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Doing his own thing
85 Badges
Oct 10, 2001
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven
  • Stellaris: Apocalypse
  • Stellaris: Humanoids Species Pack
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization
  • Age of Wonders III
  • Stellaris: Synthetic Dawn
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor
  • Surviving Mars
  • Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome
  • Knights of Honor
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rule Britannia
  • Stellaris - Path to Destruction bundle
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory
  • Stellaris: Leviathans Story Pack
  • Stellaris: Digital Anniversary Edition
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Colonel
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Stellaris
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cossacks
  • Stellaris: Ancient Relics
  • Victoria 3 Sign Up
  • Stellaris: Nemesis
  • Stellaris: Necroids
  • Empire of Sin
  • Europa Universalis 4: Emperor
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Stellaris: Federations
  • Hearts of Iron IV: La Resistance
  • Stellaris: Lithoids
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall
  • Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • Surviving Mars: First Colony Edition
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century
  • Stellaris: Megacorp
  • Surviving Mars: First Colony Edition
  • Shadowrun Returns
  • Europa Universalis IV: Dharma
  • Stellaris: Distant Stars
  • Cities: Skylines - Parklife
  • Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
  • Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
  • Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise
  • Europa Universalis IV: Art of War
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Divine Wind
  • Europa Universalis III
For reference, there should be a general list of IDs used in Aberration. So here it is:

Monarch and leaders (they use same range):

30001 - 30034: Finnish monarchs
30035 - 30057: Finnish leaders
30058 - 30100: Brittany monarchs
30101 - 30150: Brittany leaders
30151 - 30250: Byzantine monarchs
30251 - 30350: Hansa monarchs
30351 - 30400: Hansa leaders
30401 - 30450: Normandy monarchs
30451 - 30461: Normandy leaders
30462 - 30550: More Hansa monarchs
30551 - 30630: Scotland monarchs
30631 - 30700: Scotland leaders
30701 - 30770: Irish monarchs
30771 - 30840: Irish leaders
30841 - 30845: More finnish leaders
30846 - 30900: Byzantine leaders
30901 - 30940: Cretan monarchs
30941 - 30950: Cretan leaders
30951 - 31000: Kaliphate monarchs
31001 - 31020: Kaliphate leaders
31021 - 31070: Kingdom of Jerusalem monarchs
31071 - 31100: Kingdom of Jerusalem leaders
31101 - 31150: Syria monarchs
31151 - 31170: Syria leaders
31171 - 31200: More byzantine monarchs
31201 - 31250: Savoy monarchs
31251 - 31300: Savoy leaders
31301 - 31350: Burgundy monarchs
31351 - 31400: Burgundy leaders
31401 - 31430: Georgia monarchs
31431 - 31450: Georgia leaders
31451 - 31500: Milanese monarchs
31501 - 31550: Milanese leaders
31551 - 31700: Bavaria(HRE) leaders
31701 - 31750: Teutonic Order monarchs
31751 - 31800: Teutonic Order leaders
31801 - 31850: Ukraine Monarchs
31851 - 31900: Ukraine Leaders
31901 - 31950: UoK monarchs
31951 - 31999: UoK leaders
32000 - 32050: OPEN
32051 - 32099: Gotland
32100 - 32199: Golden Horde
32200 - 32250: Bavaria (HRE)
32250 - 32300: Sicily Monarchs
32301 - 32350: Sicily Leaders
32351 - 32400: Granada Monarchs
32401 - 32450: Granada Leaders
32451 - 32499: Ukraine leaders
32500 - 32550: More byzantine guys
32550 - 32600: Leaders for Hungary
32601 - 32650: Monarchs for Hugnary
32651 - 32700: For Bohemia
32701 - 32750: For Bulgaria
32751 - 32900: For North Africa
32901 - 32950: For Swabia
32951 - 33000: For Genoa
33001 - 33030: For Florence (Tuscany)
33031 - 33032: For Romanga
33033 - 33035: For Navarre
33051 - 33100: For Papal States
33101 - 33150: Swabia additional
33151 - 33400: All minor nations that are currently lacking monarchs. (Like Küstrin, Ragusa, Istria, Armenia)
33401 - 33500: For Cologne


