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Info and download post


Fatherland Mod Owner
10 Badges
Jan 28, 2008
  • Darkest Hour
  • Iron Cross
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • 500k Club
  • Stellaris
  • Hearts of Iron IV Sign-up
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • Crusader Kings II

"The world will never be the same"

- Codename : OSTFRONT

- pakotorino (aka Pako) : mod owner
- Redding

- Darkest Hour Full 1.05.1

Installation instructions:
Delete your previous version of Fatherland
1: Unzip the archive
2: Copy contents of the downloaded archive under Mods directory in the main Darkest Hour Folder.
3: Enjoy !

Download Link - Codename : OSTFRONT

Remember : save game not compatible

Special thanks to all community members and their feedback !

Download Link - Codename : 10th Anniversary Edition

Download Link - Codename : RESURGENT

Download Link - Codename : AMERIKA

Download Link - X version :

Xmas fix (overwrite on X version, changelog below)

Download Link - 9.0beta - Codename "Atlas" :

Download Link - Beta version 8.0 - Codename "Empires" :

FATHERLAND 8.05 (compatible with DH 1.05 - Fatherland 8.0 necessary)

Download Link - Beta version 7.0 - Codename "New Order" :


Download Link - Beta version 6.0 - Codename "Yankee Doodle" :

alternative link

https://www.dropbox.com/s/jaiwd2kvx4z8j1h/Fatherland - Beta 6 - Yankee Doodle.zip?dl=0

Download Link - Beta version 5.0 - Codename "Red Dawn" :

Compatibility country.csv for official patch 1.04
1. Download the new country.csv file from https://mega.nz/#!FZlH3Yoa!_Mi1azmW_QziBUXrxexthgi1u2eeAf8j2hki_bD6KQA
2. Put it into fatherland/db directory of the mod (overwrite the previous file)
3. Enjoy

Optional Flags Pack from WIF (credits to Arturius and Fernando Torres) :

Download Link - Beta version 4.0 - Codename "Middle West" :

Optional patch - Beta version 4.0 - Codename "Middle West" :
Small patch to solve the German land doctrine and fix the nuke problems. Let me known wht do you think about it.
Here the link ---> https://mega.co.nz/#!8EtA3KwZ!HOUGQ5wsRU6fICtA1V-VfpxrkKv-yzB-SU-rNxcyMV4
Simply paste under scenarios/fatherland and overwrite the old files.

OLD Download Link - Beta version 3.0 codename "V Day" :

OLD Alternative Download Link - Beta version 3.0 codename "V Day" :

OLD Download Link - Beta version 2.0 :

OLD Download Link - Beta version 1.0 :

Optional Old Load Screen (rename as load_1024.bmp) :

# Credits :
- pakotorino (aka Pako) : Mod owner
- @Redding : Mod contributor. Special thanks !

Also thank you to :
-To Hirz and JJMerril for the possibilities to use and customize the Edge of Darkness events, thank you guys.
-To Fernando Torres and his wonderful World in Flames mod
-To Novapaddy for the complete revision and fix of errors
-To Ericafaq who is an inspiration with his Peace without victory mod
-To Bizon for allowing us to use files from his New World Order 2 mod. The NWO2 mod is ever a great inspiration.
-To Kaiserreich team for letting me use some of their files, thank you guys !
-To erica for the chinese area (ministers, tech and other stuffs)
-To Kretoxian for allowing us to incorporate his Cold War Tech Tree Expansion mod.
-To BeBro and The HOI3 Graphics Mod
-To QFM for some flavours events
-To all members of the community who contributed in the mod thread.

Mod recruitment:
Anyone willing to contribute events and ideas is more than welcome! Proper credits will be given of course!

Complete changelog :

# Fatherland Codename: OstFront
# Changelog

===== DB =====
    - revised TRA tech team roster 
    - revised TRA minister/leader roster         
    - updated TRA unit/army name lists
    - updated TRA scenario setup
    - revised TRA events:
        - added initial national identity choice and identity-specific events
        - added province integration events
        - added post-Krasnov leadership choice
        - added events in case SOV coups TRA
        - revised military events
        - revised economy events to follow two chains
    - revised Russian restoration events shared by Russian separatist states (U59, U57, possibly TRA)
    - fixed U59, U57, TRA, UTC, RUS minister rosters
    - added MoS type: Religious Leader
    - added Foreign Minister type: Religious Diplomat
- Eastern Europe:
    - added option for Germany to integrate Bialystok area
    - reworked German content in Bohemia and Poland    
    - reworked partisan events in occupied regions of USSR
    - added a few other GPO flavour events
    - added a partisan warfare/evacuation paths for USSR
    - reworked Ostwall/Wolga Coalition content as an answer to Soviet partisan warfare path    
- Countries/REVOLT.TXT
    - added another RK - RK Don-Wolga requiring control over Stalingrad - to cover Southern Russia previously left without RK of its own
    - RK Moskowien now requires Arkhangels to be created (i.e. successful war against USSR)
    - adjusted RK borders in general

- Events
    - Redraw WW3 events
    - Fixed Axis victory over America
    - Fixed Axis victory over Britain
    - Fixed Un victory over Europe
    - Fixed WW3 Axis Diplomacy
    - Fixed Generic Surrender Events
    - Fixed Axis Military Events
    - Fixed South Amerika Events
    - Fixed Italian Events
    - Redraw Arab Total War Chain
    - Fixed China Civil War
    - Fixed and add some event for UK
    - New events and chain for Hungary
    - Fixed and add some event for Ost GeneralPlan 
    - Fixed and add some event for West GeneralPlan (added SS Frankreich)

===== AI =====
- Major AI revisions as well as minor bugfixes
    - Germany
    - SS
    - Croatia
    - Egypt
    - Iraq
    - Saudi Arabia
    - Slovakia
    - Turkey
    - UK
    - USA
===== GFX =====
- added unique newspaper header for every country 
- added several pics for province id
- added a lot of pictures for events, ministers, scenario descriptions etc
- updated some of the existing picture to better fit DH's poorly scalable UI
- change in-game font 
- added some new flags (Nazi Siberia)

===== SCENARIO - Improvements, new OOB, and revision =====
    - Germany
    - SS
    - Spain

...as well as other minor stuff like new pictures, scenario and event descriptions, bugfixes etc

# Fatherland Codename: 10th Anniversary Edition
# Changelog
===== AI =====
- Major AI revisions as well as minor bugfixes
    - Germany (remade)
    - USSR
    - Great Britain
    - USA
    - Bulgaria
    - Italy
    - Some minors
===== DB =====
- CHINA Region
    - Added intro events for CHI, CHC, MAN
    - Adjusted starting CHI cabinet
    - Added a cabinet choice event for MAN (starting, Japanese, Manchu, Warlord, KMT Reegades)
    - Added a recurring civil war event for each MAN cabinet
    - Adapted triggers NWO Chinese Civil War events
    - Streamlined the end of Chinese Civil War events
    - added a path of victorious China to join UN/Axis/Comintern and receive aid from them
    - added Soviet/Chinese negotiations about the border if SOV grabbed some of Chinese territory
    - added uniform Mongolia, Sinkiang, Tibet recovery and integration chains
    - added seven paths for China to recover from post-civil war malus - three generic, three TAG-specific, one neutral-exclusive
    - added opium chain for new Chinese government
    - added Chinese holiday events
    - added Sinkiang Resourced mini-chain
- COLD WAR events
    - added a Cold War relations system with counters and flags to enable gradual gliding towards global conflict between UN/Axis or Comintern/Axis
    - added generic incident and response events for Cold War
    - adjusted crisis events for new system so that available responses for current relations status
    - reworked Turkestan War (USSR/Turkestan)
    - reworked Vladivostok Crisis (UN/NRC)
    - reworked British/German nuclear race/sabotage war
    - added an option for neutral China to call UN/Axis for help in case SOV chooses to invade
    - added an option for neutral India to call UN/Axis for help in case SOV chooses to invade
    - reworked and expanded Marshall Plan events
    - adjusted GER, SOV, ENG first nuke events to affect Cold War tracker
    - updated UN Sanction events against POR/SPA/MAN/CHI/CHC if they join the Axis for new system
    - added/reworked events for each block entering WW3 if other two are fighting
    - added dissent reduction events for WW3 entry
    - adjusted nuke authorization event
- GENERIC events
    - reworked almost all of generic events to allow more flexibility and options in internal politics
    - replaced Open/Closed Society slider with Social Budget/Austerity slider and added/adjusted corresponding events
    - replaced Hawk/Dove Lobby slider with Expert/Budget Military slider and added corresponding events for Military Reform
    - updated Democratic/Authoritarian and Interventionism/Isolationism slider effects
    - added A Change in Course decision for human players to force-move the sliders
    - updated political decisions like Indoctrination (now Youth Organization), War Propaganda, Sacred Union, Press Censorship
    - updated economy decisions like Invest in Sector of Industry (now Financial Mobilization), War Bonds, Women Work (now Foreign Labour Corps)
    - updated Winter/Jungle/Sturdy/Desert equipment decisions and AI triggers
    - updated Grand Offensive decision to make it universal, but differing in effects
    - updated Diplomatic Campaign decision with new extra events
    - added RGO Modernization decision
    - updated Mobilization system
- Countries/REVOLT.TXT
    - U87 re-made as Japanese rebellion against Quing Empire in case of Japanese suppression
- Russia/Comintern Region
    - added Anti-Bolshevik League for U57, U59, UPE, TRA to possibly agree to fight the Soviets together
    - updated Omsk/Kansk Fall events for Russian separatist minors to buff them updated
    - added option for U57 and U59 to united into one (or fight) if Bolsheviks are gone
    - added option for U57 and U59 to create a proper RUS with appropriate cabinet
    - updated interaction between RUS and CHI/MAN
    - updated SOV Grand Strategy in India and China events
    - added SOV event about integration of separatist units, malus if they are more than 20% of the Red Army
    - updated SOV Criminals Organize mini-chain
    - updated SOV Comintern Conference, Economic Cooperation, Military Reform events for new systems
    - added new minister types and new ministers for Germany's eastern RKs
    - reworked GDE gain/loss by making it additive, so that GDE gain/loss in events would not be lost after reseraching next doctrine
===== GFX =====
- added a lot of pictures for events, ministers, scenario descriptions etc
- updated some of the existing picture to better fit DH's poorly scalable UI
...as well as other minor stuff like scenarion and event descriptions, bugfixes etc

