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1 Badges
Mar 31, 2014
  • Crusader Kings II
So my intention is to goof around and experiment with the Stark Children being found and claiming the North (intend to play as one of them commanding a host). I want to use console and triggers to make this happen, as I am getting the grasp on focus and some other variables. However I am a bit confused as to how the triggers requirements for the event work. Here is the first event.

#Find missing Stark child
character_event  = {
    id = clash_of_kings.11
    desc = "EVTDESCclash_of_kings.11"
    trigger = {
        OR = {
            character = 9267059 #Arya
            character = 9268059 #Bran
            character = 9269059 #Rickon
            character = 9266059 #Sansa
        NOT = { has_character_flag = stark_child_found }
        NOT = { dynasty = 59 }
        NOT = { liege = { character = 94043 } } #Sansa-littlefinger
        OR = {
            is_ruler = yes
            any_playable_ruler = {
                dynasty = 59
                at_location = ROOT
            AND = {
                age = 18
                liege = {
                    capital_scope = { continent = continent_westeros }
                    NOT = { trait = wildling }
                    war = no
                    NOT = { any_liege = { war = yes } }

I fail to understand the OR and NOT parameters, and imagine how they would look on the requirements display when hovering the mouse In Game. For instance, I understand of all characters need to exists in the registries (they would be listed as death by the time the event triggers), I also notice that the flag "stark_child_found" must not be activated (on the player?) by the time it triggers (so that it won´t repeat), at the same time one must not be a Stark and the Sansa-Littlefinger relationship must not be active.

However this is where I get confused. Player needs to be a ruler which is playable and... be a Stark? Is this an alternative (such as being Robb?)?

Also see there must not be a war. But I recall this event triggers in ar time, even when the Wot5K is still ongoing.

So what are the prerequisites, how should I read this? Getting this explained would also help me a lot with some alternative modding projects I got, so any help is extremely appreciated.
This event is for the actual child, not for the person who finds them. The conditions apply to the child which must be one of arya, bran, rickon or sansa as defined by the OR. The child must not have already been found and be of the stark dynasty. It must not be sansa whilst with littlefinger. They need to either be a ruler, any stark ruler at their location, or be 18 and have a westerosi liege that is not at war or a wildling.
This event is for the actual child, not for the person who finds them. The conditions apply to the child which must be one of arya, bran, rickon or sansa as defined by the OR. The child must not have already been found and be of the stark dynasty. It must not be sansa whilst with littlefinger. They need to either be a ruler, any stark ruler at their location, or be 18 and have a westerosi liege that is not at war or a wildling.
Great! Helps a lot and makes also a lot of sense. Guess I can go on with this console event experimentation. Again, thanks!
Nice necro.
Personally, dunno. I noticed her getting found only once so far - when she somehow ended up on the Wall as Jon's courtier.
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You don't have to be the ruler of their location, for example you could take a ship as Jon and command a small unit of men, land in Braavos and that would trigger the event to find Arya.