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HMS Enterprize

On loan to the C.S Navy
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Jun 21, 2004
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  • Europa Universalis III Complete
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NEW:Version 1.1 of the mod is now available, see here.
See post no: 128 for a link to v1.1, that hopefully works!

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Dear Forum,

As you may (or may not know) I was the author/creator of a quite popular (if I do say so myself) mod based on the aforementioned Harry Turtledove books of alternate history for HOI2-DD.

After much deliberation I am pleased to announce that the mod is at present being converted to the Iron Cross format, which with the much improved map is a god-send for players wanting wars on the american continent.

Much work has been done already & Id say the mod is probably around 80% complete, Ive spent a lot of time making sure the national changes are as accurate to the books as possible, adding lots of province pictures, fixing some errors with the original game amongst other things.

Some of you may (or again may not) be pleased to know that I have ripped out the IC techs. It was (IMHO) messy and more importantly, not relevant to this timeline- Plan Z, the SS etc etc and it has been replaced with the tech tree from the cold war extension project tech mod (thanks guys). This also serves the purpose of making the extended timeline relevant tech-wise.

As those of you familiar with my previous work will know, Im a work comprehensively first, patch less later, kind of guy; so I wont be rushing the mod out and then an endless stream of fixes & updates. I prefer to get it as right as possible first go.

As mentioned, much work has been done, the biggest jobs remaining are AIs & some graphics work, so stay tuned for more info.

I look forward to any comments/questions you may have.
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I have to say this is good news indeed. I was a big fan of your old mod and i am sure eager to see it reborn for IC. Curiously, i read Turtledove only after i had first played your mod and i have to say i enjoyed the mod more than the book :)
Nice to hear that!
I did a IC conversion too (but only the map for now), but won't be able to work on that during the next month since I'm abroad. Are you interested in using stuff from my version for AoD?
^Thank you for the offer, I dont have AOD so Im not that familiar with the specifics of the game mechanics. What kind of stuff do you have that could be incorporated into an IC version of the mod?

A little update- At the moment Im working on filling in the gaps, picture-wise for all the various models of units in the game, ie so you dont have the same single boring picture for every version of TD, Arty or whatever you happen to research. Its a long, slow process, especially when you are trying to be as accurate as possible and match up the relevant tech to the time period when said unit was deployed in real life. But I march wearily on... :) CSA units are done, working on USA units at the mo. I thought I had the UK done but have to go back to it.
^Thank you for the offer, I dont have AOD so Im not that familiar with the specifics of the game mechanics. What kind of stuff do you have that could be incorporated into an IC version of the mod?

AoD is like Arma, just better. Lots of engine changes (that require no changes for mod compatibility) and a few other changes as well (that do). Check out the link in my signature, you can download the mod there and have a look. :)
I've added a ton of ministers, leaders, teach teams and more. There are also a lot of new countries, e.g. for North America: After the USA have been defeated, the CSA can choose to split them up into New England, the Midwest Federation more more. When Germany loses, she can be split up into several new states as well.
The event section has been cleaned up and I added dozens of new events.
I don't want to spoil it for everyone, so mark the text to read it:

In a nutshell: The Confederate States win the Civil War against the Union. Later, they lose a second war, but ally with Germany. During the Greate War, it's Germany, USA, Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans against Britain, France, CSA and Russia. The Entente loses, and drifts towards authoritarianism/revanchism. In 1941, the CSA attack the USA without warning and the European powers attack Germany and her allies.
What's the status of this mod? I'm dying to get some Confederation - Union -games going.
A little progress update.

I am still working through unit pics for the major powers, CSA, USA, GER, UK and France are complete. Aus-Hun & Russia are nearly done then I have to work on Japan. Im also toying with doing some of the 2nd rate powers, Australia, Mexico, Spain etc, which will hopefully be some copy/pasting of some of the major powers kit.

Then after this probably some graphics work, load screens, backgrounds, then onto AI files. Then we should be ready for a release.
I think I will need to be getting this add to AOD and HOI2...very much so if this great MOD is coming...
Hello all,

Work is still proceeding-it is not dead. Work commitments and the recent xmas period slowed things down a bit but I am back on now. Still doing lots of research to get the techs as accurate as possible and there are still plently of other things left to do (sadly) before release. Plus I have to make sure my mod is compatible with the latest updates to the base IC game.

Any questions (short of when will it be ready!) please do get in touch.
@HMS - Glad to hear this mod's still on. Let me know when this mod is finished if you still want to do an HOI3 FTM mod - I've been working on one for the Magrathea map which is currently in the event-writing stage (i.e., OOBs and map done).
Still working, Ive been tinkering with the tech tree some more. I think players are gonna really enjoy the exapanded post war techs. Im working on an idea to add light bombers (Ive done lots of research and there is a deffinate case to be made that light bombers should exist as a seperate unit alongside strats, mediums and CAS) and CVL to the game in addition to CVs and CVEs. It cant be perfect due to limitations of the engine but it could work-but hence more work.

Recently, I keep finding little things that need to be edited, a province picture here (added lots of those for flavour by the way), some oil production there, fine-tuning stats etc etc.

Next up is basic AI I think, then probably events. And then should be good for a tentative release.
^I havent started with events yet but picture help would be cool when the time comes. I have not been keeping up with the latest updates to the base IC game. Are the new larger event pics/newspaper article size event pics that darkest hour has been implemented in IC? If so, Id probably like to re-do all the major events with new pics.

In other news, I have been doing some graphics/art with my mediocre photoshop skills. I have re-done the title screen, made a whole new background skin for Italy (got rid of all the fascist stuff that doesnt apply in this timeline) as well as updated the CSA background (looks better now). And I have done a whole new background skin for the USA, which I think has come out really well IMHO. Unless I find something else, I think artwork is now complete!

Next up is basic AI, which I imagine is going to be dull & quite tedious.
A littel update.

Basic AI is done. Have done some more little edits here and there (still surprising how many crop up). Am now onto basic events rescripting from the older versions of the mod and making sure existing events do not interfere with the mod (which is proving to be annoying)

Does anyone have any event/flavour ideas they would like to see in the mod? (These dont have to be things that actually happened in the books and can be made up- although Id appreciate some logical justification/reasoning as to why it would make a good event). Some ideas for the CSA and other states that dont have much love-like Russia, would be nice.
I overhauled the events in my AoD conversion of the mod. You can just check the event file (from your HoI2DD version of the mod, which I modified). A list of the events is on the top. New ones include:

JAP demands Indonesian provinces from HOL
SWE, NOR or DEN can form SCA if one of them owns Stockholm and Oslo
JAP turns AST into Evil Australia after ENG surrenders (actual TAG change)
CHI surrenders to JAP and JAP re-orders mainland Asia (new event chain)
GER sets up new client states in Eastern Europe
CSA splits the USA into various states
Revolts in SER and CZE
Annexation of Alaska by USA

More events dragging all South American nations into the war should be included. :)