# Fatherland Codename: RESURGENT
# Changelog

===== DB
    - Completely redesign Soviet Union area (credits Redding)
    - Totally redraw leadership and ministers of Soviet Union
    - New domestic, foreign, frontier and integration with tons of new events
    - New events and revision for Siberia, Lokot, Imperial Russia and Nationa Russian Council (former Far Eastern Republic)

    - New events about path "America First"  (new alliance "APTO")
    - New US elections events
    - Add generic events and new way for the historical path
- SS
    - Totaly redraw SS events
- GERMANY and its influence sphere
    - Add new German domestic events
    - Add new RKs events
    - Add new Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren events
    - Add new events SS-Staat
    - Revision Axis Military events and intervention

    - Revision and new events\chain for Canada (especially about "America First" Path)
    - New path for Colombia (Commie,Democrats or Fascist)
    - New events for Venezuela
    - New events for Brazil
    - New events for Bolivia
    - New events for Peru
    - New Andinean war chain
    - Redraw events about Platinean War
    - New events about Centroamerica Confederation
    - Revision Mexico events + civil war and US intervention
    - Revision Tibet events
    - New events (and path) for Turkestan and East Turkestan

    - Revision about Commie and Nationalist Chinas events
    - Fix about Soviet-China war

    - Revision and new events for Colonials chains (Free France and UK)
    - Revision for IRA crisis event
    - Revision for Korean Wars
    - Revision for Sino-Indian war
    - Revision for Transylvania Crisis

    - Revision of South Africa events

    - Revision about Indonesia events
    - Revison about Japan events
    - Revison about Philippines events
    - Revision about Siam\Thailand events

    - Revision and new events for Bulgaria
    - Revision and new events for Free France
    - Revision and new events for Greece
    - Revision and new events for Hungary
    - Revision and new events for Nationalist Spain
    - Revision and new events for Italy
    - Revision and new events for Serbia
    - Revision and new events for Turkey
    - Revision and new events for United Kingdom
    - New chains "Arab Total War"
    - Revision and new events for Persia
    - Revision and new events for Iraq
    - Revision and new events for Lebanon
    - Revision and new events for United Arab Republic

===== AI - Improvements and Revision
- SS

===== SCENARIO - Improvements, new OOB, and revision
- AXIS forces
- SS-Staat

- New country
    - Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren
    - Quebec (releasable)
    - Reichkommissariat France (releasable)
    - Occitania (releasable)
    - Normandy (releasable)
    - Great Colombia (formable)

- New main alliance
    - American-Pacific Threat Organization (only for alternative US Path)
- Improve some new countries colors
- Add jukebox ! Play music from (but not only) WW2 period !
- Review revolt.txt
- Add spacebar pause button
- Bug fix here and there (thanks to community for the feedback !)

... and may other stuffs i don't remember (new flags, propaganda posters, etc.)

# Fatherland Codename: AMERIKA
# Changelog

===== DB
    - Completely designed new Path "America First" with tons of new events
    - Totally redesigned US elections events
    - Add generic events and new way for the historical path
- GERMANY and its influence sphere
    - Add new German domestic events
    - Add new RKs events
    - Add new Belarus and Cossacks events
    - Add new Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren events
    - Add new events SS-Staat
    - Revision Axis Military events and intervention

    - New events and revision for Soviet Union events
    - Revision about leadership of Soviet Union chain
    - New events and revision for Siberia, Lokot, Imperial Russia and Nationa Russian Council (former Far Eastern Republic)

    - Revision and new events\chain for Canada (especially about "America First" Path)
    - New path for Colombia (Commie,Democrats or Fascist)
    - New events for Venezuela
    - New events for Brazil
    - New events for Bolivia
    - New events for Peru
    - New Andinean war chain
    - New events about Centroamerica Confederation
    - Revision Mexico events
    - Revision Tibet events
    - New events (and path) for Turkestan

    - Revision about Commie and Nationalis Chinas events
    - Fix about Soviet-China war

    - Revision and new events for Colonials chains (Free France and UK)
    - Revision for IRA crisis event
    - Revision for Korean Wars
    - Revision for Sino-Indian war
    - Revision for Transylvania Crisis

    - Revision of South Africa events

    - Revision about Indonesia events
    - Revison about Japan events
    - Revison about Philippines events
    - Revision about Siam\Thailand events

    - New events for Bulgaria
    - Revision and new events for Free France
    - Revision and new events for Greece
    - Revision and new events for Hungary
    - Revision and new events for Nationalist Spain
    - Revision and new events for Italy
    - Revision and new events for Serbia
    - Revision and new events for Turkey
    - Revision and new events for United Kingdom
    - Revision and new events for Persia
    - Revision and new events for Iraq
    - Revision and new events for Lebanon
    - Revision and new events for United Arab Republic

===== AI - Improvements and Revision
- SS

===== SCENARIO - Improvements, new OOB, and revision
- AXIS forces
- SS-Staat

- New country
    - Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren
    - Quebec (releasable)
    - Reichkommissariat France (releasable)
    - Occitania (releasable)
    - Normandy (releasable)

- New main alliance
    - American-Pacific Threat Organization (only for alternative US Path)
- Improve some new countries colors
- Add jukebox ! Play music from (but not only) WW2 period !
- Review revolt.txt
- Add spacebar pause button
- Bug fix here and there (thanks to community for the feedback !)

... and may other stuffs i don't remember (new flags, propaganda posters, etc.)

# Fatherland X - The definitive version
# Changelog

- Improve more LORE with more accurate countries name (like Großdeutsches Reich for example)
- Improve some new countries colors
- Review some parameters in misc.txt
- Review revolt.txt
- Review ministers_ita.csv
- Add cheats decisions (optionals - thanks to Raczkiewicz)
- Review and new events for
    - Axis
    - Comintern
    - Crisis
        - Far Eastern War
        - Switzerland crisis
        - Transylvania Crisis
    - Europe
        - Italy
        - Nationalist Spain
    - Germany
        - Generalplan Ost
        - Generalplan West
        - Domestic
    - Middle East
        - UAR
        - Total Arab war
    - POST WW3 (thanks to Raczkiewicz)
        - WWIII_Axis_victory_Asia
        - WWIII_UN_victory_Europe
- Bug fix here and there (thanks to community for the feedback !)

# XMas Fix

- United States chose to join Nationalist China in their civil war...but, well, the Empire of Manchuria did the same so they are allied to United States.
   # Fixed
- i tries to load a savegame but it suddenly said it has 1 error found in the files. why?
    # Fixed
- I'm playing as Siberian democratic republic, and I've had those in the same gemeplay, the right one, after the left one:
    # Fixed
- The axis has no leaders and not enough IC and Manpower to actually reinforce their divisions.
    # Fixed
- Axis turkestan military control is not removed after the peace treaty.
- RK Ukranine does not keep Odessa after defeating and puppeting Romania in the Transilvania war and instead gives it back to Romania.

I hope also to have fixed the combat stats.

