Summerhall is king tier? Playing as Aegon in the War of Conquest I took Blackheart and constructed Summerhall right away, but I haven't seen any king tier title. Summerhall for me is just a county that became part of the High Lordship of King's Landing as normal, and there is an option to form the titular High Lordship of Summerfield which is de jure part of the Stormlands. Not seen any king level titles yet. Do i need to give it away to someone for that or what?
As for Dragonstone, I'd prefer that to be duke tier as well. On the one hand I like that the heir apparent gets a rank on par with lords paramount, but I don't really like how it still ends up taking away my direct lordship over House Velaryon on Driftmark and Celtigar on Claw Isle. I want to give my heir his dues while keeping my oldest vassals and not pissing anyone off dammit.