Info and download post
"The world will never be the same"
- Codename : OSTFRONT
- pakotorino (aka Pako) : mod owner
- Redding
- Darkest Hour Full 1.05.1
Installation instructions:
Delete your previous version of Fatherland
1: Unzip the archive
2: Copy contents of the downloaded archive under Mods directory in the main Darkest Hour Folder.
3: Enjoy !
Download Link - Codename : OSTFRONT
Remember : save game not compatible
Special thanks to all community members and their feedback !
Download Link - Codename : 10th Anniversary Edition
Download Link - Codename : RESURGENT
Download Link - Codename : AMERIKA
Download Link - X version :!ZMszxKaS!kbz8QRXP8Ef-UHx-zjBoJm76DLc2-pCMo_06pgFOQ5k
Xmas fix (overwrite on X version, changelog below)
Download Link - 9.0beta - Codename "Atlas" :!cNNgAQAa!p1ven-b_s4PzNqf_kLVNj136w4reFjH_JVnmw84oIxs
Download Link - Beta version 8.0 - Codename "Empires" :!AQlQnRhS!TVvtICSJV24SD9yHvn1_AnaDKPV1vJGbilofRs3su-I
FATHERLAND 8.05 (compatible with DH 1.05 - Fatherland 8.0 necessary)!cI1H0brK!I_gdfdFMI1s7t68qufmcUN-iBHlD00MO0R-6OCaPDFQ
Download Link - Beta version 7.0 - Codename "New Order" :!pAVlgbRY!zfisEBkDdkP5w6m4EhtjX0u1bGoaaQYnG2ItiQiVL2M
Download Link - Beta version 6.0 - Codename "Yankee Doodle" :!JIsQyRSK!0P-zPT1TXEt68AvMr1OQc5mLSCtbH4UV0ykPn-fIsFw
alternative link - Beta 6 - Yankee
Download Link - Beta version 5.0 - Codename "Red Dawn" :!tVMWkIgQ!-lC9zLDRtixV529_uOSwI3Q4Lu2mkhITJ3DN7YUPMlw
Compatibility country.csv for official patch 1.04
1. Download the new country.csv file from!FZlH3Yoa!_Mi1azmW_QziBUXrxexthgi1u2eeAf8j2hki_bD6KQA
2. Put it into fatherland/db directory of the mod (overwrite the previous file)
3. Enjoy
Optional Flags Pack from WIF (credits to Arturius and Fernando Torres) :!4MFAFZhb!T8XyYUlynENBcDMU_LEbJFbhqwoQfptVUFM0A4lTriU
Download Link - Beta version 4.0 - Codename "Middle West" :!wFNyzBDD!bBrqDIzfsYjnCsLi-hiQfq0vo-mXNMB5T_-qyKlldUY
Optional patch - Beta version 4.0 - Codename "Middle West" :
Small patch to solve the German land doctrine and fix the nuke problems. Let me known wht do you think about it.
Here the link --->!8EtA3KwZ!HOUGQ5wsRU6fICtA1V-VfpxrkKv-yzB-SU-rNxcyMV4
Simply paste under scenarios/fatherland and overwrite the old files.
OLD Download Link - Beta version 3.0 codename "V Day" :!1clhDRKD!U4LLO9JifHM4JbDiLDDDNkbBHU0nv2eLyT-Tw2u5Ihs
OLD Alternative Download Link - Beta version 3.0 codename "V Day" :
OLD Download Link - Beta version 2.0 :!kBs2lRBa!IrO6a0z9aRUTqEUGPHcfligeZ4Vw00PIERW_RDxVFag
OLD Download Link - Beta version 1.0 :!FAVjDAzD!ZQhkuDrVmiabmim0fv6TOAvvtLBOD_p_rt0prkj4XUU
Optional Old Load Screen (rename as load_1024.bmp) :
# Credits :
- pakotorino (aka Pako) : Mod owner
- @Redding : Mod contributor. Special thanks !
Also thank you to :
-To Hirz and JJMerril for the possibilities to use and customize the Edge of Darkness events, thank you guys.
-To Fernando Torres and his wonderful World in Flames mod
-To Novapaddy for the complete revision and fix of errors
-To Ericafaq who is an inspiration with his Peace without victory mod
-To Bizon for allowing us to use files from his New World Order 2 mod. The NWO2 mod is ever a great inspiration.
-To Kaiserreich team for letting me use some of their files, thank you guys !
-To erica for the chinese area (ministers, tech and other stuffs)
-To Kretoxian for allowing us to incorporate his Cold War Tech Tree Expansion mod.
-To BeBro and The HOI3 Graphics Mod
-To QFM for some flavours events
-To all members of the community who contributed in the mod thread.
Mod recruitment:
Anyone willing to contribute events and ideas is more than welcome! Proper credits will be given of course!
Complete changelog :
# Fatherland Codename: OstFront
# Changelog
===== DB =====
- revised TRA tech team roster
- revised TRA minister/leader roster
- updated TRA unit/army name lists
- updated TRA scenario setup
- revised TRA events:
- added initial national identity choice and identity-specific events
- added province integration events
- added post-Krasnov leadership choice
- added events in case SOV coups TRA
- revised military events
- revised economy events to follow two chains
- revised Russian restoration events shared by Russian separatist states (U59, U57, possibly TRA)
- fixed U59, U57, TRA, UTC, RUS minister rosters
- added MoS type: Religious Leader
- added Foreign Minister type: Religious Diplomat
- Eastern Europe:
- added option for Germany to integrate Bialystok area
- reworked German content in Bohemia and Poland
- reworked partisan events in occupied regions of USSR
- added a few other GPO flavour events
- added a partisan warfare/evacuation paths for USSR
- reworked Ostwall/Wolga Coalition content as an answer to Soviet partisan warfare path
- Countries/REVOLT.TXT
- added another RK - RK Don-Wolga requiring control over Stalingrad - to cover Southern Russia previously left without RK of its own
- RK Moskowien now requires Arkhangels to be created (i.e. successful war against USSR)
- adjusted RK borders in general
- Events
- Redraw WW3 events
- Fixed Axis victory over America
- Fixed Axis victory over Britain
- Fixed Un victory over Europe
- Fixed WW3 Axis Diplomacy
- Fixed Generic Surrender Events
- Fixed Axis Military Events
- Fixed South Amerika Events
- Fixed Italian Events
- Redraw Arab Total War Chain
- Fixed China Civil War
- Fixed and add some event for UK
- New events and chain for Hungary
- Fixed and add some event for Ost GeneralPlan
- Fixed and add some event for West GeneralPlan (added SS Frankreich)
===== AI =====
- Major AI revisions as well as minor bugfixes
- Germany
- SS
- Croatia
- Egypt
- Iraq
- Saudi Arabia
- Slovakia
- Turkey
- UK
===== GFX =====
- added unique newspaper header for every country
- added several pics for province id
- added a lot of pictures for events, ministers, scenario descriptions etc
- updated some of the existing picture to better fit DH's poorly scalable UI
- change in-game font
- added some new flags (Nazi Siberia)
===== SCENARIO - Improvements, new OOB, and revision =====
- Germany
- SS
- Spain well as other minor stuff like new pictures, scenario and event descriptions, bugfixes etc
# Fatherland Codename: 10th Anniversary Edition
# Changelog
===== AI =====
- Major AI revisions as well as minor bugfixes
- Germany (remade)
- Great Britain
- Bulgaria
- Italy
- Some minors
===== DB =====
- CHINA Region
- Added intro events for CHI, CHC, MAN
- Adjusted starting CHI cabinet
- Added a cabinet choice event for MAN (starting, Japanese, Manchu, Warlord, KMT Reegades)
- Added a recurring civil war event for each MAN cabinet
- Adapted triggers NWO Chinese Civil War events
- Streamlined the end of Chinese Civil War events