# Fatherland - Beta 9 - codename "Atlas"
# Partial Changelog
- Add tons of events ...

- NEW Arab total war chain (UAR,SAUDI and ISLAM ENTENTE)
- Revison of events arab countries

- Partial revision of Wehrmacht Path (Imperial,Republic or Military Junta)
- Revision of general plan west and generalplan ost
- Partial revision of hitlerdied chain
- NEW SS events
- NEW Domestic events
- Revision Kaukasus chain
- NEW RK Events
- .... and more and more

- Completely revision Free France and French State collaboration
- NEW events Free France (and african departments)
- NEW events French State
- NEW events Denmark
- NEW events UK
- NEW events ITALY
- .... and more and more

- Revision of Transylvania war
- NEW events WW3 (Point of no return, 1960)
- Partial revision IRA Chains
- Partial Revision Far Eastern War
- Partial revision Suez crisis

- Partial revision of Soviet Area (to complete in next version)



- Completely review CHINAS events

- New Intervention and Axis Military events

- Review Indochina war and add more events and stuffs

- Review South Africa and Ethiopia events

- Revision of Marshall Plan and intervention events

- Add Occitania e Normandie as releasable countries
- Add Revolutionary Mexico

- Reviewed Germany (now invades US!)
- Reviewed US
- Reviewed Italy
- Reviewed India
- Reviewed Croatia
- Reviewed Hungary
- Reviewed Romania
- Reviewed Manchurian Empire

- Reviewed usa.inc
- Reviewed italy.inc
- Reviewed greek state.inc
- Reviewed denmark.inc
- Reviewed vp.inc
- Reviewed vichy france.inc
- Reviewed germany.inc
- Reviewed croatia.inc
- Reviewed cossack.inc
- Reviewed china nationalist.inc
- Reviewed china communist.inc
- Reviewed brasil.inc
- Reviewed argentina.inc
- Reviewed Siberia.inc
- Reviewed bulgaria.inc
- Reviewed united nations.inc
- Reviewed china sinkiang.inc
- Reviewed indonesia.inc
- Reviewed lokot.inc
- Reviewed Axis.inc
- Reviewed far eastern republic.inc
- Reviewed manchuko.inc
- Reviewed menjiang.inc
- Reviewed romania.inc
- Reviewed soviet union.inc
- Reviewed turkestan.inc

- New Fatherland poster
- New end date (2000)
- New Lokot Republic propaganda poster
- New graphics (buttons, minimal and others)
- New German Skin

- Reviewed ministers_u57.csv
- Reviewed ministers_sik.csv
- Reviewed ministers_ita.csv
- Reviewed ministers_chi.csv
- Reviewed ministers_chc.csv
- Reviewed ministers_arg.csv
- Reviewed ministers_UTC.csv
- Reviewed ministers_U62.csv
- Reviewed ministers_U83.csv

.... and more other Stuffs !

# Fatherland - Beta 8 - codename "Empires"
# Partial Changelog

Summary :
- Add new countries : Empire of Manchuria, Menjiang, Wolgadeutsche Republik, Reichskommissariat Tirol-Vorarlberg, Reichskommissariat Norditalien, Revolutionary Mexico
- Add Space Race events
- AI revision
- Ministers revision
- Partial revision Russian Area
- Review OOB
- Minor fix
- New decision and events pics
- Add Mexican revolution and Centroamerica chain
- Revision of Far Eastern war chain, Arab Federation and United Arab Republic chain and Sud Amerika Platinean War chain
- Partial review Wehrmacht Germany chain
- Complete review Italy (new events, new chains, new ministers, etc.)
- Revision of Chinese Area and CCW
- New Intro screen (tribute to Kaiserreich)
- Added several customized events and decisions
- Fix to AI and new AI for some countries
- Review inc files
- New several flags
- New misc and top bar files
- New events for minors
- New sprites and new techs
- ... and more

# Fatherland - beta version 7.0 Beta codename "New Order"
# Changelog
Summary :
- Added several customized events and decisions
- Added complete cold war tech tree
- Added nuclear weapons red button system
- Completely review cabinets and countries
- New OOBs
- Several bug fix here and there
- Grammar mistakes fix
- Fixes and improve for Russian Area (completely review Far Eastern Republic, and tweak for other countries)
- New Sinkiang chain
- New several flags
- Added new path Wehrmacht Germany post Hitler government with new events
- New Far Eastern war chain
- New Arab Federation and United Arab Republic chain
- New Sud Amerika Platinean War chain
- Completely review Indochina area
- Fix of general errors from novapaddy
- Fix to AI and new AI for some countries
- Review inc files
- New misc and top bar files
- New events for minors
- New sprites and new techs
- ... and more, see details below
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
-(+) Added and customized several events from Edge Of Darkness and World In Flames (original credits to Hirz,JJMerril and Fernando Torres)
- (*) Review Hitler died chain events
-(+) Added new path Wehrmacht Germany post Hitler government with new events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed SS Government Germania events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed SS events SS Reichsbezirk Gotenland
- (*) Review Ost and West Generalplan by new governments after Hitler died chain
- (*) Review RK Kaukasus events
- (*) Review RK Ukraine events
- (*) Review RK Ostland events
- (*) Review Generalgovernment events
- (*) Review Cossack Federation events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Italy events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed United Kingdom events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Nationalist Spain events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Free France events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed French State events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Finland events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Serbia events
- (+) Added Denmark events
- (+) Added Portugal events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed USA events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed United Nations events
- (*) Reviewed Argentina events
- (*) Reviewed Bolivia events
- (*) Reviewed Brazil events
- (*) Reviewed Canada events
- (*) Reviewed Chile events
- (*) Reviewed Colombia events
- (*) Reviewed Costa Rica events
- (*) Reviewed Cuba events
- (*) Reviewed Uruguay events
- (*) Reviewed Ecuador events
- (*) Reviewed Venezuela events
- (*) Reviewed also other minors
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Soviet Union events
- (*) Reviewed Siberia events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Far Eastern events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Imperial Russia events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Turkestan events
- (+/*) Reviewed Beria path
- (+/*) Reviewed Zhukov path
- (+/*) Reviewed Molotovo path
- (+) Added Far Eastern War
- (+) Added platinean war
- (*) Reviewed Abadan crisis
- (*) Reviewed IRA crisis
- (*) Reviewed Kuwait crisis
- (*) Reviewed Morocco crisis
- (*) Reviewed Swiss Nuclear crisis
- (*) Reviewed Sino-Indian crisis
- (*) Reviewed Suez crisis
- (*) Reviewed Transylvania crisis
- (*) Reviewed WW3 and Nuclear
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Commie China events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Nationalist China events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Post Civil China War events (with Fascist China possibility)
- (+/*) Added and reviewed South Africa events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Egypt events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Ethiopia events
- (+) Added Indochina chain
- (*) Reviewed Brunei events
- (*) Reviewed Burma events
- (*) Reviewed Ceylon events
- (*) Reviewed India events
- (*) Reviewed Japan events
- (*) Reviewed Korea events
- (*) Reviewed Mongolia events
- (*) Reviewed Nepal events
- (*) Reviewed New Zealand events
- (*) Reviewed Pakistan events
- (*) Reviewed Philippines events
- (*) Reviewed Tibet events
- (*) Reviewed Indochina events
- (+) Added Arab Federation chain
- (*) Reviewed United Arab Republic events
- (*) Reviewed Iran events
- (*) Reviewed Iraq events
- (*) Reviewed other minors events
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (+) Added United Nations leaders
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Free France leaders
- (+) Added RK Ost Sibirien leaders
- (+) Added RK Ural leaders
- (+) Added RK West Sibirien leaders
- (+) Added ISA leaders
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Free France ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Commie China ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Romania ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Soviet Union ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Nationalist Spain ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Egypt ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed USA ministers
- (+) Added United Nations ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Other Minors ministers
- (+) Added ISA ministers
Tech Teams
- (+) Added RK Ost Sibirien tech teams
- (+) Added RK Ural tech teams
- (+) Added RK West Sibirien tech teams
- (+) Added ISA tech teams
- (+) Added Imperial Russia tech teams
- (*) Reviewed Other Minors tech teams
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (*) Reviewed Germany inc
- (*) Reviewed Bulgaria inc
- (*) Reviewed Romania inc
- (*) Reviewed Burma inc
- (*) Reviewed Canada inc
- (*) Reviewed United Kingdom inc
- (*) Reviewed Axis inc
- (*) Reviewed United Nations inc
- (*) Reviewed USA inc
- (*) Reviewed SS inc
- (*) Reviewed Commie China inc
- (*) Reviewed Far Eastern inc
- (*) Reviewed Korea inc
- (*) Reviewed Croatia inc
- (*) Reviewed Hungary inc
- (*) Reviewed Italy inc
- (*) Reviewed Soviet Union inc
- (*) Reviewed French State inc
- (*) Reviewed Nationalist Spain inc
- (*) Reviewed Other Minors inc
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (+) Integration with BeBros unit sprites
- (+) New event pics
- (+) New flags
- (+) Integration of Francesco Model Mod
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (*) Improved AI for Soviet Union
- (*) Improved AI for United Kingdom
- (*) Improved AI for Germany
- (*) Improved AI for Italy
- (*) Improved AI for Bulgaria
- (*) Improved AI for Croatia
- (*) Improved AI for Finland
- (*) Improved AI for France State
- (*) Improved AI for Hungary
- (*) Improved AI for Romania
- (*) Improved AI for Nationalist Spain
- (*) Improved AI for SS
- (*) New AI for Argentina
- (*) New AI for Brazil
- (*) New AI for Other Minors
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (+) General : Events for USA and UN Cold War strategies
- (*) Reviewed WW3 victory chains for the Axis Powers in Asia, America and Britain
- (+) Reviewed options to reorganize Ural and Siberian territories into Asian Reichskommissariats or cede them to National Socialist Russia (only after the death of Hitler).
- (+) Reviewed army leaders to the UN.
- (+) The UN and The Axis TAGs will start World War 3 if player declares war on them.
- (-) Delayed the Sino-Soviet War to reflect post-Chinese Civil War reconstruction period.
- (+) Added SS timeline and creation of SS-Staat Germania (+ Campaign for Radicalization of the Axis)

