Nope. There is no seazone condition. If you want to select specific provinces, you need to have one province condition for each one.
Byakhiam said:Nope. There is no seazone condition. If you want to select specific provinces, you need to have one province condition for each one.
province_event = {
id = 23400
picture = "Mythologie"
trigger = {
condition = { type = has_improvement value = { hill_fort = yes } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = has_improvement value = { small_castle = yes } } }
condition = { type = religion value = catholic }
condition = { type = or
condition = { type = culture value = irish }
condition = { type = culture value = welsh }
condition = { type = culture value = scottish }
condition = { type = owner
condition = { type = not value = { type = or
condition = { type = culture value = irish }
condition = { type = culture value = welsh }
condition = { type = culture value = scottish }
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 7500
modifier = {
condition = { type = has_advance value = { inquisition = yes } }
factor = 1.2 }
modifier = {
condition = { type = has_improvement value = { university = yes } }
factor = 1.2 }
modifier = {
condition = { type = has_improvement value = { templar_house = yes } }
factor = 1.2 }
modifier = {
condition = { type = has_improvement value = { school = yes } }
factor = 1.2 }
modifier = {
condition = { type = has_improvement value = { church = yes } }
factor = 1.2 }
modifier = {
condition = { type = has_improvement value = { large_church = yes } }
factor = 1.2 }
modifier = {
condition = { type = has_improvement value = { domed_church = yes } }
factor = 1.2 }
modifier = {
condition = { type = has_improvement value = { cathedral = yes } }
factor = 1.2 }
modifier = {
condition = { type = has_improvement value = { monastery = yes } }
factor = 1.2 }
modifier = {
condition = { type = not value = { type = clergy_power value = 0.25 } }
factor = 1.5 }
modifier = {
condition = { type = not value = { type = clergy_power value = 0.15 } }
factor = 1.3 }
modifier = {
condition = { type = not value = { type = clergy_power value = 0.05 } }
factor = 1.1 }
action_a = { # Use the prophecy of Mirddhyn : The red dragon wins... the celtic kingdom is long dead !
ai_chance = 35
effect = { type = remove_improvement value = hill_fort }
effect = { type = set_to_realm_culture }
effect = { type = ruler_prestige value = 100 }
effect = { type = noble_loyalty value = 0.5 }
effect = { type = burgher_loyalty value = -0.2 }
effect = { type = peasant_loyalty value = -0.6 } }
action_b = { # Use the prophecy of Mirddhyn : The white dragon wins... we will revive the celtic kingdom !
ai_chance = 35
effect = { type = remove_improvement value = hill fort }
effect = { type = trigger for = ruler value = 23405 }
effect = { type = ruler_prestige value = 100 }
effect = { type = noble_loyalty value = -0.5 }
effect = { type = peasant_loyalty value = +0.6 } }
action_c = { # All that are just superstitions !
ai_chance = 30
effect = { type = remove_improvement value = hill_fort }
effect = { type = ruler_prestige value = 200 }
effect = { type = add_province_effect value = looted } }
gigau said:Greetings,
i think i'm going to yell !
When i load a game or a scenario with this.... it says he doesn't recongnize neither "has_improvement", nor "mean_tim_to_happen"...Then, it says my event doesn't exist.... What must i change to make it work ?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
is unbalanced. There are two opening braces on the second line, and only one is closed in the matching line below. I tend to start a new line with the value of a not condition, to make the balancing more visible, like this:gigau said:Code:condition = { type = owner condition = { type = not value = { type = or condition = { type = culture value = irish } condition = { type = culture value = welsh } condition = { type = culture value = scottish } } }
condition = { type = owner
condition = { type = not
value = { type = or
condition = { type = culture value = irish }
condition = { type = culture value = welsh }
condition = { type = culture value = scottish }
Thanks for the thread, it will surely be very useful. For now, I have a question to make.
Can I make an event to make appear in my court a character with name and dynasty? Even if its dynasty does not appear in the dynasties file?
I suppose my demesne (I'm using the Spanish version, so I suppose that demesne is my "prestigio", prestige) would be the trigger, attached to a certain date.
I'd like to add some historical "advisers", like in EU3. It gives more "life" and substance to the game, especially for History lovers as me, to see that a famous personage, let's say Thomas Beckett, Roger de Flor, Roger Bacon, William of Okham, Ibn Battuta, Niccolò Machiavelli, Berdrand du Guesclin, Ramon Llull, William of Canterville (yeah, this one's not historical, but...) and so on.
Thanks for any help you can give me. Take care!
# Crusader Kings Events Database
event = "db\events\Provincial_Structure_Events.txt"
event = "db\events\Provincial_Conversion_Events.txt"
event = "db\events\Global_Diseases_Events.txt"
event = "db\events\Character_Health_Events.txt"
event = "db\events\Character_Development_Events.txt"
[COLOR="Lime"]event = "db\events\Vasilius_Events.txt"[/COLOR]
but why there is a mod for ck 1.05 named CK15inherit in this forum that allows it? What the creator has modify?