There must be some nuance to the game I'm not getting, since the manpower drain from the east is just crippling and seems unsolvable.
Could you elaborate?There must be some nuance to the game I'm not getting, since the manpower drain from the east is just crippling and seems unsolvable.
First, from that China game, during the German power transition Armenia revolted from RK Kaukasien and the RK had given Georgia independence in the early game event. For some reason, Armenia wasn't defeated by Germany which I think prevented a lot of events in the chain from happening.
I don't know why Grodno is a part of RK Ostland at game start since the city was a part of Bezirk Bialystok.
The Hungarian-Romanian war in general is whacky. In one, Germany chose no side yet got somehow involved on the Hungarian side leading to Greater Hungary and a rump Romania as a German puppet. In another Germany chose no side, Hungary won, released Romania as a puppet and then the war immediately restarted, leading to another Hungarian victory but now with no Romania being released and Hungary not rejoining the Axis.
The surrender events in case of the Third World War are kinda annoying, since countries didn't surrender to logical countries and then just sit there. Hungary and Italy surrendered to Britain whilst SS Frankreich surrendered to the Soviets. Cause is probably spiked dissent from nukes, but the surrenders are nonsensical.
. But, in a late game election (I think 1958) they picked America First still, which eventually led to them declaring war on me when I declared on the Germans.
Finally, the border between India and Pakistan is wrong in Bangladesh, the northeastern province in Bangladesh owned by Pakistan (Gauhati) should be Indian.
Finally, a technical question regarding certain Soviet events. I think it's for the October Revolution event, but it's a event where you get a dissent reduction, or a greater one depending on a investement. Certain times it has only the first option, other times two or three. Is this just the same event popping up with multiple options based on a certain scope like how much money or dissent you have?
Following that America First electoral victory the US retreated from the UN, formed APTO and did all its Central and South American wars. The UK was the leader of the UN and declared war on the Axis. I had done everything possible to maintain good relations with the UNI'm not sure America First would have influenced that particular outcome, at least not directly, since the decision is reliant on CW UN/Comintern/Axis trackers, not domestic American policy.
Ah ok, but is it in the files just one event where those extra options pop up, or are these three seperate events that just have different triggers?It's an anniversary event. Anniversaries divisible by 5 would merit greater celebrations and divisible by 10 - greater still, hence second and third option popping up.
The pleasure's all mine, I just enjoy playing the modThank you for the report, it's always a big help
Following that America First electoral victory the US retreated from the UN, formed APTO and did all its Central and South American wars. The UK was the leader of the UN and declared war on the Axis. I had done everything possible to maintain good relations with the UN
Ah ok, but is it in the files just one event where those extra options pop up, or are these three seperate events that just have different triggers?
When playing Germany, it would be nice if I got to decide if Georgia was released from RK Kaukasien before their revolt
The cores and claims that RK Kaukasien starts with don't line up with the ones they get if they get released again which is very visible in case Germany decides to reorganize the Caucasus after the Georgian revolt. RK Kausasien at start has claims on the land it owns plus the Don steppe north of it. If it's rereleased it claims the main Caucasian states, some of the Northern Caucasus but not all, nothing of the Don steppe and bordering land in Turkey and Iran.
In the chaos after Hitler's death there's a great possibility for Italy to end up annexing Serbia if Serbia declares war on Croatia. What happens after is that Italy always releases Yugoslavia which makes little sense. Finally, if the Balkan recieves a touchup, Slovakia, Romania and Croatia had signed a agreement during the war that agreed that they would attack Hungary together to undo the Hungarian territorial expansion before and during the early war. Maybe this can be taken in consideration as well for the Hungarian-Romanian crisis or in the wake of Hitler's death.