Province Minors this becomes a big problem. So my question is, is there a command code that makes instant peace like the command = { type = war which = MLO } code? Also is there a breakalliance command code?
Another minor question. For the command = { type = gainbuilding which = -2 value = cityrights } code, can you give a country that doesn't have the infra tech to build cityrights the building anyway? I know for fortresses you need to have a certain amount of pop. before you can upgrade it even via event.
Another big problem in scripting events is when to know which country is winning apart from having lost provinces. Many small wars were won or lost by 1 huge battle upon which they would make peace immediately afterwards. There are no trigger conditions for events when an AI country wins a battle or loses all their troops. Anyone found a way to simulate this?
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