- added a path of victorious China to join UN/Axis/Comintern and receive aid from them
- added Soviet/Chinese negotiations about the border if SOV grabbed some of Chinese territory
- added uniform Mongolia, Sinkiang, Tibet recovery and integration chains
- added seven paths for China to recover from post-civil war malus - three generic, three TAG-specific, one neutral-exclusive
- added opium chain for new Chinese government
- added Chinese holiday events
- added Sinkiang Resourced mini-chain
- COLD WAR events
- added a Cold War relations system with counters and flags to enable gradual gliding towards global conflict between UN/Axis or Comintern/Axis
- added generic incident and response events for Cold War
- adjusted crisis events for new system so that available responses for current relations status
- reworked Turkestan War (USSR/Turkestan)
- reworked Vladivostok Crisis (UN/NRC)
- reworked British/German nuclear race/sabotage war
- added an option for neutral China to call UN/Axis for help in case SOV chooses to invade
- added an option for neutral India to call UN/Axis for help in case SOV chooses to invade
- reworked and expanded Marshall Plan events
- adjusted GER, SOV, ENG first nuke events to affect Cold War tracker
- updated UN Sanction events against POR/SPA/MAN/CHI/CHC if they join the Axis for new system
- added/reworked events for each block entering WW3 if other two are fighting
- added dissent reduction events for WW3 entry
- adjusted nuke authorization event
- GENERIC events
- reworked almost all of generic events to allow more flexibility and options in internal politics
- replaced Open/Closed Society slider with Social Budget/Austerity slider and added/adjusted corresponding events
- replaced Hawk/Dove Lobby slider with Expert/Budget Military slider and added corresponding events for Military Reform
- updated Democratic/Authoritarian and Interventionism/Isolationism slider effects
- added A Change in Course decision for human players to force-move the sliders
- updated political decisions like Indoctrination (now Youth Organization), War Propaganda, Sacred Union, Press Censorship
- updated economy decisions like Invest in Sector of Industry (now Financial Mobilization), War Bonds, Women Work (now Foreign Labour Corps)
- updated Winter/Jungle/Sturdy/Desert equipment decisions and AI triggers
- updated Grand Offensive decision to make it universal, but differing in effects
- updated Diplomatic Campaign decision with new extra events
- added RGO Modernization decision
- updated Mobilization system
- Countries/REVOLT.TXT
- U87 re-made as Japanese rebellion against Quing Empire in case of Japanese suppression
- Russia/Comintern Region
- added Anti-Bolshevik League for U57, U59, UPE, TRA to possibly agree to fight the Soviets together
- updated Omsk/Kansk Fall events for Russian separatist minors to buff them updated
- added option for U57 and U59 to united into one (or fight) if Bolsheviks are gone
- added option for U57 and U59 to create a proper RUS with appropriate cabinet
- updated interaction between RUS and CHI/MAN
- updated SOV Grand Strategy in India and China events
- added SOV event about integration of separatist units, malus if they are more than 20% of the Red Army
- updated SOV Criminals Organize mini-chain
- updated SOV Comintern Conference, Economic Cooperation, Military Reform events for new systems
- added new minister types and new ministers for Germany's eastern RKs
- reworked GDE gain/loss by making it additive, so that GDE gain/loss in events would not be lost after reseraching next doctrine
===== GFX =====
- added a lot of pictures for events, ministers, scenario descriptions etc
- updated some of the existing picture to better fit DH's poorly scalable UI well as other minor stuff like scenarion and event descriptions, bugfixes etc
# Fatherland Codename: RESURGENT
# Changelog
===== DB
- Completely redesign Soviet Union area (credits Redding)
- Totally redraw leadership and ministers of Soviet Union
- New domestic, foreign, frontier and integration with tons of new events
- New events and revision for Siberia, Lokot, Imperial Russia and Nationa Russian Council (former Far Eastern Republic)
- New events about path "America First" (new alliance "APTO")
- New US elections events
- Add generic events and new way for the historical path
- SS
- Totaly redraw SS events
- GERMANY and its influence sphere
- Add new German domestic events
- Add new RKs events
- Add new Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren events
- Add new events SS-Staat
- Revision Axis Military events and intervention
- Revision and new events\chain for Canada (especially about "America First" Path)
- New path for Colombia (Commie,Democrats or Fascist)
- New events for Venezuela
- New events for Brazil
- New events for Bolivia
- New events for Peru
- New Andinean war chain
- Redraw events about Platinean War
- New events about Centroamerica Confederation
- Revision Mexico events + civil war and US intervention
- Revision Tibet events
- New events (and path) for Turkestan and East Turkestan
- Revision about Commie and Nationalist Chinas events
- Fix about Soviet-China war
- Revision and new events for Colonials chains (Free France and UK)
- Revision for IRA crisis event
- Revision for Korean Wars
- Revision for Sino-Indian war
- Revision for Transylvania Crisis
- Revision of South Africa events
- Revision about Indonesia events
- Revison about Japan events
- Revison about Philippines events
- Revision about Siam\Thailand events
- Revision and new events for Bulgaria
- Revision and new events for Free France
- Revision and new events for Greece
- Revision and new events for Hungary
- Revision and new events for Nationalist Spain
- Revision and new events for Italy
- Revision and new events for Serbia
- Revision and new events for Turkey
- Revision and new events for United Kingdom
- New chains "Arab Total War"
- Revision and new events for Persia
- Revision and new events for Iraq
- Revision and new events for Lebanon
- Revision and new events for United Arab Republic
===== AI - Improvements and Revision
- SS
===== SCENARIO - Improvements, new OOB, and revision
- AXIS forces
- SS-Staat
- New country
- Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren
- Quebec (releasable)
- Reichkommissariat France (releasable)
- Occitania (releasable)
- Normandy (releasable)
- Great Colombia (formable)
- New main alliance
- American-Pacific Threat Organization (only for alternative US Path)
- Improve some new countries colors
- Add jukebox ! Play music from (but not only) WW2 period !
- Review revolt.txt
- Add spacebar pause button
- Bug fix here and there (thanks to community for the feedback !)
