Thanks, yes, since my last AAR was very subject-focused, I'm trying to do something different for this one, at the very least for the first portion.
The Dark Years (2240 - 2260)
While there are plenty of questionable sources regarding the birth of the Hypercoil and the great war of subjugation of the uv-xantt, and a lot of varied and trustworthy sources for the late half of the XXIII century, the last decade of the first half is almost entirely devoid of any information, reputable or otherwise.
Only the sheelikoi know what happened in their sector at this time, scholars of the Righteous Compact can only guess by tracking back their actions in the following decades to their probable causes.
It is generally assumed that the first colonies of sheelikoi were founded at this time, but the difficulty in determining their area of influence and borders has made this guesses tenuous at best: according to some scholars, the current estimate on the sheelikean population is too low and their perceived attitude too isolationist to warrant the existence of more than one planet inhabited by sheelikoi. In fact, according to dr. Lyybrat, the sheelikoi might have just adapted into a nomadic society, and the reason why the precise location of their home planet has not yet been determined is because they have none anymore, but rather live as a wandering army, constantly moving through their conquered systems to keep their enslaved populations under control.
If we accept the possibility that Neoxanàn is a colony of the Hypercoil, then we must consider that they might have more, but it just as likely that these colonies are nothing more than scientific outposts with a very small population.
Without a doubt, the majority of the subjects of the Hypercoil are now composed by other alien species, enslaved by the sheelikoi. It is hard to say if the sheelikoi had xeno slaves before the uv-xantt, but it is certain that they spent many years searching and abducting entire populations from primitive planets, to channel the expansion of their vast fleet, the Slither’s Fang, as it is clear from the testimony of the escaped slaves welcomed in the Uri Consciousness in the past century.
The annexation of the uv-xantt constitutes a peculiar case, instead, and is often matter of debate. The Sovereign States had been conquered at a time when the Hypercoil was not yet powerful enough to simply enslave the entire population: in the years following its defeat, the Consulate still maintained some form of autonomy. To which extent this was, is hard to say, since the Hypercoil forced the uv-xantt into a total quarantine, which was broken only years later during the Uri counteroffensive, and only for a short time.
Some scholars suppose that the government, having lost any support from the people, was in full collusion with the sheelikoi, from which it depended for its survival. According to others, the very reason why the uv-xantt survived for so many years with a semblance of autonomy was that the sheelikoi still feared their power and did not want to risk another war too soon.
Some romanticized interpretations claim that a grassroots movement was developing amongst the oppressed population and it would have managed to spark a revolution if the sheelikoi hadn’t ruthlessly purged entire regions of the uv-xantt’s worlds. This hypothesis is highly questionable, especially if we consider the testimony of High Admiral Dyubb during his occupation of the Fraknyr and Nordak systems.
Whatever the case, the Hypercoil had completely absorbed the remnants of the Sovereign States by the turning of the decade, and turned all of the uv-xantt into slaves, the first of many other unfortunate species. With their worlds more than doubled, the sheelikoi had reached the status of interstellar superpower and now bordered the allied nations of the Royal Uri Suns.
First Contact (2261)
Extract from Transmission 1S/En
The trespassers are dead. In their last breaths, they called for pitiful vengeance against their masters. They talked of you, so unto you we deliver the message of divine Sheelikor: I am Lithmraan, Keeper of Stings, Overlord of Thràalifnikan Dzaallcl, Leegl t’saach, Holder of Trrnuushgan’s Leashes, […] Emissary of the First Slither Xirleekan, Eternal Keeper and Prince of the Abysses of Light, Divine Emperor of a Thousand Coils […] whose whisper resonates across the emptiness of space to warn you. Your kin is dead, it trespassed the holy borders of the Hypercoil unknowingly, and, for that, its punishment has been lenient. Do so again and it shan’t be again.
The destruction of a scientific vessel from the Consortium of Enim was the first contact the free empires had with the Hypercoil. The first transmission sent by a sheelikean envoy was an intelligible stream of clicks and hisses: the inarian linguists managed to finally decode it just in time to avoid repeating their mistake and losing another crew.
