I started a game in essos as a ruler designed high valyrian dragon lord. I married multiple east and west valyrian courtiers to try. My children at birth are all High Valyrian. But randomly, before they're even old enough to be educated they their culture sometimes changes to east valyrian or west valyrian. Not sure if this is intended or a bug.
After going through the mod files I found this piece of code that says "check high valyrian". Then there's this part about ruler designer families:
#Ruler Designer family
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_character_flag = high_valyrian }
culture = high_valyrian
OR = {
mother = { ai = no culture = high_valyrian }
father = { ai = no culture = high_valyrian }
any_spouse = { ai = no culture = high_valyrian }
set_character_flag = high_valyrian
Is there any way I can modify or remove this thing to keep my children of the father's culture?
After going through the mod files I found this piece of code that says "check high valyrian". Then there's this part about ruler designer families:
#Ruler Designer family
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_character_flag = high_valyrian }
culture = high_valyrian
OR = {
mother = { ai = no culture = high_valyrian }
father = { ai = no culture = high_valyrian }
any_spouse = { ai = no culture = high_valyrian }
set_character_flag = high_valyrian
Is there any way I can modify or remove this thing to keep my children of the father's culture?