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Response to VinceV:

Hmm, sure they had the same AI? You would expect Venice to colonise with its defaults, and Ottomans and Genoa to do little...

But anyway, I at least disclaim all responsibility for countries other than the original 8. You shouldn't even be able to release vassals! IMO, it should be an 3/4/5/6/7/8 player multiplayer game... the AI is only ever a problem if it controls countries much bigger than you, and it's not going to happen when everyone starts equal, even if you play the Zapoteks.

I didn't know Orthodox countries could switch to Catholic except via event. But again, I'd say that's not playing as designed! 1 country per religion is the idea.

Hmm, just went and started eu2. Can change to any religion - ok, Fantasia is weird! But Protestantism should be banned, and expecting a cash bonus in this fantasy land... Hmm, some people :p


General stuff:

- do people care enough about the 5% same religion colonisation to have it fixed? (e.g. Buddhists get a very tough deal, and do shiites with this)

- I could also 'balance' the wilderness value (I think that's it), which affects how easy provinces are to colonise. Is this worthwhile?

- should there be only Fantasia scenario, or 3? The 3 options are:

: original countries, some balance issues fixed
: new '8 religion' country set
: every country pagan

Nice to see all the posting on this thread! Our move from the Bugs forum was obviously a masterstroke from AndrewT: but I'd still like to 'finish' this in the next couple of days so we can post back there and say 'put this in 1.06'!
Hmm, maybe we can win some award for longest average post length in a thread. This is huge without even going over the page!

Darn, just messing our average up now ;-)
And I'm making it worse by saying we're not even close to the MGC AAR average, as an example :D To really lengthen our posts, we need to make some REALLY big ones and then respond to them while quoting the entire thing. :D

Vassals not allowed? Well I was taking the advice of the "Fantasia Fun" thread (the name of the author escapes me at the moment) to try to make the game more interesting. Besides, as long as vassals can be created, they can revolt and declare independence as well.

And yes, ALL nations, even the dormant ones had fantasia.ai in my described game. Some other factor that I am missing.

Most probably they didn't have 'colonialnation = yes'; I think that's necessary for colonising.


And now we have... (fanfare)

the (hopefully) final Fantasia scenario.

- dramatically improved AI performance
- an all new country set (well, 2 changes)
- now starts in 1419
- randomised trade goods
- and a couple of other things which I forget

Which is available at the same place as before:

Feedback would be appreciated! If no-one finds any problems, I'll post this version back at the Bug-Reporting forum.

(PS I decided not to do the all pagan thing, because even pagans can change religion in Fantasia. So, no real point, and it seemed nicer to have only 1 version)

(PPS The original country set version got culled. I got sick of adding my changes to the 'main' one to it.)

(PPPS And yes, this was finished using 1.06. So, no new version problems - hopefully.)
Ok, so now I have to install 1.06 before retrying it....
I still have 10orso years of Russia to finish, but it should be quick since I already have all my CB provinces... :cool: and a bit more. :D

So much for my hopes of seing our fantasia in 1.06... Oh well!
Hmm... please, someone, anyone, try the scenario! I know everyone's messing around with 1.06 now, but even a hands-off would be nice (and post here that you haven't had any problems), because I don't want to offer a substantially modified scenario to Paradox that's full of bugs - if they reject it it's not good, and if they accept it it's even worse!

Thanks (hopefully).
One question.
You made a program that randomises the ressourses in the provinces.
If we want to play MP, don't we have to be sure that all players have the seme ressources map? Otherwise I see some problems when crossing over to ennemy territory? Or is it the one crating the game that will generate the map, and all players will play on that new one?