# Fatherland - beta version 6.0 codename "Yankee Doodle"
# Changelog

(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
        - (*) Reviewed Hitler Died chain events
        - (*) Reviewed RK Kaukasus events
        - (*) Reviewed RK Ukraine events
        - (*) Reviewed Cossacks Federation events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed SS events
        - (*) Reviewed Axis events
        - (+) Added new path SS-Staat Germania with new events
        - (+) Added new flavour events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Italy events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed United Kingdom events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Nationalist Spain events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Free France events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed French State events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Belgium events
        - (*) Reviewed Serbia events
        - (+) Added new Finland events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed USA events
        - (+) Added United Nations events
        - (*) Reviewed Marshall Plan events
        - (*) Reviewed Peru events
        - (*) Reviewed Uruguay events
        - (*) Reviewed Ecuador events
        - (*) Reviewed Venezuela events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Soviet Union events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Siberia events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Far Eastern events
        - (*) Reviewed Imperial Russia events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Turkestan events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Beria path
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Zhukov path
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Molotovo path
        - (+) Axis victory in America chain
        - (+) Axis victory in Asia
        - (+) Axis victory in Britain
        - (*) Reviewed Abadan crisis
        - (*) Reviewed Colonials crisis
        - (*) Reviewed IRA crisis
        - (*) Reviewed Kuwait crisis
        - (*) Reviewed Morocco crisis
        - (*) Reviewed Swiss Nuclear crisis
        - (*) Reviewed Sino-Indian crisis
        - (*) Reviewed Suez crisis
        - (*) Reviewed Transylvania crisis
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Commie China events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Nationalist China events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Post Civil China War events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed South Africa events
        - (+/*) Added and reviewed Egypt events
        - (*) Reviewed End colonialism chain
        - (*) Reviewed Brunei events
        - (*) Reviewed Burma events
        - (*) Reviewed Ceylon events
        - (*) Reviewed India events
        - (*) Reviewed Japan events
        - (*) Reviewed Korea events
        - (*) Reviewed Mongolia events
        - (*) Reviewed Nepal events
        - (*) Reviewed New Zealand events
        - (*) Reviewed Pakistan events
        - (*) Reviewed Philippines events
        - (*) Reviewed Tibet events
        - (*) Reviewed Indochina events
        - (*) Reviewed United Arab Republic events
        - (*) Review Iran events

(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
    - (+) Added United Nations leaders
    - (+/*) Added and reviewed Free France leaders
    - (+) Added RK  Ost Sibirien leaders
    - (+) Added RK Ural leaders
    - (+) Added RK West Sibirien leaders
    - (+) Added ISA leaders
    - (+/*) Added and reviewed Free France ministers
    - (+/*) Added and reviewed Commie China ministers
    - (+/*) Added and reviewed Romania ministers
    - (+/*) Added and reviewed Soviet Union ministers
    - (+/*) Added and reviewed Nationalist Spain ministers
    - (+/*) Added and reviewed Egypt ministers
    - (+/*) Added and reviewed USA ministers
    - (+) Added United Nations ministers
    - (+/*) Added and reviewed Other Minors ministers
    - (+) Added ISA ministers
    Tech Teams
    - (+) Added RK Ost Sibirien tech teams
    - (+) Added RK Ural tech teams
    - (+) Added RK West Sibirien tech teams
    - (+) Added ISA tech teams
    - (+) Added Imperial Russia tech teams
    - (*) Reviewed Other Minors tech teams

(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
    - (*) Reviewed Germany inc
    - (*) Reviewed Bulgaria inc
    - (*) Reviewed Romania inc
    - (*) Reviewed Burma inc
    - (*) Reviewed Canada inc
    - (*) Reviewed United Kingdom inc
    - (*) Reviewed Axis inc
    - (*) Reviewed United Nations inc
    - (*) Reviewed USA inc
    - (*) Reviewed SS inc
    - (*) Reviewed Commie China inc
    - (*) Reviewed Far Eastern inc
    - (*) Reviewed Korea inc
    - (*) Reviewed Croatia inc
    - (*) Reviewed Hungary inc
    - (*) Reviewed Italy inc
    - (*) Reviewed Soviet Union inc
    - (*) Reviewed French State inc
    - (*) Reviewed Nationalist Spain inc
    - (*) Reviewed Other Minors inc

(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
    - (+) Integration with BeBros unit sprites
    - (+) Integration with the HOI3 Graphics Mod
    - (+) New event pics
    - (+) New flags

(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
    - (*)  Improved AI for Soviet Union
    - (*)  Improved AI for United Kingdom
    - (*)  Improved AI for Germany
    - (*)  Improved AI for Italy
    - (*)  Improved AI for Bulgaria
    - (*)  Improved AI for Croatia
    - (*)  Improved AI for Finland
    - (*)  Improved AI for France State
    - (*)  Improved AI for Hungary
    - (*)  Improved AI for Romania
    - (*)  Improved AI for Nationalist Spain
    - (*)  Improved AI for SS
    - (*)  New AI for Argentina
    - (*)  New AI for Australia
    - (*)  New AI for Belgium
    - (*)  New AI for Brazil
    - (*)  New AI for Canada
    - (*)  New AI for Denmark
    - (*)  New AI for Greece
    - (*)  New AI for Holland
    - (*)  New AI for Indonesia
    - (*)  New AI for Japan
    - (*)  New AI for Mexico
    - (*)  New AI for Mongolia
    - (*)  New AI for Norway
    - (*)  New AI for New Zealand
    - (*)  New AI for South Africa
    - (*)  New AI for Sweden
    - (*)  New AI for Other Minors

(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
        - (*)  Update country.csv for complete compatibility with official 1.04 patch
        - (+) General : Events for USA and UN Cold War strategies
        - (+) Added Hellenic State and Republic of Korea to scenario start
        - (+) Added WW3 victory chains for the Axis Powers in Asia, America and Britain
        - (+) Added the Independent States of America as Nazi German puppet
        - (+) Assigned special Waffen-SS unit names to the Independent States of America
        - (+) Added options to reorganize Ural and Siberian territories into Asian Reichskommissariats or cede them to National Socialist Russia (only after the death of Hitler).
        - (+) Added army leaders to the UN.
        - (+) New SKIN for the Empire of Russia warlord state.
        - (+) The UN and The Axis TAGs will start World War 3 if player declares war on them.
        - (-) Delayed the Sino-Soviet War to reflect post-Chinese Civil War reconstruction period.
        - (+) Added SS timeline and creation of SS-Staat Germania (+ Campaign for Radicalization of the Axis)