... and may other stuffs i don't remember (new flags, propaganda posters, etc.)
# Fatherland Codename: AMERIKA
# Changelog
===== DB
- Completely designed new Path "America First" with tons of new events
- Totally redesigned US elections events
- Add generic events and new way for the historical path
- GERMANY and its influence sphere
- Add new German domestic events
- Add new RKs events
- Add new Belarus and Cossacks events
- Add new Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren events
- Add new events SS-Staat
- Revision Axis Military events and intervention
- New events and revision for Soviet Union events
- Revision about leadership of Soviet Union chain
- New events and revision for Siberia, Lokot, Imperial Russia and Nationa Russian Council (former Far Eastern Republic)
- Revision and new events\chain for Canada (especially about "America First" Path)
- New path for Colombia (Commie,Democrats or Fascist)
- New events for Venezuela
- New events for Brazil
- New events for Bolivia
- New events for Peru
- New Andinean war chain
- New events about Centroamerica Confederation
- Revision Mexico events
- Revision Tibet events
- New events (and path) for Turkestan
- Revision about Commie and Nationalis Chinas events
- Fix about Soviet-China war
- Revision and new events for Colonials chains (Free France and UK)
- Revision for IRA crisis event
- Revision for Korean Wars
- Revision for Sino-Indian war
- Revision for Transylvania Crisis
- Revision of South Africa events
- Revision about Indonesia events
- Revison about Japan events
- Revison about Philippines events
- Revision about Siam\Thailand events
- New events for Bulgaria
- Revision and new events for Free France
- Revision and new events for Greece
- Revision and new events for Hungary
- Revision and new events for Nationalist Spain
- Revision and new events for Italy
- Revision and new events for Serbia
- Revision and new events for Turkey
- Revision and new events for United Kingdom
- Revision and new events for Persia
- Revision and new events for Iraq
- Revision and new events for Lebanon
- Revision and new events for United Arab Republic
===== AI - Improvements and Revision
- SS
===== SCENARIO - Improvements, new OOB, and revision
- AXIS forces
- SS-Staat
- New country
- Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren
- Quebec (releasable)
- Reichkommissariat France (releasable)
- Occitania (releasable)
- Normandy (releasable)
- New main alliance
- American-Pacific Threat Organization (only for alternative US Path)
- Improve some new countries colors
- Add jukebox ! Play music from (but not only) WW2 period !
- Review revolt.txt
- Add spacebar pause button
- Bug fix here and there (thanks to community for the feedback !)
... and may other stuffs i don't remember (new flags, propaganda posters, etc.)
# Fatherland X - The definitive version
# Changelog
- Improve more LORE with more accurate countries name (like Großdeutsches Reich for example)
- Improve some new countries colors
- Review some parameters in misc.txt
- Review revolt.txt
- Review ministers_ita.csv
- Add cheats decisions (optionals - thanks to Raczkiewicz)
- Review and new events for
- Axis
- Comintern
- Crisis
- Far Eastern War
- Switzerland crisis
- Transylvania Crisis
- Europe
- Italy
- Nationalist Spain
- Germany
- Generalplan Ost
- Generalplan West
- Domestic
- Middle East
- Total Arab war
- POST WW3 (thanks to Raczkiewicz)
- WWIII_Axis_victory_Asia
- WWIII_UN_victory_Europe
- Bug fix here and there (thanks to community for the feedback !)
# XMas Fix
- United States chose to join Nationalist China in their civil war...but, well, the Empire of Manchuria did the same so they are allied to United States.
# Fixed
- i tries to load a savegame but it suddenly said it has 1 error found in the files. why?
# Fixed
- I'm playing as Siberian democratic republic, and I've had those in the same gemeplay, the right one, after the left one:
# Fixed
- The axis has no leaders and not enough IC and Manpower to actually reinforce their divisions.
# Fixed
- Axis turkestan military control is not removed after the peace treaty.
- RK Ukranine does not keep Odessa after defeating and puppeting Romania in the Transilvania war and instead gives it back to Romania.
I hope also to have fixed the combat stats.
# Fatherland - Beta 9 - codename "Atlas"
# Partial Changelog
- Add tons of events ...
- NEW Arab total war chain (UAR,SAUDI and ISLAM ENTENTE)
- Revison of events arab countries
- Partial revision of Wehrmacht Path (Imperial,Republic or Military Junta)
- Revision of general plan west and generalplan ost
- Partial revision of hitlerdied chain
- NEW SS events
- NEW Domestic events
- Revision Kaukasus chain
- NEW RK Events
- .... and more and more
- Completely revision Free France and French State collaboration
- NEW events Free France (and african departments)
- NEW events French State
- NEW events Denmark
- NEW events UK
- NEW events ITALY
- .... and more and more
- Revision of Transylvania war
- NEW events WW3 (Point of no return, 1960)
- Partial revision IRA Chains
- Partial Revision Far Eastern War
- Partial revision Suez crisis
- Partial revision of Soviet Area (to complete in next version)
- Completely review CHINAS events
- New Intervention and Axis Military events
- Review Indochina war and add more events and stuffs
- Review South Africa and Ethiopia events
- Revision of Marshall Plan and intervention events
- Add Occitania e Normandie as releasable countries
- Add Revolutionary Mexico
- Reviewed Germany (now invades US!)
- Reviewed US
- Reviewed Italy
- Reviewed India
- Reviewed Croatia
- Reviewed Hungary
- Reviewed Romania
- Reviewed Manchurian Empire
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed greek
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed vichy
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed china
- Reviewed china
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed united
- Reviewed china
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed far eastern
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed soviet
- Reviewed
- New Fatherland poster
- New end date (2000)
- New Lokot Republic propaganda poster
- New graphics (buttons, minimal and others)
- New German Skin
- Reviewed ministers_u57.csv
- Reviewed ministers_sik.csv
- Reviewed ministers_ita.csv
- Reviewed ministers_chi.csv
- Reviewed ministers_chc.csv
- Reviewed ministers_arg.csv
- Reviewed ministers_UTC.csv
- Reviewed ministers_U62.csv
- Reviewed ministers_U83.csv
.... and more other Stuffs !
# Fatherland - Beta 8 - codename "Empires"
# Partial Changelog
Summary :
- Add new countries : Empire of Manchuria, Menjiang, Wolgadeutsche Republik, Reichskommissariat Tirol-Vorarlberg, Reichskommissariat Norditalien, Revolutionary Mexico
- Add Space Race events
- AI revision
- Ministers revision
- Partial revision Russian Area
- Review OOB
- Minor fix
- New decision and events pics
- Add Mexican revolution and Centroamerica chain
- Revision of Far Eastern war chain, Arab Federation and United Arab Republic chain and Sud Amerika Platinean War chain
- Partial review Wehrmacht Germany chain
- Complete review Italy (new events, new chains, new ministers, etc.)
