So, i'm in the year 8000 as Torrehn, and I wed Rickon and Brandon to the two bolten women available at start. Well, loaded up my game and a month into it I get notifs about both women, and Rodwell bolton having caught greyscale (Mind you, the girls have been with me since about a week after start.). I then went to check on each character and found even Rodwell's son and daughter have greyscale. Yet, any decendants of Rodwell's uncle didn't seem to catch this disease.
I'm just curious if there's some specific event, or way that 5 people in the same family, despite different locals, can all catch Greyscale. This is thefirst time this has happened to me, so figured I'd ask.
I'm just curious if there's some specific event, or way that 5 people in the same family, despite different locals, can all catch Greyscale. This is thefirst time this has happened to me, so figured I'd ask.
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