# Changelog for Beta version 5.0 codename "Red Dawn"

#Events/Decision Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-)
        - (*) Hitler Death Chain
        - (*) SS events
        - (*) West Generalplan
        - (*) Ost Generalplan
        - (+/*) Ukraine RK
        - (+/*) German Influences
        - (*) Generalgovernment
        - (+/*) Bailout events
        - (+/*) Domestic events
        - (*) Axis events
        - (+) Bonus - List of events
        - (+) Sino-Russian Wars
        - (+) Sino-Soviet War
        - (+) Chinas events
        - (*) Post Chinese Civil War events
        - (+) Indochina Wars
        - (*) India events
        - (+/*) French State
        - (+/*) Belgium
        - (+) Nationalist Spain
        - (*) Italy
        - (+/*) Free France
        - (*) Serbia
        - (+) Bonus - List of events
        - (+/*) Soviet Union (Beria,Molotov,Zhukov + more)
        - (*) Comintern Conference
        - (+/*) Far Eastern Republic
        - (+/*) Siberia
        - (+) Bonus - List of events
        - (*) Persia
        - (*) United Arab Republic
        - (+) Swiss Problem
        - (*) Transylvania
        - (*) Suez
        - (*) Kuwait
        - (*) Abadan
        - (+) China/Soviet Union
    - AFRICA
        - (+/*) South Africa
        - (+) End of UK Colonialism
        - (*) Madagascar
        - (*) Marshall Plan
        - (*) USA
    - New leaders for Arab Federation
    - New leaders for Cossack Federation
    - New leaders for Egypt
    - Modified ministers_U87.csv
    - Modified ministers_als.csv
    - Modified ministers_sov.csv
    - Revision inc for Germany (Nuclear)
    - Revision inc for USA (Nuclear,New Cabinet)
    - Revision inc for Italy (Nuclear)
    - Revision inc for United Kingdom (Nuclear)
    - Revision inc for Soviet Union    (Nuclear)
    - Revision inc for SS
    - Revision inc for China Nationalist and Commie China
    - Revision inc for Axis
    - Add inc for United Nations
    - Revision inc for Siberia
    - Revision inc for Ostland
    - Revision inc for Croatia
    - Revision inc for Denmark

# AI
    - Improved AI for Germany
    - Improved AI for SS
    - Improved AI for all RK
    - Improved default AI

    - Revision of fatherland.eug

    - New event pics
    - New icon
    - New scenario pic
    - New flags
    - New counters

    - Added United Nations faction
    - Implementing of Cold War Tech Tree Expansion
    - Review of revolt.txt
    - Remove duplicate files
    - Bug fixing

# Map fixing:
    - Minor fixing

# Changelog for Beta version 4.0 codename "Middle West"

#Events/Decision Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-)
        - (*) Hitler Death Chain
        - (*) Generalplan OST Chain
        - (+/*) Domestic events (Build up Germania and others)
        - (+) SS events
        - (*) Reichskommissariat Kaukasus events
        - (*) Axis military events
        - (*) Soviet Area events
        - (*) Vladivostok Conference
        - (*) Italy domestic events
        - (*) Italy Grand Council
        - (*) Vichy France Petain Death Chain
        - (*) Vichy France domestic
        - (*) Serbia events
        - (+) Belgium events
        - (+) The Swiss problem
        - (+) Nuclear riding
        - (*) Suez Crisis
        - (*) Kuwait Crisis
        - (*) IRA Chain
        - (+) WW3 events
        - (*) India events
        - (+) New Nationalist China victory chain
        - (*) Egypt chain
        - (*) South Africa events
        - (*) Madagascar independence
        - (+) End of UK Colonialism
        - (-) Israel formation events
        - (*) Iran events
        - (+) UAR events
        - (-) Arab Federation events
        - (*) Marshall Plan chain
        - (+) USA flavour events
        - (*) Political Events - Coups & Regime Changes
        - (*) Generic Decisions - Grand Offensive
        - (*) Mobilization events

    - Modified ministers_ind.csv
    - Modified ministers_u58.csv (SS Schutzstaffel)
    - Modified ministers_u59.csv (Empire of Russia)

    - Review mods.csv
    - Review world_names.csv
    - Review scenario_text.csv
    - Review unit_names.csv

    - Revision inc for Germany
    - Revision inc for USA
    - Revisione inc for Italy
    - Revisione inc for United Kingdom
    - Revision inc for Croatia
    - Revision inc for Denmark
    - Revision inc for Siberia

# AI
    - Improved AI for Germany
    - Improved AI for SS
    - Improved AI for all RK
    - Improved default AI

    - Revision of fatherland.eug

    - New event pics
    - New icon
    - New scenario pic (Siberia,Empire of Russia,Egypt,Hellenic State)
    - New flags
    - New counters

    - Added Hellenic State (Italy's puppets)
    - Implementing of Cold War Tech Tree Expansion
    - Review of revolt.txt
    - Remove duplicate files
    - Bug fixing

# Map fixing:
    - Minor fixing

# Changelog for Beta version 3.0 codename "V Day"

#Events/Decision Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-)
        - (+) Bailout events
        - (*) Hitler Death Chain
        - (*) Generalplan OST Chain
        - (*) Generalplan WEST Chain
        - (*) Domestic events
        - (+) Reichskommissariat Ukraine events
        - (*) Reichskommissariat Kaukasus events
        - (+) Axis military events
        - (+) New Soviet Area events
        - (-) Vladivostok Conference
        - (+) Turkey events
        - (*) Italy domestic events
        - (*) Italy Grand Council
        - (*) Vichy France Petain Death Chain
        - (*) Vichy France domestic
        - (*) Serbia events
        - (*) Transylvanian War
        - (*) Spain domestic events
        - (*) United Kingdom domestic events
        - (+) The Swiss problem
        - (+) Nuclear riding
        - (+) Suez Crisis
        - (+) Kuwait Crisis
        - (*) IRA Chain
        - (*) China civil war
        - (*) Sinkiang fate
        - (*) Events for Burma
        - (*) Events for Ceylon
        - (*) Events for Tibet
        - (*) Ethiopian crisis chain
        - (*) South Africa events
        - (+) Israel formation events
        - (+) Iran events
        - (+) UAR events
        - (+) Arab Federation events
        - (*) Marshall Plan chain
        - (+) Political Events - Coups & Regime Changes
        - (+) Generic Decisions - Grand Offensive
        - (*) Mobilization events

    - Add ministers_sik.csv (Xinjiang)
    - Add ministers_u58.csv (SS Schutzstaffel)
    - Add ministers_axi.csv (Axis)
    - Add ministers_sib.csv (Siberia)
    - Add ministers_u59.csv (Empire of Russia)
    - Add ministers_upe.csv (Turkestan)
    - Add ministers_slo.csv (Slovenia)
    - Add ministers_u57.csv (Far Eastern Republic)
    - Add ministers_pri.csv    (Primorsk)

    - Review mods.csv
    - Review world_names.csv
    - Review scenario_text.csv
    - Review unit_names.csv

    - New inc for Axis
    - New inc for Burma
    - New inc for China Nationalist
    - New inc for Sinkiang
    - New inc for Romania
    - New inc for Egypt
    - New inc for Iran
    - New inc for Iraq
    - New inc for Italy
    - New inc for Jordan
    - New inc for Empire of Russia
    - New inc for Saudi Arabia
    - New inc for Siberia
    - New inc for Soviet Union
    - New inc for Belarus Central Rada
    - New inc for Cossack Federation
    - New inc for Croatia
    - New inc for Finland
    - New inc for Free France
    - New inc for GG Polen
    - New inc for Germany
    - New inc for Japan
    - New inc for Lebanon
    - New inc for Lokot Republic
    - New inc for Mongolia
    - New inc for Montenegro
    - New inc for Flanders
    - New inc for Wallonia
    - New inc for Ostland
    - New inc for Serbia
    - New inc for SS
    - New inc for Turkestan
    - New inc for Far Eastern Republic

# AI
    - Improved AI for Soviet Union
    - Improved AI for France
    - Improved AI for Free France
    - Improved AI for Germany
    - Improved AI for United Kingdom
    - Improved AI for China Commie and Nationalist
    - Improved AI for SS
    - Improved AI for all RK

    - Review of fatherland.eug

    - Correct load screen
    - New menu screen
    - New event pics
    - New icon
    - New scenario pic
    - New flags
    - New counters

    - New nations playable (SS,AXIS,Far Eastern Republic,Siberia,Empire of Russia)
    - Implementing of Cold War Tech Tree Expansion
    - Review of revolt.txt
    - Remove duplicate files
    - Minor fixing

# Map fixing:
    - Minor fixing

# Changelog for Beta version 2.0

#Events/Decision Modified (*) or Added (+)
        - (+) Hitler Death Chain
        - (+) Generalplan OST Chain
        - (+) Generalplan WEST Chain
        - (*) Domestic events
        - (+) Formation of the Volga Coalition Chain
        - (+) Operation Barbarossa II Chain
        - (+) Spain entry into the axis event
        - (+) Pacification of Moscow zone
        - (+) Reichskommissariat Kaukasus events
        - (*) Vladivostok Conference
        - (*) Soviet Union Domestic events
        - (*) Italy domestic events
        - (*) Italy Grand Council
        - (*) Vichy France Petain Death Chain
        - (*) Vichy France domestic
        - (*) Serbia events
        - (*) Transylvanian War
        - (*) Spain domestic events
        - (*) United Kingdom domestic events
        - (*) Abadan Crisis
        - (*) Central Asia Crisis
        - (*) Morocco Crisis
        - (+) Iran/Kurdish Crisis
        - (+) Colonials Events
        - (+) IRA Chain
        - (+) Sino/India War (thanks NWO)
        - (+) United Arab Republic (thanks NWO)
        - (*) China civil war
        - (*) India-Pakistan war
        - (*) Sinkiang fate
        - (*) Korean front
        - (*) Indochina chain
        - (*) Tibet-China conflict
        - (+) Add events for Burma (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Ceylon (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for New Zealand (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Mongolia (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Philippines (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Thailand (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Nepal (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Brunei (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Ethiopian crisis chain
        - (*) South Africa events
        - (+) Add events for Egypt (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Madagascar (thanks NWO)
        - (*) Marshall Plan chain
        - (+) Add events for Cuba (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Chile (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Canada (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Argentina (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Uruguay (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Paraguay (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Venezuela (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Peru (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for El Salvador (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Colombia (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Panama (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Ecuador (thanks NWO)
        - (+) Add events for Brazil (thanks NWO)

