In the ''compendium'' spirit of the thread, i would like to mention this mod, especially it's South America. It's the worst continent in terms of flavour (Not counting oceania and antartica for obvious reasons) , and the last bastion of the Cult of the Boar, aka ''Animism'' in the New World.
I dont use it because it adds tags in Australia and clutters the Americas with a lot of excess tags, but it's South America is closer what i would want to see in EU4
Well, probably a few tags could be very well removed, but better than the current map, which has just 9 non Andean tags in the entire continent, in contrast to the myriad tribes in North America
2. Also, it has still ''Animsim''. It's pretty wierd that the only nations who share their religion are east asian tags, resulting a lot of wierd stuff. Tupi/Guarani faith is very well documented, for an example, since Jesuits used aspects of it to ease the conversion, such as equating certain dieties to God and Satan. The fetishist system could be easily adapted for the South American tribal tags, and they could include Chirstian elements to their faiths after contact.
3. The continent as a whole is too poor when compared to reality. While recently it has not been the case, South America was the true wealth of both Portugal and Spain, with vast plantations and incredible precious metal mines. Currently Potosi is just pretty much a nice spot, not the massive jackpot it was in real life, for instance.
Brazil is basically avoided like the plague by the AI due to it's tropical malus, and over all poverty of the land. While ut was indeed required some investment on Portugal's part, the wealth generated by Brazil's plantations was immense. Buffing the coastal provinces while leaving the interior ''dirt poor'' as it is would make a historical scenario where the colonizer, Portugal or otherwise, will colonize the coast eagerly and then leave the colony to it's own devices.