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Ayeshteni said:
How about a Fascist South Africa? Flag being the Triskadelion in a white circle on red (T-Hiddemen did the shield set somewhere on this thread) and include some piccies :D


Could you give me names of some fascist south-african leaders? Pictures of them would make a nice skin!
GermanWehrmacht said:

Can you make Greenland's Flags, Counters, and Shields, and if possible Skin if not than dont worry about it the Counters shields and flags are ok

I have uploaded 2 versions to my website. For modern day scenarios you should use the red and white flag. The red and white flag won out over several Scandinavian cross inspired designs. If you want to set up a WW2 era puppet I think a white on green Scandinavian cross would be more plausible.

Sorry no skin. BTW the country does not exist in HOI2, so you'd have to assign one of the user definitions to it, and put in an entry in ai_revolters.txt to give it offmap IC, etc. GLD is Ghana.
Iikolli said:
I'd like to have the BRD flag and shield with that black eagle in the middle of it.



convert them to bitmaps
Keaton said:
I would like to see Palestine and Israel Please

Both Israel and Palestine are included in the game (ISR and PAL)