- Add ministers_ita.csv (Italy)
- Add ministers_rom.csv (Romania)
- Add ministers_sov.csv (Soviet Union)
- Add ministers_wll.csv (Wallonia)
- Add ministers_tra.csv (Cossack Federation)
- Add ministers_U44.csv (Generalgouvernement Polen)
- Add ministers_U52.csv (Burgundy SS State)
- Add ministers_U54.csv (Galicia)
- Add ministers_U62.csv (Goralenland)
- Add leaders U52 (Burgundy SS State)
- Add teams_U52 (Burgundy SS State)

- Review mods.csv
- Review world_names.csv
- Review scenario_text.csv

- New inc for Croatia
- New inc for Romania
- New inc for Serbia
- New inc for Soviet Union
- New inc for Spain
- New inc for Sinkiang
- New inc for United Kingdom
- New inc for Canada
- New inc for Bulgaria
- New inc for Hungary
- New inc for Italy
- New inc for Slovakia
- New inc for Reichskommissariat Kaukasus (U42)
- New inc for Cossack Federation
- New inc for Reichskommissariat Ukraine (U41)
- New inc for China Nationalist
- New inc for China Communist
- New inc for Korea People's Republic
- New inc for Belarus Central Rada
- New inc for Denmark
- New inc for Germany
- New inc for Flanders
- New inc for Reichskommissariat Ostland (U40)
- New inc for Vietnam
- New inc for Indochinese Union
- New inc for France
- New inc for Reichskommissariat Belgien-Nordfrankreich (U47)
- New inc for Indonesia
- New inc for Netherland (East Indies)
- New inc for Belgium (Congo)
- New inc for Pakistan
- New inc for India

# AI
- Improved AI for Soviet Union
- Improved AI for France
- Improved AI for Free France
- Improved AI for Germany
- Improved AI for United Kingdom

- Review of fatherland.eug

- New load screen
- New event pics
- New icon
- New scenario pic
- New flags
- New counters

- Implementing of Cold War Tech Tree Expansion
- Review of revolt.txt
- Remove duplicate files
- Minor fixing

# Map fixing:
- Fixed Soviet Union Claims

# Changelog for Beta version 1.0

# Bug fixing:
- Fixed all issues which caused errors when starting scenario (Tonie112)
- Fixed Transylvania War event chain (Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Leningrad Settlement event chain (Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed some Italians events localization (Ticket Cookie)

# Events/Decisions:
- Integration of Mobilization System (Tonie112)
- Review of Vichy France event chain (Tonie112)
- Review of Marshal Plan event chain (Tonie112)
- Review of Colonial Morocco event chain (Ticket Cookie)
- Review/fixes of Grand Council of Fascism event chain (Ticket Cookie)
- Review/fixes of Future of Belgium (West Plan) event chain (Ticket Cookie)
- Review of Vladivostok Conference chain (Pako)
- New Morocco Crisis event chain (with 2 new ministers for MOR)(Ticket Cookie)
- New South Africa event chain (Pako)

# Scenario files (INC):
- Review of USA (Ticket Cookie)
- Set-up of US-occupied Korean Peninsula (Ticket Cookie)
- Review with NWO of minors regional powers of North and South America (Argentina,Canada,Chile,Columbia,
Costa Rica,Cuba,Dominican Republic,Ecuador,Guatemala,Haiti,Honduras,Mexico,Nicaragua,Panama,Paraguay,
Peru,San Salvador,Urugay,Venezuela) (Ticket Cookie)
- Nuclear Reactor and Coastal Forts added to UK (Tonie112)
- Minor changes UK (Newfoundland/colonial claims reworked) (Ticket Cookie)
- Rebase 12th and 15th USAF from Southern Italy to Korea (Ticket Cookie)
- Review of Chinas,Mongolia and add Koreas .inc (Pako)
- Review of Finnish and Bulgarian cores and provinces (Ticket Cookie)
- Review of Soviet claims and localization of OOB (Ticket Cookie)
- Review of Cossack Federation OOB (Pako)

# Scenario files (OOB):
- New German Black Sea Fleet made with converted Soviet vessels (Ticket Cookie)
- Revision of Nationalist China OOB (Pako)
- Revision of OOB Italy, United Kingdom and Free France (Tonie112)
- Revision of German Occupation Army of Greece, Syria and Lebanon OOBs (Ticket Cookie)

# AI
- Completely reworked AI for major (UK,Germany,Italy,USSR,USA,France) (Tonie112)
- Revision of Nationalist China and Communist China (Pako)

- Add Cabinet&Ministers for French State (event Pétain's death) (Ticket Cookie)
# Changelog for Alpha version 0.30
# Porting
- Porting on the 1.03 RC3 patch
- Add modified db/misc.txt

# Events/Decisions:
- Small revision of Grand Council of Fascism (Pako)

# Scenario files (INC):
- Completely review Spain (Pako, NWO2)
- Completely review Portugal (Pako, NWO2)
- Completely review Ireland (Pako, NWO2)
- Completely review South Africa (Pako, NWO2)
- Added Ethiopia as new playable nation (Pako)

# Other
- Made Ethiopia selectable in Fatherland.eug file (Pako)

# Changelog for Alpha version 0.23

# Bug fixing:
- Fixed multiple bugs

# Events/Decisions:
- Little revision of Hitler Death Chain (Pako)
- New events chains for Vichy France and Free France (Death of Petain, 2nd Treaty of Versailles, French Revenge, Crisis in the Med) (thanks to Tonie112)
- Expanded and new events chains: Franco-Cambodian's relations and Cochinchina (thanks to Ticket Cookie)

# Scenario files (INC):
- Review Vichy France (thanks to Tonie112)
- Review Free France (thanks to Tonie112)
- Added 3 new playable nations, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Italian IC malus (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed UK research malus (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Thai-Indochinese border (prov1402) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Give core on Free France West Indies, Guyanna, French Pacific Island and St.Pierre et Miquelon (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Deleted land forts in Tunisia (5 years after Tunisia Campaign) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Deleted land forts in Italy (no Italian Campaign, so no Gothic and Po line.) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Deleted land forts in Greece (Metaxas Line would have been destroyed by Italian, German and Bulgarian forces by 1948) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Italian provinces revolt risk (no Italian Campaign, no RSI, so no partisans malus in their territories) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)

# Scenario files (OOB):
- Review Germany Naval OOB (thanks to WarHawk 109)
- New U03 (Indochinese Union) OOB (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- New CMB (Cambodia) OOB (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- New LAO (Laos) OOB (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- New VIE (Vietnam) OOB (thanks to Ticket Cookie)

# Ministers, leaders and tech teams:

- Added some new French ministers in french minister file, 'woke up' Darlan (thanks to Tonie112)
- New starting cabinet for U03 (Indochinese Union) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fix ministers Cambodia (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fix ministers Laos (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fix ministers RSI (ministers_rsi): that was breaking Unit chain about a republican Italy, and reduced drastically the number of RSI ministers. (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Improved leaders for U03 (Indochinese Union) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Improved and news ministers for U03 (Indochinese Union) and VIE (Vietnam) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- New tech team for U01 (Free France), U03 (Indochinese Union) and VIE (Vietnam) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed techs of Indochinese Union (thanks to Ticket Cookie)

# Other
- Made Vichy selectable in Fatherland.eug file (thanks to Tonie112)
- Made Cambodia,Laos,Vietnam selectable in Fatherland.eug file (thanks to Ticket Cookie)

# Changelog for Alpha version 0.22

# Bug fixing:
- Fixed multiple bugs
- Fixed scenario axis alliance (thanks to Korodikrisz)
- Fixed Plan Marshall for Free France (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Serbia's Future (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Free France Capital (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed French Coastline (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Transylvania crisis (thanks to Unit)

# Events/Decisions:
- New events chains : Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- New events chains : The Vladivostok Conference (thanks to Pako)
- New events chains : Italy (thanks to Unit)

