sorry if you feel sore about it or anything, sheridan, but i hardly think anyone here is trying to push you out of aberration or anything (especially not me, since i have nothing to do with the project). my point of view on the whole thing is that yes, hurricanes did strike the caribbean and yes, a lot of people died and no, europeans didn't care much; but the caribbean islands from about 1700 to 1810 where incredibly valuable and highly sought after and any attempt to make them less valuable would be ahistorical and take, i think, all the combat and drama out of a region that in eu2 is already devoid of interest for all but maybe 3 nations. if this mod wants to implement the type of change i suggested above (that is, giving some of the carribean islands a unique resource that was worth into the hundreds but giving them only 1 base tax), then the devastating hurricane idea would be a more welcome addition. right idea, wrong time and place. no hard feelings, i hope