At the time, the Consortium was one of the protectorates of the Royal Uri Suns, thus our government was soon made aware of the news. Although questioned by some today, the reaction taken by the Despot at the time was considered to be ideal: after not receiving response through normal channels, the allied governments mobilized their fleets and put them at the borders of their sectors, slowly moving out on the main hyperlanes, trying to reach the borders of the mysterious new faction and trigger a reaction. Not too long the sheelikoi finally sent a response in the form of an embassy.
The Consortium of Enim still demanded reparations for the unwarranted destruction of its scientific group, but the sheelikean ambassador was not interested in listening to their demands, addressing only the emissary of the Uri Despot. Once again, the sheelikoi made little effort in hiding their contempt towards the aliens in the commission, but the Uri ambassador had the foresight to bear their offensive words and answer politely, thus managing to conclude that first official meeting in peace. In truth, all of the people present left the encounter knowing a war was brewing already. The answer of Lub Dwaab, the esteemed Uri ambassador, gives us a very clear insight on the matter:
The allied embassies met the emissar of the First Slither on Ezak, a neutral system.
[…]each of them acted as a King, always moving around with an escort of bird-slaves. Words cannot describe the palpable aura pretentiousness exhaling from the slimy coils of these creatures. Each one had his announcer and a list of titles and honorifics so long it took the greater part of any conversation just to go through it. Such blatant and pitiful displays of ego were repeated each and every time we met. At the very first meeting in person, their servants pleaded us to prostrate before they entered the room; when we denied their request, the servants pleaded again, telling us that, if we hadn’t done it, the sheelikoi would have first killed them and, in the future, killed us as well, because, in their own words “the mortal should not stand before the divine”.
To the establishment of a stable contact between our societies followed feverish months of preparation for the war to come. The sheelikoi had made it clear that they were not in the least interested in any sort of alliance and the Despot himself had had plans for the lower sectors, whose colonization he had based his political campaign on. It is in this time that the neoaxànian works spread in the Royal Uri Suns and the other free empires: through the embassy at Ur Itha, the sheelikoi poured their literature into the nearby systems. Most of it was propagandistic epic, singing the praises of important Holy Princes of the Hypercoil and of their place as divine masters of the universe.
Though some question his decision today, the Despot allowed this propaganda to flow freely, as it was at the time the only window into that alien culture. There was no doubt that the gross attempts at patronizing by the sheelikoi could have been effective against primitive species, but would only result in derision from the Uri civilization and its allies. Yet, arguably, it was the access to these works by the general public which allowed myths and superstitions regarding the sheelikoi to take hold in later years, causing the first Consciousness panic.
Analyst Tr’traat argues that, in their contempt for the backwards attitude of the sheelikoi, the allied empires failed to see their strategy on the long run, worrying only about their militaristic prowess and ignoring their ability to influence the public opinion. While the neoaxànian works did not make anyone believe that the sheelikoi were divine beings, at the start of the war a not insignificant number of the population had been somewhat intimidated by their aura of mysticism and primordial power.
The Old War (2261 – 2278)
The pretense of peace was set aside within less than a year from the first contact: the sheelikoi withdrew their embassy and demanded that the quvarians and inari were their rightful servants and should submit themselves immediately. Some Uri sources of the time claim that the Hypercoil attacked Uri colonies without a formal declaration and that that was the reason why the Royal Suns joined the war, but these sources are seen with suspect today: before any major conflict that we know of, the sheelikoi have always given an ultimatum to their enemy; it is believed by some scholars that this is in fact one of their many superstitious rituals. Furthermore, it is possible that the sheelikean ambassador, in his visit to Ur Itha, understood the threat posed by the Uri Suns and thus the First Slither decided to target only the other allied empires in that campaign, hoping to avoid an immediate confrontation with the Uri, while isolating them in the meantime.
It is therefore possible that the Despot fabricated further reasons to aid quvarians and inari, even though the construction of his new fleet was yet to be completed.
The allied and sheelikoi sectors in 2261 at the start of the war.
At the start of the war, the allied empires committed the same mistake of the uv-xantt: dividing their fleets to keep their borders guarded, but, unlike the uv-xantt, they were able to recognize their mistake very quickly and adapt accordingly.