# Gfx:
- New Original splashscreen (credits Pako)

# Scenario files (INC):
- Fixed Italy.inc (Unit)
- Fixed Finland.inc

# Other
- Fixed and added ministers_ger.csv
- New nation : Morocco (thanks to Ticket Cookie 6 news ministers, 1 new leader+1 new flag&shield [thanks to RumpNissen09])

# Changelog for Alpha version 0.21

# Bug fixing:
- Fixed relationship between Germany and other axis nations
- Fixed event 267 desc
# Events/Decisions:
- China civil war (alpha version [credits NWO])
- Integration of Transylvania Crisis
- Integration of Abadan Crisis
- Add event Claim the coastline (French State)
# Gfx:
- Add china civil war pics (credits NWO)
# Scenario files (INC):
- Review some diplomacy
# Scenario files (INC. OOBs):
- Review of Soviet Cabinet
- Review of Soviet OOB
- Review of China Nationalis OOB
- Review of United Kingdom.inc,Germany.inc
# Other
- Completely reorganization of db\events folder
- Renamed events2.txt to Fatherland.txt
- New splash screen (crdits General Grant)

# Changelog for Alpha version 0.20

# Bug fixing:
# Events/Decisions:
- Added events chain for the Hitler Died
- Added events chain for a central asia war
- Added events chain to gain core as U01 on Algeria and Tunisia.
# Ministers, leaders and tech teams:
- Fixed Admiral Darlan leader and tech team for Free France and Vichy at the same time(+HoG Chief of Navy of VIC), he is now available only for Vichy.
# gfx:
- Added flags, shields and counters for Fascist Germany, Communist Kazakhstan, Communist Turkestan, Independent Turkestan and Axis Turkestan.
# Scenario files (INC):
- Soviet Union no longer has cores on the Baltics, Bessarabia and Karelia.
- Changed Free France capital back to Brazzaville.
- Fixed Free France claims on North Africa.
# Scenario files (INC. OOBs):
- Provisional Soviet OOB

# Changelog for Alpha version 0.19

# Bug fixing:
- Reorganized the mods.csv file to prevent "translation missing" errors.
# Events/Decisions:
- Added 14 new events for the Abadan Crisis (inspired by the NWO mod, all credit goes to them for the parts I copied)
- Added new 10 general events for U44 and GER for the General Government.
- Added 9 new events for the future of the General Government
- Omitted "Operation Barbarossa".
- Fixed some of the "Ost" events.
- Added a few more "Ost" events, including integration of Osland, pacification events for RK Ukraine and an expansion event for the Lokot Republic.
- Added an event for Volksgrenadier divsions when Germany is forced on the defensive.
# Ministers, leaders and tech teams:
- Changed the files for the Cossacks (TRA) and Idel Ural State (UER)
# gfx:
- Added flags, shields and counters for the Idel Ural State and Goralenland.
- Added one new event picture.
# Scenario files (INC):
- Removed the "AXI" tag (Crimea) from the scenario and alloted the territory to GER.
- Added a cabinet for the Cossack Federation (TRA)
# Scenario files (INC. OOBs):
- Reorganized the German airforce.
# Map:
# Other:
- Changed the revolt.txt file to create the Idel Ural State.
- Changed the revolt.txt file to give province 341 (Novi Sad) to Hungary upon creation (as an extra province).
- Added a new country: Goralenland (U62, formerly Far Eastern Host)
- Added a new country: Galicia (U54, formerly West Ukrainian People's Republic)

# Changelog for Alpha version 0.18

# Bug fixing:
# Events/Decisions:
- Added 37 new events for the Romanian-Hungarian war
- Added new events for Free France, by Ticket Cookie.
# Ministers, leaders and tech teams:
- Added a new cabinet for the Lokot Republic
- Added a new leader for the Lokot Republic
- The tech teams for Free France have been improved.
# gfx:
- Added a new flag, shield and counter for the Lokot Republic
- Added a new flag, shield and counter for the Cossack Federation
# Scenario files (INC):
- Minor diplomacy changes.
- Expanded the territory of the Lokot Republic.
# Scenario files (OOB):
- Temporarily removed the Soviet OOB for reorganization.
- Temporarily removed the German Naval and Ariforce OOB for reorganization.
- Reorganized the German land divisions in a more realistic way.
- Vichy colonial divisions now belong to Free France.
# Map:
# Other:
- From now on the Alpha version is compatible only with DH 1.3 RC1.
- The scenario files are no longer an adapted version of the DH 1.2 1942 scenario, but instead the DH 1.3 1945 scenario.


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World War II

The world was plunged into war when Adolf Hitler swiftly attacked Poland (1939) over the Danzig corridor, thereby introducing the world to the German strategy of the 'Blitzkrieg' by conquering the country in a mere month. It was, however, only the start of Hitler's plan for world domination and expansion of the German Fatherland, which was to last for thousands of years. After the invasion of Denmark, Norway, the Benelux countries, France, Yugoslavia and Greece, Nazi Germany had almost free reign in continental Europe, being formally allied with the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom only left thanks to the lackings of the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe, which led to the only Allied victory in World War II, namely the Battle of Britain.

In 1941, Hitler then embarked on a campaign which only a daring statesman as he would have done. He backstabbed his official ally Stalin, and started one of the biggest invasions the world had ever seen, Operation Barbarossa. Before the end of the year, German troops entered in the Kremlin, after which Stalin dissappeared and was never to be found. Years later it was argued that the decision to besiege the so called 'symbolic' target Moscow, instead of logically focussing on Kiev, and the resource rich Ukraine and Caucasus, was the one decision that made a Russian counterattack impossible. After the fall of Moscow, several figures in the Soviet Union claimed power and conflicts arose within the Soviet hierarchy, while the logistic system to wage war completely collapsed over night. The Soviet ability to resist was not completely lost, however. Several Soviet generals began to function independently from the fighting Soviet leadership and forced discipline in her troops. Resistance was especially fierce in Stalingrad and Leningrad, but eventually Germany was pushing towards Archangelesk and Baku by 1943.

Meanwhile, the Allies, pushed by both the allied victories over Japan in the Pacific and Italy in North and East Africa, but also the need of a second front in Europe before it was too late, launched an ill prepared invasion of Italy, codenamed Operation Husky (March 1944). Germany, in a strike of opportunity, forced the remaining leadership of the Soviets to sign a peace treaty (December 1943), in which they would be 'given' the right to remain ruling over Siberia, while European Russia was to be under German occupation. Germany decisively crush the invasion force (May 1944), capturing many Allied forces, thereby making any other allied invasion impossible in the years to come. Hitler embarks on a second attempt to force the English to a surrender (August 1944), by focusing again on an air and submarine war. The participation of the United States, however, made any German attempt at starving the United Kingdom a complete failure. Meanwhile, the Allies in turn have begun to bomb German industries and cities en masse. Germany, strangled by heavy manpower losses in the East and a bombing campaign from the West, opens up diplomatic channels with the Allies trough neutral Switzerland and Sweden. The Allies, they too being unable to break the stalemate, eventually decide on a truce with the Axis (April 1945), in order to focus on the Far East.

It should be noticed that the truce is very unlikely to last and satisfactory to none. Historians often claim Hitler himself was fiercly against any truce, but did so after heavy pleads from the Wehrmacht and the lesser radical Nazi's in Germany, while Britain was forced to deal with a dangerous neighbour by the United States. In (August 1946), the Allies finally defeated the Japanese Empire by launching two nuclear bombs on it and declared world peace.

Der Kalter Krieg
Although a formal end to the Second World War had happened, many still unsolved conflicts rage in the years after the war. Hitler declared to have won an ultimate victory and embarked on megalomanic projects to prove the superioty of the German Empire. It immediately started the colonisation of the conquered areas in the East, but it proved to be costfull and a bloody campaign. Nevertheless, Hitler vowed to continue on the colonisation of the East, dubbed 'Generalplan Ost'. Several elements in the German leadership pushed for a less radical plan in the East, but Hitler only satisfied them by sharing some of the Russian spoils with Finland and Romania, and giving nominal peace to several Russian groups. Immediately after the war, the German quality of life was skyhigh, fueled by peace and the spoils of conquered Europe, it is however to be seen how the European economy under Nazi rule will develop. In Italy and Vichy France, for instance, poverty and dissent rose, fueled by the loss of their colonial empire and the lack of war spoils. Both countries are dealing with heavy problems by 1947, and it remains to be seen if their current leaderships will remain in power.

The Allies in their turn are eying for any opportunity to contain the German power in the world. But other potential enemies are rising, too. In China, the informal allies of the United States, the nationalists, are under heavy pressure from the much more powerfull communists. The allied governments in exile, the Free French, the Belgians and the Dutch, are all dealing with independance movements. The United Kingdom meanwhile, isn't putting down the war economy anytime soon, with German forces only a few miles away. The United States, unaffected and more powerfull than ever, will have to extensively support it's allies to put a lock on further German expansion.
This is the FATHERLAND's world.


