It seems kind of weird that almost everyone in the Free Cities south of Braavos is a devout follower of the Lord of Light, and acts accordingly. Gameplay wise, this is quite weird if I want to RP as a lord that doesn't in any way follow R'hllor or whatever the local cult is. If I pick a religion outside of the Essosi group, I get severe penalties to diplomacy, and it's virtually impossible to negotiate marriages
As far as I know, from the lore, very few free cities have an official established religion. As a possible future feature, I think it would improve gameplay a lot in the Free Cities if something was done to reduce the penalty for religious differences, at least for non-zealous characters. That could either be a new generic "Free Cities" religion representing a milieu of faiths among the population and disinterest among the elites, or just fiddling with modifiers to reduce penalties for Free Cities cultures with different religions.
As far as I know, from the lore, very few free cities have an official established religion. As a possible future feature, I think it would improve gameplay a lot in the Free Cities if something was done to reduce the penalty for religious differences, at least for non-zealous characters. That could either be a new generic "Free Cities" religion representing a milieu of faiths among the population and disinterest among the elites, or just fiddling with modifiers to reduce penalties for Free Cities cultures with different religions.
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