The first planet to fall was Bakangi, home planet of the quvarians. The Slither’s Fang bombarded the planet for weeks, but the quvarian bunkers, hidden deep beneath the oceans of the world, endured the attack. Then the sheelikean army descended, and the quvarians fell within days. The quickness of the conquest deeply shook the allied forces, and from that point on it was clear to the Uri that the sheelikoi could not be allowed to engage in land combat under any circumstance. This notion would become more and more accredited as the war went on.
Some scholars argue that, after the conquest of Bakangi, the Despot could have achieved a major victory by meeting the enemy fleet in open space immediately: all reports claimed the sheelikoi were using outdated weaponry and that, if united, the allied empires would have outnumbered the Slither’s Fang. Yet, the reasoning of the Despot at the time was not as unsound as it is claimed to be by these sources: the sudden defeat of the quvarians had made the public wary of the sheelikoi, and it was generally agreed that more intel on their forces was needed before risking the main bulk of the fleets.
The High Admiral Dyubb decided to reorganize and mobilize the Uri fleets, leading them in a coordinated effort inside the borders of the Hypercoil, hoping to engage a smaller force of enemies or force the Slither’s Fang to split, to test their forces in battle and better understand their strategy. At the same time, another fleet, coupled with the inari’s, would harass the main enemy forces, to slow down their advance and lead them on the wrong paths. Luckily, the wormhole technology used by the sheelikoi to travel through long distances was limited in its reach and needed new bases inside the enemy territory to move further in. Discovering this gave the allied empires a much needed advantage point, as their fleets could freely jump in and out of the hyperlanes and attack the sheelikean construction ships without engaging the main fleet, thus preventing them from breaching into the inner worlds.
After months of search, Dyubb reached Fraknyr Isatr and laid siege to the planet. No fleet was protecting it and, once the orbiting station had been destroyed, the planet was nearly defenseless. Still wary of the fall of Bakangi, Dyubb sent small parties to explore the surface, only to find out that what his ships had been bombarding were cities of slaves: there was no trace of any sheelikor. Some of the uv-xantt were brought on board, but, before it could be mounted an effort to liberate and move the rest of the population, the Slither’s Fang entered the system, and Dyubb was forced to break the siege and cautiously fall back.
While the planet had not been conquered, the precious sources recovered, the freed slaves, gave the Royal Uri Suns greater insight on the Hypercoil than any of the neoaxànian works had ever done.
Extract from Dyubb’s Journal
It will still take hard work and a lot of patience to deal with these poor creatures. Their very life should serve as a warning to the Uri and all the free people of the Galaxy: this is our destiny if we allow the worms to win.
They still would not openly speak, what sort of atrocities have they been submitted to to cause such fear, even when their masters are not near? Yet, one cannot fail but notice the shame in their eyes. They do not wish to be seen in this state by other civilized people like ourselves, because it reminds them of what they were. I believe the flames of vengeance could still be stoked from within their hearts. They revealed the way for another inhabited system. If we could engulf this sector into open rebellion, this war might be over without the need to shed a single Uri life: there are millions of slaves, if not more. How could they serve for so long such despicable masters?
Interrogating the escaped slaves allowed Dyubb to formulate a new plan: if the allied fleets had managed to occupy another enslaved world, they might have been able to recruit an entire species to their cause and break the Hypercoil from the inside out. It was with these intentions that the High Admiral reached Yeerok, in the Nordak system. The Slither’s Fang was reported as once again traveling towards allied space, far enough to allow the Uri fleet to blockade the planet and force its surrender. Dyubb established a provisional government and declared all the uv-xantt on the planet freed, but progress against the fear and obedience instilled by the sheelikoi was hard. For almost a year the High Admiral tried to emancipate the uv-xantt, but he was only able to use Nordak as an advantage point to attack the sheelikean extraction bases.
The lack of results eventually caused a split within the allied brass, with the inari flying off to go help the rest of their forces, which the sheelikoi now threatened directly. Unfortunately the decision was ill-fated: the Consortium of Elim was too weak to defend itself, even with the help from the United Hiffnar Worlds coming at the last minute: the Slither’s Fang broke through their lines by sheer strength of numbers and invaded the planet. This time the reports coming from the sieged world were more complete, but their content only agitated further the allied populations: they spoke of monsters fast as lightning and capable of melting the minds of their enemies from afar, unnatural feats and invincible armies.
