Uiuiui. I haven't seen this topic and my events and leaders are know coded by completely own ids.
Afghanistan 1- AFG
Albania 1001- ALB
Argentina 2001- ARG
Austria-Hungary 3001- U11
Belgium 4001- BEL
Bhutan 5001- BHU
Bolivia 6001- BOL
Brazil 7001- BRA
Bulgaria 8001- BUL
Chile 9001- CHL
China 10001- CHC
Colombia 11001- COL
Costa Rica 12001- COS
Cuba 13001- CUB
Denmark 14001- DEN
Dominican Republic 15001- DOM
Ecuador 16001- ECU
El Salvador 17001- SAL
Ethiopia 18001- ETH
Finland 19001- FIN
France 20001- FRA
Germany 21001- GER
Greece 22001- GRE
Guatemala 23001- GUA
Haiti 24001- HAI
Hedjaz 25001- U03
Honduras 26001- HON
Italy 27001- ITA
Japan 28001- JAP
Jebel Shammar 29001- U01
Liberia 30001- LIB
Luxemburg 31001- LUX
Mexico 32001- MEX
Mongolia 33001- MON
Montenegro 34001- MTN
Najd 35001- SAU
Nepal 36001- NEP
Netherlands 37001- HOL
Nicaragua 38001- NIC
Norway 39001- NOR
Oman 40001- OMN
Ottoman Empire 41001- TUR
Panama 42001- PAN
Paraguay 43001- PAR
Persia 44001- PER
Peru 45001- PRU
Portugal 46001- POR
Romania 47001- ROM
Russia 48001- RUS
Sanusia 49001- U02
Serbia 50001- SER
Siam 51001- SIA
Spain 52001- SPA
Sweden 53001- SWE
Switzerland 54001- SCH
Tibet 55001- TIB
British Empire (ex. UK) 56001- ENG
Uruguay 57001- URU
USA 58001- USA
Venezuela 59001- VEN
Yemen 60001- YEM
Zapata 61001- U07
Random (events) 62001- ---
Ireland 63001- IRE
Estonia 64001- EST
Latvia 65001- LAT
Lithuania 66001- LIT
Poland 67001- POL
Byelorussia 68001- BLR
Ukraine 69001- UKR
Georgia 70001- GEO
Armenia 71001- ARM
Azerbaijan 72001- AZB
White Russians 73001- SIB
Soviet Union 74001- SOV
Makhnovshchina 75001- U17
Ulster 76001- U18
ALG Algeria
AST Australia
AUS Austria
BRU Brunei
BUR Burma
CAN Canada
CHI (Nationalist) China
CRO Croatia
CZE Czechoslovakia
EGY Egypt
HUN Hungary
ICL Iceland
IDC Indochina
IND India
IRQ Iraq
JOR Jordan
KAZ Kazakhstan
KOR Korea
KYG Kyrgiastan
LEB Lebanon
MAN Manchuko
MLY Malaysia
MOR Morrocco
NZL New Zealand
PHI Phillippines
SAF South Africa
SAR Sarawak
SIK Sinkiang
SLO Slovakia
SLV Slovenia
SPR (Republican) Spain
SYR Syria
TAJ Tajikistan
TRK Turkmenistan
TUN Tunisia
YUG Yugoslavia
Syria 77001- SYR
India 78001- IND
Egypt 79001- EGY
Warlord China 80001- U16
Kuomintang China 81001- CHI
Austria 82001- AUS
Czechoslovakia 83001- CZE
Hungary 84001- HUN
Russian Whites 87001- U15
U15;Russian Whites;;;;;;;;;;x
U15_DESC;Russians loyal to the country's national traditions - the Army, the
Church and the Aristocracy - have united to destroy the godless Reds and
restore order, discipline and a correct respect for the social heirarchy to the
soil of Mother Russia.;;;;;;;;;;x
U15 = {
date = { day = 0 month = january year = 1914 }
expirydate = { day = 0 month = january year = 1925 }
minimum = { 805 807 811 821 822 834 838 839 859 862 1222 1223 1224
1230 1235 1252 1255 1256 1257 1259 1366 1369 1370 1399 1402 1405 1409
1424 1425 1426 1429 1430 1515 1519 1648 1663 1847
extra = { }
capital = 1222
Afghanistan 1- AFG
Albania 1001- ALB
Argentina 2001- ARG
Austria-Hungary 3001- U11
Belgium 4001- BEL
Bhutan 5001- BHU
Bolivia 6001- BOL
Brazil 7001- BRA
Bulgaria 8001- BUL
Chile 9001- CHL
China 10001- CHC
Colombia 11001- COL
Costa Rica 12001- COS
Cuba 13001- CUB
Denmark 14001- DEN
Dominican Republic 15001- DOM
Ecuador 16001- ECU
El Salvador 17001- SAL
Ethiopia 18001- ETH
Finland 19001- FIN
France 20001- FRA
Germany 21001- GER
Greece 22001- GRE
Guatemala 23001- GUA
Haiti 24001- HAI
Hedjaz 25001- U03
Honduras 26001- HON
Italy 27001- ITA
Japan 28001- JAP
Jebel Shammar 29001- U01
Liberia 30001- LIB
Luxemburg 31001- LUX
Mexico 32001- MEX
Mongolia 33001- MON
Montenegro 34001- MTN
Najd 35001- SAU
Nepal 36001- NEP
Netherlands 37001- HOL
Nicaragua 38001- NIC
Norway 39001- NOR
Oman 40001- OMN
Ottoman Empire 41001- TUR
Panama 42001- PAN
Paraguay 43001- PAR
Persia 44001- PER
Peru 45001- PRU
Portugal 46001- POR
Romania 47001- ROM
Russia 48001- RUS
Sanusia 49001- U02
Serbia 50001- SER
Siam 51001- SIA
Spain 52001- SPA
Sweden 53001- SWE
Switzerland 54001- SCH
Tibet 55001- TIB
United Kingdom 56001- ENG
Uruguay 57001- URU
USA 58001- USA
Venezuela 59001- VEN
Yemen 60001- YEM
Zapata 61001- U07
Random (events) 62001- ---
Ireland 63001- IRE
Estonia 64001- EST
Latvia 65001- LAT
Lithuania 66001- LIT
Poland 67001- POL
Byelorussia 68001- BLR
Ukraine 69001- UKR
Georgia 70001- GEO
Armenia 71001- ARM
Azerbaijan 72001- AZB
Russian Federation 73001- SIB
Soviet Union 74001- SOV
Makhnovshchina 75001- U17
Ulster 76001- U18
Syria 77001- SYR
India 78001- IND
Egypt 79001- EGY
Warlord China 80001- U16
Kuomintang China 81001- CHI
Austria 82001- AUS
Czechoslovakia 83001- CZE
Hungary 84001- HUN
Manchuria 85001- MAN
AnFu 86001- U12
Russian Whites 87001- U15