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Jul 19, 2016
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I have verifed my game files (Steam only)​


I have disabled all mods​


I am running the latest game update​




Gender equality game rule doesn't work properly for both the equal and inverted rules


Switching the gender equality game rule to either equal or inverted doesn't seem to affect all titles' inheritance law. For both rules, many if not most barony titles' inheritance law stay male preference or male only, and in the case of the inverted rule, some higher rank vassal titles' inheritance law stay male only or male preference. Top realm titles' inheritance law does not seem to be affected by the bug.

Steps to reproduce​

In the ruleset, select either the equal or inverted gender equality rule when starting a new game. The selected ruler doesn't seem to have an effect on the bug.

Game Version​




Additional Information​

Affected Feature​

  • Gameplay

Save Game​

View attachment Test.ck3

Other Attachments​

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Hello there and thank you for the report. While I've confirmed that Barony Titles do stay as Male Only on both game rules I can't seem to reproduce the 'some higher rank vassal titles' inheritance law stay male only or male preference' part. Could I ask you to provide some screenshots or additional information regarding that?
After some search for the 1066 bookmark, it looks like muslim higher rank vassal titles aren't affected by this bug. A few Catholic titles are affected, there is for example the duchies of Northumbria, Holland, Silesia and Slavonia for example. It seems like almost all Byzantine duchies are affected by the bug. I have not tested for all other religions, but I have seen one Hindu duchy title affected by the bug, as well as one Manichean county title.
The 867 bookmark is much the same, although less Byzantine duchies are affected, it seems that all Bulgarian duchies are affected by the bug, while it's still there for some Catholic titles.
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