Only at this point the Despot started to curtail the flow of information from the general public, issuing propagandistic works to insult and deride the claims of divinity of the sheelikoi, but his reaction was perceived as duplicitous, which increased the fear spreading through the Uri colonies.
In 2272, the Despot was finally deposed and the Uri Consciousness was born out of his failed government, to better react with haste to the new developments of the war. Admiral Dyubb was forcefully called back to Lytirin, abandoning his work in the uv-xantt provinces to engage the Slither’s Fang.
I believe this was the greatest mistake in the Old War: while both sides had experienced significant losses during the campaign, the sheelikoi had been able to replace their destroyed ships with new ones, quickly built by their overworked masses of slaves, whereas the allied fleets had been deprived of most of their centres of production, having lost two of their main governments, Lythorius and Enim. Furthermore, the victory streak of the Hypercoil and its campaign of terror and misinformation had lowered the morale of the Uri troops and blinded the people to reason, forcing them to seek a confrontation against their main fleet before time.
High Admiral Dyubb was defeated at Lytirin, on the orbit of Foll’Ujba, and the system was occupied by the sheelikoi.
The Slither’s Fang was decimated by the confrontation, but the Uri Consciousness was still too scared to take advantage of its weakness: in the following years it focused solely on the protection of the capital planet. The sheelikean emissary contacted the Consciousness and demanded it to accept defeat and relinquish claim to all of the occupied planets, but the Uri, although scared, were not willing to concede victory to their barbaric invaders and refused.
Years passed, the Slither’s Fang moved freely through the allied space, overseeing the construction of more wormholes and military stations to tighten its grip on the sector, and destroying the Uri mining stations, weakening the Consciousness’ economy, while tormenting its citizens with propaganda. In 2274 the Hypercoil conquered Fesh’Digo, in the Unur system, and in 2277 fell Naff’Digo, in the Zempek system.
Seeing Ur Itha cornered, the Uri Consciousness finally decided to give into the demands of the sheelikoi, allowing them to keep the conquered territories of their allies, the Lytirin system, and all of their stations within their own borders, in what was universally considered an ignominious defeat.
The allied and sheelikoi borders in 2274, nearing the end of the war.

The Dark Years (2240 - 2260)
While there are plenty of questionable sources regarding the birth of the Hypercoil and the great war of subjugation of the uv-xantt, and a lot of varied and trustworthy sources for the late half of the XXIII century, the last decade of the first half is almost entirely devoid of any information, reputable or otherwise.
Only the sheelikoi know what happened in their sector at this time, scholars of the Righteous Compact can only guess by tracking back their actions in the following decades to their probable causes.
It is generally assumed that the first colonies of sheelikoi were founded at this time, but the difficulty in determining their area of influence and borders has made this guesses tenuous at best: according to some scholars, the current estimate on the sheelikean population is too low and their perceived attitude too isolationist to warrant the existence of more than one planet inhabited by sheelikoi. In fact, according to dr. Lyybrat, the sheelikoi might have just adapted into a nomadic society, and the reason why the precise location of their home planet has not yet been determined is because they have none anymore, but rather live as a wandering army, constantly moving through their conquered systems to keep their enslaved populations under control.
If we accept the possibility that Neoxanàn is a colony of the Hypercoil, then we must consider that they might have more, but it just as likely that these colonies are nothing more than scientific outposts with a very small population.
Without a doubt, the majority of the subjects of the Hypercoil are now composed by other alien species, enslaved by the sheelikoi. It is hard to say if the sheelikoi had xeno slaves before the uv-xantt, but it is certain that they spent many years searching and abducting entire populations from primitive planets, to channel the expansion of their vast fleet, the Slither’s Fang, as it is clear from the testimony of the escaped slaves welcomed in the Uri Consciousness in the past century.
The annexation of the uv-xantt constitutes a peculiar case, instead, and is often matter of debate. The Sovereign States had been conquered at a time when the Hypercoil was not yet powerful enough to simply enslave the entire population: in the years following its defeat, the Consulate still maintained some form of autonomy. To which extent this was, is hard to say, since the Hypercoil forced the uv-xantt into a total quarantine, which was broken only years later during the Uri counteroffensive, and only for a short time.