- Revision of Chinese Area and CCW
- New Intro screen (tribute to Kaiserreich)
- Added several customized events and decisions
- Fix to AI and new AI for some countries
- Review inc files
- New several flags
- New misc and top bar files
- New events for minors
- New sprites and new techs
- ... and more
# Fatherland - beta version 7.0 Beta codename "New Order"
# Changelog
Summary :
- Added several customized events and decisions
- Added complete cold war tech tree
- Added nuclear weapons red button system
- Completely review cabinets and countries
- New OOBs
- Several bug fix here and there
- Grammar mistakes fix
- Fixes and improve for Russian Area (completely review Far Eastern Republic, and tweak for other countries)
- New Sinkiang chain
- New several flags
- Added new path Wehrmacht Germany post Hitler government with new events
- New Far Eastern war chain
- New Arab Federation and United Arab Republic chain
- New Sud Amerika Platinean War chain
- Completely review Indochina area
- Fix of general errors from novapaddy
- Fix to AI and new AI for some countries
- Review inc files
- New misc and top bar files
- New events for minors
- New sprites and new techs
- ... and more, see details below
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
-(+) Added and customized several events from Edge Of Darkness and World In Flames (original credits to Hirz,JJMerril and Fernando Torres)
- (*) Review Hitler died chain events
-(+) Added new path Wehrmacht Germany post Hitler government with new events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed SS Government Germania events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed SS events SS Reichsbezirk Gotenland
- (*) Review Ost and West Generalplan by new governments after Hitler died chain
- (*) Review RK Kaukasus events
- (*) Review RK Ukraine events
- (*) Review RK Ostland events
- (*) Review Generalgovernment events
- (*) Review Cossack Federation events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Italy events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed United Kingdom events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Nationalist Spain events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Free France events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed French State events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Finland events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Serbia events
- (+) Added Denmark events
- (+) Added Portugal events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed USA events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed United Nations events
- (*) Reviewed Argentina events
- (*) Reviewed Bolivia events
- (*) Reviewed Brazil events
- (*) Reviewed Canada events
- (*) Reviewed Chile events
- (*) Reviewed Colombia events
- (*) Reviewed Costa Rica events
- (*) Reviewed Cuba events
- (*) Reviewed Uruguay events
- (*) Reviewed Ecuador events
- (*) Reviewed Venezuela events
- (*) Reviewed also other minors
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Soviet Union events
- (*) Reviewed Siberia events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Far Eastern events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Imperial Russia events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Turkestan events
- (+/*) Reviewed Beria path
- (+/*) Reviewed Zhukov path
- (+/*) Reviewed Molotovo path
- (+) Added Far Eastern War
- (+) Added platinean war
- (*) Reviewed Abadan crisis
- (*) Reviewed IRA crisis
- (*) Reviewed Kuwait crisis
- (*) Reviewed Morocco crisis
- (*) Reviewed Swiss Nuclear crisis
- (*) Reviewed Sino-Indian crisis
- (*) Reviewed Suez crisis
- (*) Reviewed Transylvania crisis
- (*) Reviewed WW3 and Nuclear
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Commie China events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Nationalist China events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Post Civil China War events (with Fascist China possibility)
- (+/*) Added and reviewed South Africa events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Egypt events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Ethiopia events
- (+) Added Indochina chain
- (*) Reviewed Brunei events
- (*) Reviewed Burma events
- (*) Reviewed Ceylon events
- (*) Reviewed India events
- (*) Reviewed Japan events
- (*) Reviewed Korea events
- (*) Reviewed Mongolia events
- (*) Reviewed Nepal events
- (*) Reviewed New Zealand events
- (*) Reviewed Pakistan events
- (*) Reviewed Philippines events
- (*) Reviewed Tibet events
- (*) Reviewed Indochina events
- (+) Added Arab Federation chain
- (*) Reviewed United Arab Republic events
- (*) Reviewed Iran events
- (*) Reviewed Iraq events
- (*) Reviewed other minors events
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (+) Added United Nations leaders
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Free France leaders
- (+) Added RK Ost Sibirien leaders
- (+) Added RK Ural leaders
- (+) Added RK West Sibirien leaders
- (+) Added ISA leaders
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Free France ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Commie China ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Romania ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Soviet Union ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Nationalist Spain ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Egypt ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed USA ministers
- (+) Added United Nations ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Other Minors ministers
- (+) Added ISA ministers
Tech Teams
- (+) Added RK Ost Sibirien tech teams
- (+) Added RK Ural tech teams
- (+) Added RK West Sibirien tech teams
- (+) Added ISA tech teams
- (+) Added Imperial Russia tech teams
- (*) Reviewed Other Minors tech teams
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (*) Reviewed Germany inc
- (*) Reviewed Bulgaria inc
- (*) Reviewed Romania inc
- (*) Reviewed Burma inc
- (*) Reviewed Canada inc
- (*) Reviewed United Kingdom inc
- (*) Reviewed Axis inc
- (*) Reviewed United Nations inc
- (*) Reviewed USA inc
- (*) Reviewed SS inc
- (*) Reviewed Commie China inc
- (*) Reviewed Far Eastern inc
- (*) Reviewed Korea inc
- (*) Reviewed Croatia inc
- (*) Reviewed Hungary inc
- (*) Reviewed Italy inc
- (*) Reviewed Soviet Union inc
- (*) Reviewed French State inc
- (*) Reviewed Nationalist Spain inc
- (*) Reviewed Other Minors inc
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (+) Integration with BeBros unit sprites
- (+) New event pics
- (+) New flags
- (+) Integration of Francesco Model Mod
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (*) Improved AI for Soviet Union
- (*) Improved AI for United Kingdom
- (*) Improved AI for Germany
- (*) Improved AI for Italy
- (*) Improved AI for Bulgaria
- (*) Improved AI for Croatia
- (*) Improved AI for Finland
- (*) Improved AI for France State
- (*) Improved AI for Hungary
- (*) Improved AI for Romania
- (*) Improved AI for Nationalist Spain
- (*) Improved AI for SS
- (*) New AI for Argentina
- (*) New AI for Brazil
- (*) New AI for Other Minors
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (+) General : Events for USA and UN Cold War strategies
- (*) Reviewed WW3 victory chains for the Axis Powers in Asia, America and Britain
- (+) Reviewed options to reorganize Ural and Siberian territories into Asian Reichskommissariats or cede them to National Socialist Russia (only after the death of Hitler).
- (+) Reviewed army leaders to the UN.
- (+) The UN and The Axis TAGs will start World War 3 if player declares war on them.
- (-) Delayed the Sino-Soviet War to reflect post-Chinese Civil War reconstruction period.
