Anyone have a link to console commands? How do I fire off an event for a specific province from the console?
Do a search for a thread of cheat codes in the GD forum. I think I saw it on page 3 or 4 earlier today and it has a post from Havard that gives the console commands to cause an event to fire. I forget it right at present, but if you find it then perhaps you'd be so kind as to copy it into this thread for future reference.GreenMarine said:Anyone have a link to console commands? How do I fire off an event for a specific province from the console?
MrT said:Do a search for a thread of cheat codes in the GD forum. I think I saw it on page 3 or 4 earlier today and it has a post from Havard that gives the console commands to cause an event to fire. I forget it right at present, but if you find it then perhaps you'd be so kind as to copy it into this thread for future reference.
Select the province first (by clicking on it).GreenMarine said:Anyone have a link to console commands? How do I fire off an event for a specific province from the console?
MrT, I am currenty updating the event_effect.txt file, and plan to do some events bible like Havard did for EU2.MrT said:I guess we'll need a scripting FAQ thread at some point that is stickied at the top of the forum. I'll lift a bunch of stuff out of here when I do it (unless some kind soul beats me to it).
Cool, that are good news!Cat Lord said:MrT, I am currenty updating the event_effect.txt file, and plan to do some events bible like Havard did for EU2.
No need to duplicate the effort
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 50
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = detached_priest }
factor = 1.6
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = martial_cleric }
factor = 1.2
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = scholarly_theologian }
factor = 0.8
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = mastermind_theologian }
factor = 0.6
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = misguided_warrior }
factor = 1.6
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = tough_soldier }
factor = 1.2
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = knowledged_tactician }
factor = 0.8
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = brilliant_strategist }
factor = 0.6
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = naive_wirepuller }
factor = 1.6
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = flamboyant_schemer }
factor = 1.2
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = intricate_webweaver }
factor = 0.8
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = illusive_shadow }
factor = 0.6
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = amateurish_pettifogger }
factor = 1.6
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = proven_dealbreaker }
factor = 1.2
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = charismatic_negotiator }
factor = 0.8
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = grey_eminence }
factor = 0.6
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = hole_in_the_pocket }
factor = 1.6
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = proven_accountant }
factor = 1.2
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = fortune_builder }
factor = 0.8
modifier = {
condition = { type = father_trait value = midas_touched }
factor = 0.6
action_a = {
effect = { type = remove_trait value = court_education }
effect = { type = add_trait value = midas_touched }
effect = { type = set_to_realm_religion }
Wilhelm II. said:One more event scripting question!
Concernig to the modifiers of this "An offspring finishes his education(Midas touched)":
Why is there a malus on MTTH, if father have the trait "Midas Touched"?
And the other modifiers confusing me too. Why a higher bonus on MTTH on deteached priest than on martial cleric and so on???
Ok in this case is a bonus a malus!richvh said:If the father is Midas Touched, a decrease to the MTTH for Midas Touched relative to the other education types makes it more likely that the offspring is Midas Touched. Remember, MTTH is Mean Time To Happen; the larger it is, the longer it takes, on average, so increasing MTTH isn't a "bonus".
Depending of the effect, factor are either a bonus or a malus.Wilhelm II. said:Ok in this case is a bonus a malus!
Now i understand those modifiers.
# An offspring finishes his education #
# become naive puppet master
character_event = {
id = 8451025 # replaces event 1025
picture = "event_education"
trigger = {
condition = {
type = trait
value = court_education
condition = {
type = gender
value = male
condition = {
type = age
value = 15
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 40
modifier = {
condition = {
type = father_trait
value = naive_wirepuller
factor = 0.5
modifier = {
condition = {
type = father_trait
value = flamboyant_schemer
factor = 0.7
modifier = {
condition = {
type = father_trait
value = intricate_webweaver
factor = .8
modifier = {
condition = {
type = father_trait
value = illusive_shadow
factor = .9
modifier = {
condition = {
type = not
value = {
type = intrigue
value = 2
factor = .75
modifier = {
condition = {
type = not
value = {
type = intrigue
value = 4
factor = .8
modifier = {
condition = {
type = intrigue
value = 6
factor = 1.2
modifier = {
condition = {
type = intrigue
value = 8
factor = 1.2
modifier = {
condition = {
type = father_trait
value = trusting
factor = .6
modifier = {
condition = {
type = father_trait
value = suspicious
factor = 1.4
modifier = {
condition = {
type = father_trait
value = honest
factor = .6
modifier = {
condition = {
type = father_trait
value = deceitful
factor = 1.4
action_a = {
effect = {
type = remove_trait
value = court_education
effect = { type = add_trait value = naive_wirepuller }
effect = { type = set_to_realm_religion }
condition = {
type = has_improvement
value = { improvement = no }
condition = {
type = has_improvement
value = { improvement = yes }
condition = {
type = not
value = {
type = has_improvement
value = { improvement = yes }
Done.richvh said:(MrT, feel free to pull this post out and sticky it if you think it will help people.)
action_a = {
ai_chance = 4
effect = { }
action_b = {
ai_chance = 5
effect = { }
action_a = {
ai_chance = 1.5
effect = { }
action_b = {
ai_chance = 2.5
effect = { }
action_c = {
ai_chance = 2.5
effect = { }
action_d = {
ai_chance = 2.5
effect = { }
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = is_independent }
condition = { type = is_vassal }
condition = {
type = not
value = { type = has_vassal }
Cat Lord said:Also, province event cannot fire character event, and vice-versa.
action_b = { #Tell him to ply his trade elsewhere!
ai_chance = 50
effect = { type = ruler_prestige value = -20 }
effect = { type = noble_loyalty value = 0.1 }
effect = { type = noble_power value = 0.2 }
effect = { type = peasant_power value = -0.2 }
effect = { type = peasant_loyalty value = -0.1 }
effect = { type = trigger for = random_neighbor value = 20800 }}
Probably.Bismarck said:So it has to be a province_x_province event to use a trigger...
Here is what I was hoping to accomplish with the way I have it coded: You are presented with a choice, the latter of which rejects a service and the service is then offered to a neighbor instead. Does a province_x_province event allow this functionality?