1) The Cursed Family quest currently has an expiration time of 1 turn...
2) The Aura of Awe description currently states that the spell raises raises the army stamina by 1% flat. The description fails to mention that this is 1%/sec for 40 sec (which, I am guessing, should be the correct effect).
3) When I marry a liege lord to a damsel with the Corruption trait, I seem to take a major hit to the loyalty in the ruled fiefdoms. In a single turn they all drop about 5 points of loyalty.
4) During The Changeling quest, if my hero is in any way Christian (including Christianity 0), I am unable to ask Sir Bors to join me! This is a major annoyance, since this also prevents me from converting my Christian knights towards Old Faith, as I have to send a hero with an Old Faith stat to do the quest.
2) The Aura of Awe description currently states that the spell raises raises the army stamina by 1% flat. The description fails to mention that this is 1%/sec for 40 sec (which, I am guessing, should be the correct effect).
3) When I marry a liege lord to a damsel with the Corruption trait, I seem to take a major hit to the loyalty in the ruled fiefdoms. In a single turn they all drop about 5 points of loyalty.
4) During The Changeling quest, if my hero is in any way Christian (including Christianity 0), I am unable to ask Sir Bors to join me! This is a major annoyance, since this also prevents me from converting my Christian knights towards Old Faith, as I have to send a hero with an Old Faith stat to do the quest.