- (+) Added SS timeline and creation of SS-Staat Germania (+ Campaign for Radicalization of the Axis)
# Fatherland - beta version 6.0 codename "Yankee Doodle"
# Changelog
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (*) Reviewed Hitler Died chain events
- (*) Reviewed RK Kaukasus events
- (*) Reviewed RK Ukraine events
- (*) Reviewed Cossacks Federation events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed SS events
- (*) Reviewed Axis events
- (+) Added new path SS-Staat Germania with new events
- (+) Added new flavour events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Italy events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed United Kingdom events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Nationalist Spain events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Free France events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed French State events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Belgium events
- (*) Reviewed Serbia events
- (+) Added new Finland events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed USA events
- (+) Added United Nations events
- (*) Reviewed Marshall Plan events
- (*) Reviewed Peru events
- (*) Reviewed Uruguay events
- (*) Reviewed Ecuador events
- (*) Reviewed Venezuela events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Soviet Union events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Siberia events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Far Eastern events
- (*) Reviewed Imperial Russia events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Turkestan events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Beria path
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Zhukov path
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Molotovo path
- (+) Axis victory in America chain
- (+) Axis victory in Asia
- (+) Axis victory in Britain
- (*) Reviewed Abadan crisis
- (*) Reviewed Colonials crisis
- (*) Reviewed IRA crisis
- (*) Reviewed Kuwait crisis
- (*) Reviewed Morocco crisis
- (*) Reviewed Swiss Nuclear crisis
- (*) Reviewed Sino-Indian crisis
- (*) Reviewed Suez crisis
- (*) Reviewed Transylvania crisis
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Commie China events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Nationalist China events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Post Civil China War events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed South Africa events
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Egypt events
- (*) Reviewed End colonialism chain
- (*) Reviewed Brunei events
- (*) Reviewed Burma events
- (*) Reviewed Ceylon events
- (*) Reviewed India events
- (*) Reviewed Japan events
- (*) Reviewed Korea events
- (*) Reviewed Mongolia events
- (*) Reviewed Nepal events
- (*) Reviewed New Zealand events
- (*) Reviewed Pakistan events
- (*) Reviewed Philippines events
- (*) Reviewed Tibet events
- (*) Reviewed Indochina events
- (*) Reviewed United Arab Republic events
- (*) Review Iran events
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (+) Added United Nations leaders
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Free France leaders
- (+) Added RK Ost Sibirien leaders
- (+) Added RK Ural leaders
- (+) Added RK West Sibirien leaders
- (+) Added ISA leaders
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Free France ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Commie China ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Romania ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Soviet Union ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Nationalist Spain ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Egypt ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed USA ministers
- (+) Added United Nations ministers
- (+/*) Added and reviewed Other Minors ministers
- (+) Added ISA ministers
Tech Teams
- (+) Added RK Ost Sibirien tech teams
- (+) Added RK Ural tech teams
- (+) Added RK West Sibirien tech teams
- (+) Added ISA tech teams
- (+) Added Imperial Russia tech teams
- (*) Reviewed Other Minors tech teams
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (*) Reviewed Germany inc
- (*) Reviewed Bulgaria inc
- (*) Reviewed Romania inc
- (*) Reviewed Burma inc
- (*) Reviewed Canada inc
- (*) Reviewed United Kingdom inc
- (*) Reviewed Axis inc
- (*) Reviewed United Nations inc
- (*) Reviewed USA inc
- (*) Reviewed SS inc
- (*) Reviewed Commie China inc
- (*) Reviewed Far Eastern inc
- (*) Reviewed Korea inc
- (*) Reviewed Croatia inc
- (*) Reviewed Hungary inc
- (*) Reviewed Italy inc
- (*) Reviewed Soviet Union inc
- (*) Reviewed French State inc
- (*) Reviewed Nationalist Spain inc
- (*) Reviewed Other Minors inc
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (+) Integration with BeBros unit sprites
- (+) Integration with the HOI3 Graphics Mod
- (+) New event pics
- (+) New flags
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (*) Improved AI for Soviet Union
- (*) Improved AI for United Kingdom
- (*) Improved AI for Germany
- (*) Improved AI for Italy
- (*) Improved AI for Bulgaria
- (*) Improved AI for Croatia
- (*) Improved AI for Finland
- (*) Improved AI for France State
- (*) Improved AI for Hungary
- (*) Improved AI for Romania
- (*) Improved AI for Nationalist Spain
- (*) Improved AI for SS
- (*) New AI for Argentina
- (*) New AI for Australia
- (*) New AI for Belgium
- (*) New AI for Brazil
- (*) New AI for Canada
- (*) New AI for Denmark
- (*) New AI for Greece
- (*) New AI for Holland
- (*) New AI for Indonesia
- (*) New AI for Japan
- (*) New AI for Mexico
- (*) New AI for Mongolia
- (*) New AI for Norway
- (*) New AI for New Zealand
- (*) New AI for South Africa
- (*) New AI for Sweden
- (*) New AI for Other Minors
(Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-))
- (*) Update country.csv for complete compatibility with official 1.04 patch
- (+) General : Events for USA and UN Cold War strategies
- (+) Added Hellenic State and Republic of Korea to scenario start
- (+) Added WW3 victory chains for the Axis Powers in Asia, America and Britain
- (+) Added the Independent States of America as Nazi German puppet
- (+) Assigned special Waffen-SS unit names to the Independent States of America
- (+) Added options to reorganize Ural and Siberian territories into Asian Reichskommissariats or cede them to National Socialist Russia (only after the death of Hitler).
- (+) Added army leaders to the UN.
- (+) New SKIN for the Empire of Russia warlord state.
- (+) The UN and The Axis TAGs will start World War 3 if player declares war on them.
- (-) Delayed the Sino-Soviet War to reflect post-Chinese Civil War reconstruction period.
