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Interesting. Do you know if that is working as intended, or is it a bug?

A bug I think, and it doesn't always work. Didn't work when I did it as Aerys II to try and obtain a new Valyrian ruling house for the Stormlands after the Baratheon line... failed.
Does anybody here (such as the venerable Ols who seems to have experimented extensively!) understand the education 'heritage' focus limitations?
It means the child can adopt the educator's culture and/or religion in the mod it is limited so that a child cannot convert to or from westerosi/essosi/high valyrian or any of the mythical creature type cultures either
Thanks for taking the time to answer! I can understand the limit for mythical creature cultures why is there a limit for westerosi/essosi Valyrian though?
Because you do not suddenly become and old and pretty much dead culture, the westerosi and essoi ones are just watered down versions of high valyrian culture but based on location. However, they still have that original high valyrian blood very thinly running through them.
Ah so in game terms when anyone is 'Valyrian' that implies descent from other Valyrians rather than simply being culturally Valyrian? That would explain why a few centuries of Targs on the Iron Throne didn't culturally convert half of Westeros, thanks for the clarification.
Ah so in game terms when anyone is 'Valyrian' that implies descent from other Valyrians rather than simply being culturally Valyrian? That would explain why a few centuries of Targs on the Iron Throne didn't culturally convert half of Westeros, thanks for the clarification.
Yeah pretty much, mainly because the white hair and purple eyes are a couple of the genetic feature that makes them stand out compared to normal people. The only exception we have to this rule is when we convert lowborns to westerosi or essoi valyrian so they remain at the court of their high valyrian liege without being culled like the rest of them and that is then covneiantly excused with oh they must be some bastard of a bastard of some third cousin of some other bastard etc lol
Yeah pretty much, mainly because the white hair and purple eyes are a couple of the genetic feature that makes them stand out compared to normal people. The only exception we have to this rule is when we convert lowborns to westerosi or essoi valyrian so they remain at the court of their high valyrian liege without being culled like the rest of them and that is then covneiantly excused with oh they must be some bastard of a bastard of some third cousin of some other bastard etc lol

I assumed having Westerosi Valyrian on Dragonstone signified dragonseed blood, because pre-conquest Targaryens practiced First Night extensively and essentially became the ancestors of everyone on the island through impregnating so many of the women each generation. Chances are the random 'Valyrian' courtier is just from an island in Blackwater Bay, and a really distant ancestor of a Targaryen/Sunglass/Qoherys/Velaryon/Celtigar bastard.
You're welcome. Bear in mind that Essosi Valyrians have access to a powerful custom republican government type called Triarchy, just like Volantis. It'll make them very powerful if you create them as merchant republics because it gives them a number of unique bonuses and mechanics. In order to do that you'll need to make sure the primary holding of Astapor and Meereen are cities, as they'll be castles in the Feast for Crows bookmark. New Ghis' primary holding is always a castle, so you might want to change that too. For maximum overpoweredness you could give an Essosi Valyrian the Empire of Ghiscar, which would make them absurdly powerful in their area, and permentantly eradicate slavery there if you gave them an anti-slavery religion like Moonsingers or Faith of the Seven. If on the other hand you make them feudal, you can have them as Lord Paramounts like in Westeros.

What precisely is so good about Triarchy? Never really played Volantis, all i know is that Triarchies have tons of annoying elections and the possibility to hog power fornlife if you can keep your position for a long time. Beyond that, how is this government type any better than plain old merchant republics?
What precisely is so good about Triarchy? Never really played Volantis, all i know is that Triarchies have tons of annoying elections and the possibility to hog power fornlife if you can keep your position for a long time. Beyond that, how is this government type any better than plain old merchant republics?

Once you reach 1000 prestige and have a specific ambition you get a decision to instantly form New Valyria and conquer the other Free Cities. Triarch for Life Horonno has just used it in the first bookmark. If you start as a vassal you have a significantly better chance to getting elected in your lifetime, and you get showered with election gifts from people. Playing a duchy level title under Volantis is amusing if you're able to conquer one for yourself.
Just to add here, but I'm pretty sure you can breed your own high valyrian courtiers. Invite one to your court, tumble then acknowledge the babies. They won't get culled and they'll make their own new houses once they reproduce provided no one legitimizes them. They'll carry claims on your titles for a while, but that's manageable
Just to add here, but I'm pretty sure you can breed your own high valyrian courtiers. Invite one to your court, tumble then acknowledge the babies. They won't get culled and they'll make their own new houses once they reproduce provided no one legitimizes them. They'll carry claims on your titles for a while, but that's manageable

True, but creating Targaryen bastards was historically a bit unwise, wasn't it?