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so are there any events for new war?
Certainly there are! :)

As we've left the 'Alpha phase' and have made available our first Beta version, it's a 'must' to have war events in a scenario like this. We wanted to implement a different war experience from vanilla DH/WW2. It can be best dubbed as the 'crisis-system': Just like in our OTL Cold War, during the years a lot of small conflicts arise, which easily can turn into a greater war; especially with a Nazi Germany! It's not yet (far from actually!) finished, but there are already some of these 'crisises' implemented which can explode into a general war of Germany against the remaining world.
Really interesting and looks like a lot of fun. I will be downloading later.
ah so it's finally here (atleast the beta is) I've been waiting for this mod, downloading it right away


I really like the events and the mod seems to be functioning well. I did run into several bugs though. In the start of the game, the Finnish province Sortavala had 3 soviet divisions in it. I encountered a more serious bug when Kazakstan wanted to join me (Germany). They were at war with the Soviets and allying them also made me join the war. According to the events I should've been only able to grant them some military support and not join the actual war
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Tanti auguri per queste mod! As this is a cold war mod, i remind you that you can use the Cold War Extension tech tree.

Well, we will certainly consider that, did'nt test your work yet but seems promising.

I am myself a user of your Cpack Style icons mod, wich is of course fully compatible with Fatherland, and I hope you will cover more of the Cold War era one day :)
Download worked for me.
Really interesting :) Like the premise, and enjoy the fact that it is not a complete Axiswank, as only Germany could have feasible emerged "victorious" WW2 as you presented it.
However, I have a few quibs with the scenario you presented. As I am at uni right now I cannot playtest it yet and may or may not know of any events you have there yet, I have a few suggestions ideas to share.

1. Germany v Italy:
Italy is clearly a loser of this scenario: They lost the war in africa and even got invaded (even if repelled). I find it unlikely that a German Superpower will sit idly over unresolved issues like South Tyrol (and the area around Trieste).
Bear with me while I present pseudo code of an event chain I have in mind:

### Crisis over South Tyrol and Triest ###

# Backstory:
With peace in Europe, the unresolved issue of Germans in foreign countries comes up. It is roughly akin to the first Munich crisis, as Hitler squeezed out the Sudetengermans from Czechoslovakia. Same could and in my opinion would happen here. There is also the issue of the traditional Austrian port of Trieste (and linking territories) as well. Germany would likely not be satisfied with it's only link to the sea being the northgerman coast. We should be fair here, Germany is and will be the sole behemoth of the european Axis, being able to bully everyone else in europe at their whim. 

# Event Chain:
Event GER "The Issue of South Tyrol"
    Choice A: Ask for South Tyrol
    Choice B: Ask for South Tyrol and Trieste

    If Choice A 
        then ITA "Well ok then" - cede South Tyrol    #90% of the time
        elseif ITA "Bugger off GER"                          #10% of the time

            IF Choice A and "Bugger off GER"
                then ITA "Ask for Allied Help" - trigger "ITA reaches out to allies"    #95% of the time
                elseif ITA "I like a good fight" - ITA fights alone, war with GER       #5% of the time

    If Choice B
        then ITA "Well ok then" - cede South Tyrol and Triest plus linking territories   #50% of the time
        elseif ITA "Bugger off GER" - war with GER                                                #50% of the time    

            IF Choice B and "Bugger off GER"
                then ITA "Ask for Allied Help" - trigger "ITA reaches out to allies"    #95% of the time
                elseif ITA "I like a good fight" - ITA fights alone, war with GER       #5% of the time

Event ALLIES (USA? UK?) "Ask for Allied Help"
    Choice A: Time to put an end to this
    Choice B: We cannot yet face Germany

        If Choice A: 
            then ALLIES "Time to put an end to this" - war with Germany ### World War 3 ###                #25% of the time

        If Choice B:
            then ALLIES "We cannot yet face Germany" - Trigger Event "Italy stands alone"                      #75% of the time

Event GER "Italy stands alone"
     Choice A: Teach them a lesson

        If Choice A: 
            then GER "Teach them the power of Germany" - war with Italy       #100% of the time

EVENT GER "Italy surrenders Tyrol; Italy alone"
    Choice A: With Tyrol secured, we'll let this issue rest now. Enjoy your day, Musso.
    Choice B: This state is rotten to the core; it needs more Ordnung. Enter Italian Social Republic.

        If Choice A: 
            then GER - peace with ITA
                   ITA - cede Tyrol to GER

       If Choice B: 
            then GER - annex ITA, release ISR, puppet ISR, ally ISR
                   ISR - cede Tyrol

EVENT GER "Italy surrenders Tyrol and Trieste; Italy alone"
    Choice A: With Tyrol and Trieste secured, we'll let this issue rest now. Enjoy your day, Musso.
    Choice B: This state is rotten to the core; it needs more Ordnung. Enter Italian Social Republic.

        If Choice A: 
            then GER - peace with ITA
                   ITA - cede Tyrol and Trieste to GER                                             #30% of the time

       If Choice B: 
            then GER - annex ITA, release ISR, puppet ISR, ally ISR
                   ISR - cede Tyrol and Trieste                                                       #70% of the time

EVENT GER "Italy surrenders; Italy in Allies"
    Choice A: This state is rotten to the core; it needs more Ordnung. Enter Italian Social Republic. Tyrol is enough.
    Choice B: This state is rotten to the core; it needs more Ordnung. Enter Italian Social Republic. We need Trieste also for the war effort.

       If Choice A: 
            then GER - annex ITA, release ISR, puppet ISR, ally ISR
                   ISR - cede Tyrol                                                                       #10% of the time
       If Choice B: 
            then GER - annex ITA, release ISR, puppet ISR, ally ISR
                   ISR - cede Tyrol and Trieste                                                       #90% of the time

2. There is also Switzerland - the only reason Hitler didn't annex the swiss/free the germans is because it would only hinder the war effort additionally (especially as it required passage of coal trains to italy). I see no reason to keep Switzerland alive in the event of the quick victory over the SU and subsequent peace with the allies. It may also deserve an event chain of it's own, like the italian question over Tyrol, with the changes of WW3 erupting over Switzerland (excessively low chances, like 5% or so).

Otherwise, very interesting work so far and I will check it out tonight when I have the chance.
You can simply put 'Cold War Tech Tree' Expansion over fatherland = it works perfectly. So simply integrate CWTT plz:rolleyes:
2. There is also Switzerland - the only reason Hitler didn't annex the swiss/free the germans is because it would only hinder the war effort additionally (especially as it required passage of coal trains to italy). I see no reason to keep Switzerland alive in the event of the quick victory over the SU and subsequent peace with the allies. It may also deserve an event chain of it's own, like the italian question over Tyrol, with the changes of WW3 erupting over Switzerland (excessively low chances, like 5% or so).

I agree with you on Switzerland, but it existed in the book (although I admit that this mod doesn't follow the book's timeline exactly) and I believe acted as a backdoor to diplomacy. I don't recall any of the book's characters having an opinion of the Swiss one way or the other, but it's been over 20 years since I've read it.
The main Problem about the swiss actually is, that hitler knew and would in this TL know, that it is an important factor in international secret Service Business. Sweden and the Swiss were perfect bases for international spying Business. And the Swiss was forcefully used to trade Special trade goods, Germany needed. Germanxy still Needs some Special goods like rare earth etc.
1. The Cold War Tech Tree
We never considered it to implement it, but it sounds interesting! I'm however afraid of the changes we need to make to each individual country to implement it.. But I might be wrong about the efforts it will take? We'd be pleased to hear more about the possibilities!

2. Switserland and Italy
Actually, we're on basically the same line as you guys on these subject, we just haven't got them worked out completely. Currently, there are some events creating tension between Italy and Germany (but these are far from finished, as indeed, an Italian-German rivalry is one of the more interesting things to happen in a post-Axis victory scenario). Regarding the Swiss, we think it's very likely that an independent state would exist, especially when a general peace exists. Of course, such an independent state in the backyard of Germany is bound to be the birthplace of conflicts.. (In game, there are in fact some events regarding the Swiss with a chance of war).
A war with the Swiss has real risks due to it's 1 Million man in one day policy. The Swiss has a strict conscription policy, a highly trained command staff and a very laissez fairez weapons policy. Every Swiss man is armed, even nowadays. The Swiss is able to raise up to 100 infantry Divisions within 1 day and to organise them within 3 days. The mountains and the swiss' fortifications made it nearly impossible for Military weak nations such as France or Italy to conquer it completly.

IMO this fact should be rewarded, when invading the Swiss. They definatly would provide a total Folks war as Germany does. (Totaler Volkskrieg). Germany allways tried to be able to bring in more than 30%-60% of the total (male) Population as soldiers, if needed.