- (+) Added SS timeline and creation of SS-Staat Germania (+ Campaign for Radicalization of the Axis)
# Changelog for Beta version 5.0 codename "Red Dawn"
#Events/Decision Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-)
- (*) Hitler Death Chain
- (*) SS events
- (*) West Generalplan
- (*) Ost Generalplan
- (+/*) Ukraine RK
- (+/*) German Influences
- (*) Generalgovernment
- (+/*) Bailout events
- (+/*) Domestic events
- (*) Axis events
- (+) Bonus - List of events
- (+) Sino-Russian Wars
- (+) Sino-Soviet War
- (+) Chinas events
- (*) Post Chinese Civil War events
- (+) Indochina Wars
- (*) India events
- (+/*) French State
- (+/*) Belgium
- (+) Nationalist Spain
- (*) Italy
- (+/*) Free France
- (*) Serbia
- (+) Bonus - List of events
- (+/*) Soviet Union (Beria,Molotov,Zhukov + more)
- (*) Comintern Conference
- (+/*) Far Eastern Republic
- (+/*) Siberia
- (+) Bonus - List of events
- (*) Persia
- (*) United Arab Republic
- (+) Swiss Problem
- (*) Transylvania
- (*) Suez
- (*) Kuwait
- (*) Abadan
- (+) China/Soviet Union
- (+/*) South Africa
- (+) End of UK Colonialism
- (*) Madagascar
- (*) Marshall Plan
- (*) USA
- New leaders for Arab Federation
- New leaders for Cossack Federation
- New leaders for Egypt
- Modified ministers_U87.csv
- Modified ministers_als.csv
- Modified ministers_sov.csv
- Revision inc for Germany (Nuclear)
- Revision inc for USA (Nuclear,New Cabinet)
- Revision inc for Italy (Nuclear)
- Revision inc for United Kingdom (Nuclear)
- Revision inc for Soviet Union (Nuclear)
- Revision inc for SS
- Revision inc for China Nationalist and Commie China
- Revision inc for Axis
- Add inc for United Nations
- Revision inc for Siberia
- Revision inc for Ostland
- Revision inc for Croatia
- Revision inc for Denmark
# AI
- Improved AI for Germany
- Improved AI for SS
- Improved AI for all RK
- Improved default AI
- Revision of fatherland.eug
- New event pics
- New icon
- New scenario pic
- New flags
- New counters
- Added United Nations faction
- Implementing of Cold War Tech Tree Expansion
- Review of revolt.txt
- Remove duplicate files
- Bug fixing
# Map fixing:
- Minor fixing
# Changelog for Beta version 4.0 codename "Middle West"
#Events/Decision Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-)
- (*) Hitler Death Chain
- (*) Generalplan OST Chain
- (+/*) Domestic events (Build up Germania and others)
- (+) SS events
- (*) Reichskommissariat Kaukasus events
- (*) Axis military events
- (*) Soviet Area events
- (*) Vladivostok Conference
- (*) Italy domestic events
- (*) Italy Grand Council
- (*) Vichy France Petain Death Chain
- (*) Vichy France domestic
- (*) Serbia events
- (+) Belgium events
- (+) The Swiss problem
- (+) Nuclear riding
- (*) Suez Crisis
- (*) Kuwait Crisis
- (*) IRA Chain
- (+) WW3 events
- (*) India events
- (+) New Nationalist China victory chain
- (*) Egypt chain
- (*) South Africa events
- (*) Madagascar independence
- (+) End of UK Colonialism
- (-) Israel formation events
- (*) Iran events
- (+) UAR events
- (-) Arab Federation events
- (*) Marshall Plan chain
- (+) USA flavour events
- (*) Political Events - Coups & Regime Changes
- (*) Generic Decisions - Grand Offensive
- (*) Mobilization events
- Modified ministers_ind.csv
- Modified ministers_u58.csv (SS Schutzstaffel)
- Modified ministers_u59.csv (Empire of Russia)
- Review mods.csv
- Review world_names.csv
- Review scenario_text.csv
- Review unit_names.csv
- Revision inc for Germany
- Revision inc for USA
- Revisione inc for Italy
- Revisione inc for United Kingdom
- Revision inc for Croatia
- Revision inc for Denmark
- Revision inc for Siberia
# AI
- Improved AI for Germany
- Improved AI for SS
- Improved AI for all RK
- Improved default AI
- Revision of fatherland.eug
- New event pics
- New icon
- New scenario pic (Siberia,Empire of Russia,Egypt,Hellenic State)
- New flags
- New counters
- Added Hellenic State (Italy's puppets)
- Implementing of Cold War Tech Tree Expansion
- Review of revolt.txt
- Remove duplicate files
- Bug fixing
# Map fixing:
- Minor fixing
# Changelog for Beta version 3.0 codename "V Day"
#Events/Decision Modified (*) or Added (+) or Removed (-)
- (+) Bailout events
- (*) Hitler Death Chain
- (*) Generalplan OST Chain
- (*) Generalplan WEST Chain
- (*) Domestic events
- (+) Reichskommissariat Ukraine events
- (*) Reichskommissariat Kaukasus events
- (+) Axis military events
- (+) New Soviet Area events
- (-) Vladivostok Conference
- (+) Turkey events
- (*) Italy domestic events
- (*) Italy Grand Council
- (*) Vichy France Petain Death Chain
- (*) Vichy France domestic
- (*) Serbia events
- (*) Transylvanian War
- (*) Spain domestic events
- (*) United Kingdom domestic events
- (+) The Swiss problem
- (+) Nuclear riding
- (+) Suez Crisis
- (+) Kuwait Crisis
- (*) IRA Chain
- (*) China civil war
- (*) Sinkiang fate
- (*) Events for Burma
- (*) Events for Ceylon
- (*) Events for Tibet
- (*) Ethiopian crisis chain
- (*) South Africa events
- (+) Israel formation events
- (+) Iran events
- (+) UAR events
- (+) Arab Federation events
- (*) Marshall Plan chain
- (+) Political Events - Coups & Regime Changes
- (+) Generic Decisions - Grand Offensive
- (*) Mobilization events
- Add ministers_sik.csv (Xinjiang)
- Add ministers_u58.csv (SS Schutzstaffel)
- Add ministers_axi.csv (Axis)
- Add ministers_sib.csv (Siberia)
- Add ministers_u59.csv (Empire of Russia)
- Add ministers_upe.csv (Turkestan)
- Add ministers_slo.csv (Slovenia)
- Add ministers_u57.csv (Far Eastern Republic)
- Add ministers_pri.csv (Primorsk)
- Review mods.csv
- Review world_names.csv
- Review scenario_text.csv
- Review unit_names.csv
- New inc for Axis
- New inc for Burma
- New inc for China Nationalist
- New inc for Sinkiang
- New inc for Romania
- New inc for Egypt
- New inc for Iran
- New inc for Iraq
- New inc for Italy
- New inc for Jordan
- New inc for Empire of Russia
- New inc for Saudi Arabia
- New inc for Siberia
- New inc for Soviet Union
- New inc for Belarus Central Rada
- New inc for Cossack Federation
- New inc for Croatia
- New inc for Finland
- New inc for Free France
- New inc for GG Polen
- New inc for Germany
- New inc for Japan
- New inc for Lebanon
- New inc for Lokot Republic
- New inc for Mongolia
- New inc for Montenegro
- New inc for Flanders
- New inc for Wallonia
- New inc for Ostland
- New inc for Serbia
- New inc for SS
- New inc for Turkestan
- New inc for Far Eastern Republic
# AI
- Improved AI for Soviet Union
- Improved AI for France
- Improved AI for Free France
- Improved AI for Germany
- Improved AI for United Kingdom
- Improved AI for China Commie and Nationalist
- Improved AI for SS
- Improved AI for all RK
- Review of fatherland.eug
- Correct load screen
- New menu screen
- New event pics
- New icon
- New scenario pic
- New flags
- New counters
- New nations playable (SS,AXIS,Far Eastern Republic,Siberia,Empire of Russia)
- Implementing of Cold War Tech Tree Expansion
- Review of revolt.txt
- Remove duplicate files
- Minor fixing
# Map fixing:
- Minor fixing
# Changelog for Beta version 2.0
#Events/Decision Modified (*) or Added (+)
- (+) Hitler Death Chain
- (+) Generalplan OST Chain
- (+) Generalplan WEST Chain
- (*) Domestic events
- (+) Formation of the Volga Coalition Chain
- (+) Operation Barbarossa II Chain
- (+) Spain entry into the axis event
- (+) Pacification of Moscow zone
- (+) Reichskommissariat Kaukasus events
- (*) Vladivostok Conference
