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Second Lieutenant
25 Badges
Jan 21, 2011
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1) The Cursed Family quest currently has an expiration time of 1 turn...
2) The Aura of Awe description currently states that the spell raises raises the army stamina by 1% flat. The description fails to mention that this is 1%/sec for 40 sec (which, I am guessing, should be the correct effect).
3) When I marry a liege lord to a damsel with the Corruption trait, I seem to take a major hit to the loyalty in the ruled fiefdoms. In a single turn they all drop about 5 points of loyalty.
4) During The Changeling quest, if my hero is in any way Christian (including Christianity 0), I am unable to ask Sir Bors to join me! This is a major annoyance, since this also prevents me from converting my Christian knights towards Old Faith, as I have to send a hero with an Old Faith stat to do the quest.
4) During The Changeling quest, if my hero is in any way Christian (including Christianity 0), I am unable to ask Sir Bors to join me! This is a major annoyance, since this also prevents me from converting my Christian knights towards Old Faith, as I have to send a hero with an Old Faith stat to do the quest.

This is a feature, not a bug. Not only in this quest but in several more you get different optiosn depending on the faith of the questing knight. Not every quests is so straitforward to give all the posbilities for everyone; the intended effect is you are forced to compromise sometimes.
Another example of this - you can recruit *both* Bedivere and Percival w/o any battle if you start the quest with old faith knight.

Hmmm, I happen to have a backup save just before doing that quest, but am unable to get both knights to join me (regardless which of my heroes does the quest). Bedivere always steps in and threatens with battle...and he's neither bluffing nor about to lose against my under-armored troops.

What are the exact morale/faith stats of your heroes, who are able to get both Bedivere and Percivale to join? Also, when was the last time you successfully played that quest? This worked for me in early January but when I started a new campaign appears to have been fixed.
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Thank you very much for your feedback.

1.) The Cursed Family quest is a random quest, so now its expiration time can be between 1 and 10 turns. Unfortunately you got a very short time to do it. I understand your frustration, we will fix it to have an expiration time between 5 and 10 turns in the next patch.

2.) You’re right, we changed the description, it will be correct and obvious in the next patch.

3.) The Corrupted trait doesn’t affect the Loyalty, it affects the trading income (-50% Trading income in the owned fiefdoms). A lot of things can change the loyalty in your fiefdoms. Maybe the given lady has another negative trait or there is a random quest in your province what reduces it. If you already checked them and it didn’t answer your question: did you save the game before you married the damsel? If you did, could you please send it to support@kingarthurthewargame.com with the description of the bug? A savegame has three files: .inf, .jpg., .sav, all has the same name of course. Thanks.

4.) In my game I followed the Old Faith/Tyrant way, so Sir Bors joined my army but Handel is right, thanks for the correct answer. :)

About Bedivere and Percival: You can get both heroes with two conditions: Go to the quest with a Christian hero and first promise Sir Bedivere that he gets three fiefdoms if he joins you. After this you can go to save Sir Percival. It works, I also got both of them.
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4.) In my game I followed the Old Faith/Tyrant way, so Sir Bors joined my army but Handel is right, thanks for the correct answer. :)

About Bedivere and Percival: You can get both heroes with two conditions: Go to the quest with a Christian hero and first promise Sir Bedivere that he gets three fiefdoms if he joins you. After this you can go to save Sir Percival. It works, I also got both of them.

Thanks for the info, but Handel is only half way right. On the topic of Faith he is exactly wrong; you, in fact, confirm it in your quote. It has to be a Christian hero not Old Faith, as Handel states, who does the quest. I ran it through with Sir Gal (Christianity 4) and it worked as promised. My Old Faith heroes never had the option to recruit both.

Thanks for clarifying.