Some scholars suppose that the government, having lost any support from the people, was in full collusion with the sheelikoi, from which it depended for its survival. According to others, the very reason why the uv-xantt survived for so many years with a semblance of autonomy was that the sheelikoi still feared their power and did not want to risk another war too soon.
Some romanticized interpretations claim that a grassroots movement was developing amongst the oppressed population and it would have managed to spark a revolution if the sheelikoi hadn’t ruthlessly purged entire regions of the uv-xantt’s worlds. This hypothesis is highly questionable, especially if we consider the testimony of High Admiral Dyubb during his occupation of the Fraknyr and Nordak systems.
Whatever the case, the Hypercoil had completely absorbed the remnants of the Sovereign States by the turning of the decade, and turned all of the uv-xantt into slaves, the first of many other unfortunate species. With their worlds more than doubled, the sheelikoi had reached the status of interstellar superpower and now bordered the allied nations of the Royal Uri Suns.
First Contact (2261)
Extract from Transmission 1S/En
The trespassers are dead. In their last breaths, they called for pitiful vengeance against their masters. They talked of you, so unto you we deliver the message of divine Sheelikor: I am Lithmraan, Keeper of Stings, Overlord of Thràalifnikan Dzaallcl, Leegl t’saach, Holder of Trrnuushgan’s Leashes, […] Emissary of the First Slither Xirleekan, Eternal Keeper and Prince of the Abysses of Light, Divine Emperor of a Thousand Coils […] whose whisper resonates across the emptiness of space to warn you. Your kin is dead, it trespassed the holy borders of the Hypercoil unknowingly, and, for that, its punishment has been lenient. Do so again and it shan’t be again.
The destruction of a scientific vessel from the Consortium of Enim was the first contact the free empires had with the Hypercoil. The first transmission sent by a sheelikean envoy was an intelligible stream of clicks and hisses: the inarian linguists managed to finally decode it just in time to avoid repeating their mistake and losing another crew.
At the time, the Consortium was one of the protectorates of the Royal Uri Suns, thus our government was soon made aware of the news. Although questioned by some today, the reaction taken by the Despot at the time was considered to be ideal: after not receiving response through normal channels, the allied governments mobilized their fleets and put them at the borders of their sectors, slowly moving out on the main hyperlanes, trying to reach the borders of the mysterious new faction and trigger a reaction. Not too long the sheelikoi finally sent a response in the form of an embassy.
The Consortium of Enim still demanded reparations for the unwarranted destruction of its scientific group, but the sheelikean ambassador was not interested in listening to their demands, addressing only the emissary of the Uri Despot. Once again, the sheelikoi made little effort in hiding their contempt towards the aliens in the commission, but the Uri ambassador had the foresight to bear their offensive words and answer politely, thus managing to conclude that first official meeting in peace. In truth, all of the people present left the encounter knowing a war was brewing already. The answer of Lub Dwaab, the esteemed Uri ambassador, gives us a very clear insight on the matter:

The allied embassies met the emissar of the First Slither on Ezak, a neutral system.
[…]each of them acted as a King, always moving around with an escort of bird-slaves. Words cannot describe the palpable aura pretentiousness exhaling from the slimy coils of these creatures. Each one had his announcer and a list of titles and honorifics so long it took the greater part of any conversation just to go through it. Such blatant and pitiful displays of ego were repeated each and every time we met. At the very first meeting in person, their servants pleaded us to prostrate before they entered the room; when we denied their request, the servants pleaded again, telling us that, if we hadn’t done it, the sheelikoi would have first killed them and, in the future, killed us as well, because, in their own words “the mortal should not stand before the divine”.
To the establishment of a stable contact between our societies followed feverish months of preparation for the war to come. The sheelikoi had made it clear that they were not in the least interested in any sort of alliance and the Despot himself had had plans for the lower sectors, whose colonization he had based his political campaign on. It is in this time that the neoaxànian works spread in the Royal Uri Suns and the other free empires: through the embassy at Ur Itha, the sheelikoi poured their literature into the nearby systems. Most of it was propagandistic epic, singing the praises of important Holy Princes of the Hypercoil and of their place as divine masters of the universe.
