I have verifed my game files (Steam only)
YesI have disabled all mods
YesI am running the latest game update
Houses button that shows cadets only shows up for dynasties that start off with cadets.Description
I've posted about this on Reddit and the steam forums under the update that I first noticed this on and have gotten zero help or even info as to why this is happening. It doesn't make sense why I can create cadets but the actual way to view them isn't appearing.Steps to reproduce
Start up game as any dynasty that can create a cadet. Make cadet, check dynasty tab, no house button under living members button.Attached is a screenshot of the moment I create a cadet for East Anglia, note how the dynasty tab is not functioning properly. Started this game specifically to test this, post verification of cache and I never play vanilla with mods.
Game Version
WindowsAdditional Information
Affected Feature
- Events
- Gameplay
- Interface