I am playing for the first time. I started with the original campaign and went for a rightful/old faith regent. So far I made good progress. I am around turn 25 and in the second book and raised 2,5 complete armies (complete army = 16 units). Actually I don't really need that much troops at this point of the game. I do most of my fighting with one and the same hero/unit combination. While a second army is mostly idle.
But I am a little uneasy. I constantly run out of food in summer season and have a hard time saving money for improvements in my strongholds and research. Plus I have the feeling that the gold and food output of my provinces is very shifty. One midwinter a province delivers 8.000 food and in the next midwinter only 6.000. I don't change the province's liege or any of his artifacts.
What could that be?
- Is my army too large? As far as I can see my soldiers burn 10.000 food per season.
- Are my provinces affected by something? If so, I could not say what. I remove the rebellion quest stuff usually immediately. I read something about ghost armies that affect the productivity of the provinces, but can't find any indication about them.
- Am I simply too slow/fast and run asynchronous to the game's expected speed?
- Does the fact that my realm is at war affect the provinces productivity (there are no invading armies in the provinces)?
Something else is entirely unclear for me. What effect does the 'hungry soldiers' event have anyway? It does not affect the armies morality or prowess as far as I can see. Is it possible that the missing food of the previous year is immediately subtracted from my food account once I receive new food in midwinter?
But I am a little uneasy. I constantly run out of food in summer season and have a hard time saving money for improvements in my strongholds and research. Plus I have the feeling that the gold and food output of my provinces is very shifty. One midwinter a province delivers 8.000 food and in the next midwinter only 6.000. I don't change the province's liege or any of his artifacts.
What could that be?
- Is my army too large? As far as I can see my soldiers burn 10.000 food per season.
- Are my provinces affected by something? If so, I could not say what. I remove the rebellion quest stuff usually immediately. I read something about ghost armies that affect the productivity of the provinces, but can't find any indication about them.
- Am I simply too slow/fast and run asynchronous to the game's expected speed?
- Does the fact that my realm is at war affect the provinces productivity (there are no invading armies in the provinces)?
Something else is entirely unclear for me. What effect does the 'hungry soldiers' event have anyway? It does not affect the armies morality or prowess as far as I can see. Is it possible that the missing food of the previous year is immediately subtracted from my food account once I receive new food in midwinter?