Finland and related stuff. Sent monarchs, leaders and events to Archduke, so all done here, unless some reaction events will be added.
Byakhiam said:*casts spell of Resurrection into old thread*
Yes, in Test Game there were complaints of Finland lacking late game events. What sort of those would it need? Late game boosters? Flavour?
Also, lack of early leaders was a complaint, should something be done to that? I built Finland as a slow starter which really gets going on 16th century (compare Sweden in vanilla GC) so I left the amount of leaders early on few. Should they get some leaders early on to help MP balance?
RedPhoenix said:Maybe something small early, they are sort of a punching bag really untill very late. But that isn't necessarily bad not everyone is supposed to be very strong right away.
RedPhoenix said:Also maybe more events to increase income and manpower in finland proper. So they aren't completely relient on conquering russia or something to prosper.