- (*) Soviet Union Domestic events
- (*) Italy domestic events
- (*) Italy Grand Council
- (*) Vichy France Petain Death Chain
- (*) Vichy France domestic
- (*) Serbia events
- (*) Transylvanian War
- (*) Spain domestic events
- (*) United Kingdom domestic events
- (*) Abadan Crisis
- (*) Central Asia Crisis
- (*) Morocco Crisis
- (+) Iran/Kurdish Crisis
- (+) Colonials Events
- (+) IRA Chain
- (+) Sino/India War (thanks NWO)
- (+) United Arab Republic (thanks NWO)
- (*) China civil war
- (*) India-Pakistan war
- (*) Sinkiang fate
- (*) Korean front
- (*) Indochina chain
- (*) Tibet-China conflict
- (+) Add events for Burma (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Ceylon (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for New Zealand (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Mongolia (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Philippines (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Thailand (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Nepal (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Brunei (thanks NWO)
- (+) Ethiopian crisis chain
- (*) South Africa events
- (+) Add events for Egypt (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Madagascar (thanks NWO)
- (*) Marshall Plan chain
- (+) Add events for Cuba (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Chile (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Canada (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Argentina (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Uruguay (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Paraguay (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Venezuela (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Peru (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for El Salvador (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Colombia (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Panama (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Ecuador (thanks NWO)
- (+) Add events for Brazil (thanks NWO)
- Add ministers_ita.csv (Italy)
- Add ministers_rom.csv (Romania)
- Add ministers_sov.csv (Soviet Union)
- Add ministers_wll.csv (Wallonia)
- Add ministers_tra.csv (Cossack Federation)
- Add ministers_U44.csv (Generalgouvernement Polen)
- Add ministers_U52.csv (Burgundy SS State)
- Add ministers_U54.csv (Galicia)
- Add ministers_U62.csv (Goralenland)
- Add leaders U52 (Burgundy SS State)
- Add teams_U52 (Burgundy SS State)
- Review mods.csv
- Review world_names.csv
- Review scenario_text.csv
- New inc for Croatia
- New inc for Romania
- New inc for Serbia
- New inc for Soviet Union
- New inc for Spain
- New inc for Sinkiang
- New inc for United Kingdom
- New inc for Canada
- New inc for Bulgaria
- New inc for Hungary
- New inc for Italy
- New inc for Slovakia
- New inc for Reichskommissariat Kaukasus (U42)
- New inc for Cossack Federation
- New inc for Reichskommissariat Ukraine (U41)
- New inc for China Nationalist
- New inc for China Communist
- New inc for Korea People's Republic
- New inc for Belarus Central Rada
- New inc for Denmark
- New inc for Germany
- New inc for Flanders
- New inc for Reichskommissariat Ostland (U40)
- New inc for Vietnam
- New inc for Indochinese Union
- New inc for France
- New inc for Reichskommissariat Belgien-Nordfrankreich (U47)
- New inc for Indonesia
- New inc for Netherland (East Indies)
- New inc for Belgium (Congo)
- New inc for Pakistan
- New inc for India
# AI
- Improved AI for Soviet Union
- Improved AI for France
- Improved AI for Free France
- Improved AI for Germany
- Improved AI for United Kingdom
- Review of fatherland.eug
- New load screen
- New event pics
- New icon
- New scenario pic
- New flags
- New counters
- Implementing of Cold War Tech Tree Expansion
- Review of revolt.txt
- Remove duplicate files
- Minor fixing
# Map fixing:
- Fixed Soviet Union Claims
# Changelog for Beta version 1.0
# Bug fixing:
- Fixed all issues which caused errors when starting scenario (Tonie112)
- Fixed Transylvania War event chain (Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Leningrad Settlement event chain (Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed some Italians events localization (Ticket Cookie)
# Events/Decisions:
- Integration of Mobilization System (Tonie112)
- Review of Vichy France event chain (Tonie112)
- Review of Marshal Plan event chain (Tonie112)
- Review of Colonial Morocco event chain (Ticket Cookie)
- Review/fixes of Grand Council of Fascism event chain (Ticket Cookie)
- Review/fixes of Future of Belgium (West Plan) event chain (Ticket Cookie)
- Review of Vladivostok Conference chain (Pako)
- New Morocco Crisis event chain (with 2 new ministers for MOR)(Ticket Cookie)
- New South Africa event chain (Pako)
# Scenario files (INC):
- Review of USA (Ticket Cookie)
- Set-up of US-occupied Korean Peninsula (Ticket Cookie)
- Review with NWO of minors regional powers of North and South America (Argentina,Canada,Chile,Columbia,
Costa Rica,Cuba,Dominican Republic,Ecuador,Guatemala,Haiti,Honduras,Mexico,Nicaragua,Panama,Paraguay,
Peru,San Salvador,Urugay,Venezuela) (Ticket Cookie)
- Nuclear Reactor and Coastal Forts added to UK (Tonie112)
- Minor changes UK (Newfoundland/colonial claims reworked) (Ticket Cookie)
- Rebase 12th and 15th USAF from Southern Italy to Korea (Ticket Cookie)
- Review of Chinas,Mongolia and add Koreas .inc (Pako)
- Review of Finnish and Bulgarian cores and provinces (Ticket Cookie)
- Review of Soviet claims and localization of OOB (Ticket Cookie)
- Review of Cossack Federation OOB (Pako)
# Scenario files (OOB):
- New German Black Sea Fleet made with converted Soviet vessels (Ticket Cookie)
- Revision of Nationalist China OOB (Pako)
- Revision of OOB Italy, United Kingdom and Free France (Tonie112)
- Revision of German Occupation Army of Greece, Syria and Lebanon OOBs (Ticket Cookie)
# AI
- Completely reworked AI for major (UK,Germany,Italy,USSR,USA,France) (Tonie112)
- Revision of Nationalist China and Communist China (Pako)
- Add Cabinet&Ministers for French State (event Pétain's death) (Ticket Cookie)
# Changelog for Alpha version 0.30
# Porting
- Porting on the 1.03 RC3 patch
- Add modified db/misc.txt
# Events/Decisions:
- Small revision of Grand Council of Fascism (Pako)
# Scenario files (INC):
- Completely review Spain (Pako, NWO2)
- Completely review Portugal (Pako, NWO2)
- Completely review Ireland (Pako, NWO2)
- Completely review South Africa (Pako, NWO2)
- Added Ethiopia as new playable nation (Pako)
# Other
- Made Ethiopia selectable in Fatherland.eug file (Pako)
# Changelog for Alpha version 0.23
# Bug fixing:
- Fixed multiple bugs
# Events/Decisions:
- Little revision of Hitler Death Chain (Pako)
- New events chains for Vichy France and Free France (Death of Petain, 2nd Treaty of Versailles, French Revenge, Crisis in the Med) (thanks to Tonie112)
- Expanded and new events chains: Franco-Cambodian's relations and Cochinchina (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
# Scenario files (INC):
- Review Vichy France (thanks to Tonie112)
- Review Free France (thanks to Tonie112)