Though some question his decision today, the Despot allowed this propaganda to flow freely, as it was at the time the only window into that alien culture. There was no doubt that the gross attempts at patronizing by the sheelikoi could have been effective against primitive species, but would only result in derision from the Uri civilization and its allies. Yet, arguably, it was the access to these works by the general public which allowed myths and superstitions regarding the sheelikoi to take hold in later years, causing the first Consciousness panic.
Analyst Tr’traat argues that, in their contempt for the backwards attitude of the sheelikoi, the allied empires failed to see their strategy on the long run, worrying only about their militaristic prowess and ignoring their ability to influence the public opinion. While the neoaxànian works did not make anyone believe that the sheelikoi were divine beings, at the start of the war a not insignificant number of the population had been somewhat intimidated by their aura of mysticism and primordial power.
The Old War (2261 – 2278)
The pretense of peace was set aside within less than a year from the first contact: the sheelikoi withdrew their embassy and demanded that the quvarians and inari were their rightful servants and should submit themselves immediately. Some Uri sources of the time claim that the Hypercoil attacked Uri colonies without a formal declaration and that that was the reason why the Royal Suns joined the war, but these sources are seen with suspect today: before any major conflict that we know of, the sheelikoi have always given an ultimatum to their enemy; it is believed by some scholars that this is in fact one of their many superstitious rituals. Furthermore, it is possible that the sheelikean ambassador, in his visit to Ur Itha, understood the threat posed by the Uri Suns and thus the First Slither decided to target only the other allied empires in that campaign, hoping to avoid an immediate confrontation with the Uri, while isolating them in the meantime.
It is therefore possible that the Despot fabricated further reasons to aid quvarians and inari, even though the construction of his new fleet was yet to be completed.

The allied and sheelikoi sectors in 2261 at the start of the war.
At the start of the war, the allied empires committed the same mistake of the uv-xantt: dividing their fleets to keep their borders guarded, but, unlike the uv-xantt, they were able to recognize their mistake very quickly and adapt accordingly.
The first planet to fall was Bakangi, home planet of the quvarians. The Slither’s Fang bombarded the planet for weeks, but the quvarian bunkers, hidden deep beneath the oceans of the world, endured the attack. Then the sheelikean army descended, and the quvarians fell within days. The quickness of the conquest deeply shook the allied forces, and from that point on it was clear to the Uri that the sheelikoi could not be allowed to engage in land combat under any circumstance. This notion would become more and more accredited as the war went on.
Some scholars argue that, after the conquest of Bakangi, the Despot could have achieved a major victory by meeting the enemy fleet in open space immediately: all reports claimed the sheelikoi were using outdated weaponry and that, if united, the allied empires would have outnumbered the Slither’s Fang. Yet, the reasoning of the Despot at the time was not as unsound as it is claimed to be by these sources: the sudden defeat of the quvarians had made the public wary of the sheelikoi, and it was generally agreed that more intel on their forces was needed before risking the main bulk of the fleets.
The High Admiral Dyubb decided to reorganize and mobilize the Uri fleets, leading them in a coordinated effort inside the borders of the Hypercoil, hoping to engage a smaller force of enemies or force the Slither’s Fang to split, to test their forces in battle and better understand their strategy. At the same time, another fleet, coupled with the inari’s, would harass the main enemy forces, to slow down their advance and lead them on the wrong paths. Luckily, the wormhole technology used by the sheelikoi to travel through long distances was limited in its reach and needed new bases inside the enemy territory to move further in. Discovering this gave the allied empires a much needed advantage point, as their fleets could freely jump in and out of the hyperlanes and attack the sheelikean construction ships without engaging the main fleet, thus preventing them from breaching into the inner worlds.
After months of search, Dyubb reached Fraknyr Isatr and laid siege to the planet. No fleet was protecting it and, once the orbiting station had been destroyed, the planet was nearly defenseless. Still wary of the fall of Bakangi, Dyubb sent small parties to explore the surface, only to find out that what his ships had been bombarding were cities of slaves: there was no trace of any sheelikor. Some of the uv-xantt were brought on board, but, before it could be mounted an effort to liberate and move the rest of the population, the Slither’s Fang entered the system, and Dyubb was forced to break the siege and cautiously fall back.
While the planet had not been conquered, the precious sources recovered, the freed slaves, gave the Royal Uri Suns greater insight on the Hypercoil than any of the neoaxànian works had ever done.
