MattyG said:mikl,
It looks like you are on to a strong idea here. I suggest that - once things formally come together for the team - that you make the revision of the Hansa and the associated provinces as being your 'baby'. I know you have played them before and have a feel for the flow and problems. Not that the Hansa reuire a lot of revision, its one of the better event files in the game. But you can work out how to include the culture changes you suggest and to develop both events related to this, the spread of their culture and so forth.
One challenge: never ever give them German culture. It's what we are trying to work towards and it would defeat part of the purpose of all of this.
I agree. One of the wierdest things in my current MP playing of Hansa, is that as an economic power it's in my interests to dump coastal, core cities like Kent and Ingermandland and even Anglia in favour of inland, germanic provinces like Koln and Hessen.
So I accept the challenge, revising the Hansa aberrated history very slightly.
I would also ask that we consider that you look at recreating swiss culture. They have had their own language for centuries, and a strong geographic separation from german, italian and french culture. If they can't be accomodated as a nation in the 1419 start-up, then their culture should at least exist. There are Event and Revolt possibilities aplenty. Perhaps a series of events can lead to the creation of a small new ai nation in 1580, after the Reformation, perhaps....? Could you do the same thing for the Basque?