- Added 3 new playable nations, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Italian IC malus (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed UK research malus (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Thai-Indochinese border (prov1402) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Give core on Free France West Indies, Guyanna, French Pacific Island and St.Pierre et Miquelon (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Deleted land forts in Tunisia (5 years after Tunisia Campaign) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Deleted land forts in Italy (no Italian Campaign, so no Gothic and Po line.) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Deleted land forts in Greece (Metaxas Line would have been destroyed by Italian, German and Bulgarian forces by 1948) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Italian provinces revolt risk (no Italian Campaign, no RSI, so no partisans malus in their territories) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
# Scenario files (OOB):
- Review Germany Naval OOB (thanks to WarHawk 109)
- New U03 (Indochinese Union) OOB (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- New CMB (Cambodia) OOB (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- New LAO (Laos) OOB (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- New VIE (Vietnam) OOB (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
# Ministers, leaders and tech teams:
- Added some new French ministers in french minister file, 'woke up' Darlan (thanks to Tonie112)
- New starting cabinet for U03 (Indochinese Union) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fix ministers Cambodia (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fix ministers Laos (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fix ministers RSI (ministers_rsi): that was breaking Unit chain about a republican Italy, and reduced drastically the number of RSI ministers. (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Improved leaders for U03 (Indochinese Union) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Improved and news ministers for U03 (Indochinese Union) and VIE (Vietnam) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- New tech team for U01 (Free France), U03 (Indochinese Union) and VIE (Vietnam) (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed techs of Indochinese Union (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
# Other
- Made Vichy selectable in Fatherland.eug file (thanks to Tonie112)
- Made Cambodia,Laos,Vietnam selectable in Fatherland.eug file (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
# Changelog for Alpha version 0.22
# Bug fixing:
- Fixed multiple bugs
- Fixed scenario axis alliance (thanks to Korodikrisz)
- Fixed Plan Marshall for Free France (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Serbia's Future (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Free France Capital (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed French Coastline (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- Fixed Transylvania crisis (thanks to Unit)
# Events/Decisions:
- New events chains : Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco (thanks to Ticket Cookie)
- New events chains : The Vladivostok Conference (thanks to Pako)
- New events chains : Italy (thanks to Unit)
# Gfx:
- New Original splashscreen (credits Pako)
# Scenario files (INC):
- Fixed (Unit)
- Fixed
# Other
- Fixed and added ministers_ger.csv
- New nation : Morocco (thanks to Ticket Cookie 6 news ministers, 1 new leader+1 new flag&shield [thanks to RumpNissen09])
# Changelog for Alpha version 0.21
# Bug fixing:
- Fixed relationship between Germany and other axis nations
- Fixed event 267 desc
# Events/Decisions:
- China civil war (alpha version [credits NWO])
- Integration of Transylvania Crisis
- Integration of Abadan Crisis
- Add event Claim the coastline (French State)
# Gfx:
- Add china civil war pics (credits NWO)
# Scenario files (INC):
- Review some diplomacy
# Scenario files (INC. OOBs):
- Review of Soviet Cabinet
- Review of Soviet OOB
- Review of China Nationalis OOB
- Review of United,
# Other
- Completely reorganization of db\events folder
- Renamed events2.txt to Fatherland.txt
- New splash screen (crdits General Grant)
# Changelog for Alpha version 0.20
# Bug fixing:
# Events/Decisions:
- Added events chain for the Hitler Died
- Added events chain for a central asia war
- Added events chain to gain core as U01 on Algeria and Tunisia.
# Ministers, leaders and tech teams:
- Fixed Admiral Darlan leader and tech team for Free France and Vichy at the same time(+HoG Chief of Navy of VIC), he is now available only for Vichy.
# gfx:
- Added flags, shields and counters for Fascist Germany, Communist Kazakhstan, Communist Turkestan, Independent Turkestan and Axis Turkestan.
# Scenario files (INC):
- Soviet Union no longer has cores on the Baltics, Bessarabia and Karelia.
- Changed Free France capital back to Brazzaville.
- Fixed Free France claims on North Africa.
# Scenario files (INC. OOBs):
- Provisional Soviet OOB
# Changelog for Alpha version 0.19
# Bug fixing:
- Reorganized the mods.csv file to prevent "translation missing" errors.
# Events/Decisions:
- Added 14 new events for the Abadan Crisis (inspired by the NWO mod, all credit goes to them for the parts I copied)
- Added new 10 general events for U44 and GER for the General Government.
- Added 9 new events for the future of the General Government
- Omitted "Operation Barbarossa".
- Fixed some of the "Ost" events.
- Added a few more "Ost" events, including integration of Osland, pacification events for RK Ukraine and an expansion event for the Lokot Republic.
- Added an event for Volksgrenadier divsions when Germany is forced on the defensive.
# Ministers, leaders and tech teams:
- Changed the files for the Cossacks (TRA) and Idel Ural State (UER)
# gfx:
- Added flags, shields and counters for the Idel Ural State and Goralenland.
- Added one new event picture.
# Scenario files (INC):
- Removed the "AXI" tag (Crimea) from the scenario and alloted the territory to GER.
- Added a cabinet for the Cossack Federation (TRA)
# Scenario files (INC. OOBs):
- Reorganized the German airforce.
# Map:
# Other:
- Changed the revolt.txt file to create the Idel Ural State.
- Changed the revolt.txt file to give province 341 (Novi Sad) to Hungary upon creation (as an extra province).
- Added a new country: Goralenland (U62, formerly Far Eastern Host)
- Added a new country: Galicia (U54, formerly West Ukrainian People's Republic)
# Changelog for Alpha version 0.18
# Bug fixing:
# Events/Decisions:
- Added 37 new events for the Romanian-Hungarian war
- Added new events for Free France, by Ticket Cookie.
# Ministers, leaders and tech teams:
- Added a new cabinet for the Lokot Republic
- Added a new leader for the Lokot Republic
- The tech teams for Free France have been improved.
# gfx:
- Added a new flag, shield and counter for the Lokot Republic
- Added a new flag, shield and counter for the Cossack Federation
# Scenario files (INC):
- Minor diplomacy changes.
- Expanded the territory of the Lokot Republic.
# Scenario files (OOB):
- Temporarily removed the Soviet OOB for reorganization.
- Temporarily removed the German Naval and Ariforce OOB for reorganization.
- Reorganized the German land divisions in a more realistic way.
- Vichy colonial divisions now belong to Free France.
# Map:
# Other:
- From now on the Alpha version is compatible only with DH 1.3 RC1.
- The scenario files are no longer an adapted version of the DH 1.2 1942 scenario, but instead the DH 1.3 1945 scenario.
Last edited:
- 13
- 4
- 2
- 1