Extract from Dyubb’s Journal
It will still take hard work and a lot of patience to deal with these poor creatures. Their very life should serve as a warning to the Uri and all the free people of the Galaxy: this is our destiny if we allow the worms to win.
They still would not openly speak, what sort of atrocities have they been submitted to to cause such fear, even when their masters are not near? Yet, one cannot fail but notice the shame in their eyes. They do not wish to be seen in this state by other civilized people like ourselves, because it reminds them of what they were. I believe the flames of vengeance could still be stoked from within their hearts. They revealed the way for another inhabited system. If we could engulf this sector into open rebellion, this war might be over without the need to shed a single Uri life: there are millions of slaves, if not more. How could they serve for so long such despicable masters?
Interrogating the escaped slaves allowed Dyubb to formulate a new plan: if the allied fleets had managed to occupy another enslaved world, they might have been able to recruit an entire species to their cause and break the Hypercoil from the inside out. It was with these intentions that the High Admiral reached Yeerok, in the Nordak system. The Slither’s Fang was reported as once again traveling towards allied space, far enough to allow the Uri fleet to blockade the planet and force its surrender. Dyubb established a provisional government and declared all the uv-xantt on the planet freed, but progress against the fear and obedience instilled by the sheelikoi was hard. For almost a year the High Admiral tried to emancipate the uv-xantt, but he was only able to use Nordak as an advantage point to attack the sheelikean extraction bases.
The lack of results eventually caused a split within the allied brass, with the inari flying off to go help the rest of their forces, which the sheelikoi now threatened directly. Unfortunately the decision was ill-fated: the Consortium of Elim was too weak to defend itself, even with the help from the United Hiffnar Worlds coming at the last minute: the Slither’s Fang broke through their lines by sheer strength of numbers and invaded the planet. This time the reports coming from the sieged world were more complete, but their content only agitated further the allied populations: they spoke of monsters fast as lightning and capable of melting the minds of their enemies from afar, unnatural feats and invincible armies.
Only at this point the Despot started to curtail the flow of information from the general public, issuing propagandistic works to insult and deride the claims of divinity of the sheelikoi, but his reaction was perceived as duplicitous, which increased the fear spreading through the Uri colonies.
In 2272, the Despot was finally deposed and the Uri Consciousness was born out of his failed government, to better react with haste to the new developments of the war. Admiral Dyubb was forcefully called back to Lytirin, abandoning his work in the uv-xantt provinces to engage the Slither’s Fang.
I believe this was the greatest mistake in the Old War: while both sides had experienced significant losses during the campaign, the sheelikoi had been able to replace their destroyed ships with new ones, quickly built by their overworked masses of slaves, whereas the allied fleets had been deprived of most of their centres of production, having lost two of their main governments, Lythorius and Enim. Furthermore, the victory streak of the Hypercoil and its campaign of terror and misinformation had lowered the morale of the Uri troops and blinded the people to reason, forcing them to seek a confrontation against their main fleet before time.
High Admiral Dyubb was defeated at Lytirin, on the orbit of Foll’Ujba, and the system was occupied by the sheelikoi.
The Slither’s Fang was decimated by the confrontation, but the Uri Consciousness was still too scared to take advantage of its weakness: in the following years it focused solely on the protection of the capital planet. The sheelikean emissary contacted the Consciousness and demanded it to accept defeat and relinquish claim to all of the occupied planets, but the Uri, although scared, were not willing to concede victory to their barbaric invaders and refused.
Years passed, the Slither’s Fang moved freely through the allied space, overseeing the construction of more wormholes and military stations to tighten its grip on the sector, and destroying the Uri mining stations, weakening the Consciousness’ economy, while tormenting its citizens with propaganda. In 2274 the Hypercoil conquered Fesh’Digo, in the Unur system, and in 2277 fell Naff’Digo, in the Zempek system.
Seeing Ur Itha cornered, the Uri Consciousness finally decided to give into the demands of the sheelikoi, allowing them to keep the conquered territories of their allies, the Lytirin system, and all of their stations within their own borders, in what was universally considered an ignominious defeat.

The allied and sheelikoi borders in 2274, nearing the end of the war.
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