200001 - 200029: Reserved for finnish events
200030 - 200100: Reserved for brittanian events
200101 - 200200: Reserved for byzantine and cretan events
200201 - 200300: Reserved for hanseatic events
200301 - 200310: Reserved for normandian events
200311 - 200389: Reserved for scottish events
200390 - 200410: Reserved for gaulish events
200411 - 200509: Reserved for hordish and khanatish events
200510 - 200610: Reserved for granadean events
200611 - 200710: Reserved for irish events
200711 - 200810: Reserved for kaliphatean events
200811 - 200910: Reserved for jerusalemean events
200911 - 200960: Reserved for syriac events
200961 - 200965: Reserved for altmarkish events
200966 - 201050: Reserved for savoyard events
201051 - 201100: Reserved for burgundian and brabantine events
201101 - 201200: Reserved for genoese events
201201 - 201300: Reserved for milanese events
201301 - 201399: Reserved for teutonic events
201400 - 201500: Reserved for ukrainean events
201501 - 201599: Reserved for kalmarean events
201600 - 201620: Reserved for georgian events
201621 - 201700: Reserved for Bavarian events
201701 - 201800: Reserved for Sicily events
201801 - 201900: Reserved for Hungary events
201901 - 201930: Reserved for Bohemia events
201931 - 201990: Reserved for More byzantine events
201991 - 202100: Reserved for North African events
202101 - 202150: Reserved for Swabian events
202151 - 202170: Reserved for Condotierri events
202170 - 202200: Reserved for Flavour events
202201 - 202210: Reserved for Cologne events
202211 - 202230: Russian crusade events
202231 - 202241: Mediterranean events

210001 - 211000: Reserved for colonial events

If you want to reserve some range for yours, post the range you want, but don't copy this list again and again.
Last edited:
I'd like to take id # 32351 - 32400 and 32401 - 32450 for Granada's monarchs and leaders respectively. Please let me know if this is ok.

Sorry for taking over the ID Ranges, Byak.:)
Dommolus, plz break up your IDs into each monarch file, rather than have one big HRE one, thanks.
32550-32600 Hungarian leaders

32601-32650 Monarchs for Hugnary.

201801-201900 Hungary events
Last edited:
201901-201930 Bohemia events

32651-32700 Bohemia
32701 - 32750 for Bulgaria, if you please.

EDIT: And 201931 - 202000 for more byzantine events as a reserved range, for when I'll need it. Thank you.
Last edited:
Kaigon said:
I'd like 202001-202100 reserved for Mameluks and northern Africa events and 32751-32850 for monarchs and leaders (same area).

RoTW could be given higher numbers so as to not mix in with the standard aberration?

And when doing rotw stuff perhaps use egypt instead of mamelukes, please ;)
Nikolai II said:
RoTW could be given higher numbers so as to not mix in with the standard aberration?

And when doing rotw stuff perhaps use egypt instead of mamelukes, please ;)
I would say that this is not more "RoTW" than the Caliphate. The Mameluks even has more access to the Mediterranean (if that's a way to grade things)...

And concerning Egypt: I'm interested in including them as well, but I don't like their current graphics... therefore: If I could import some graphics for Egypt, I would gladly use the EGY-tag...
Kaigon said:
I would say that this is not more "RoTW" than the Caliphate. The Mameluks even has more access to the Mediterranean (if that's a way to grade things)...

And concerning Egypt: I'm interested in including them as well, but I don't like their current graphics... therefore: If I could import some graphics for Egypt, I would gladly use the EGY-tag...

Should be possible (and I'm hoping our last posts here gets split away ;)) - just ask if you should use standard shields or Egufsm ones.
Mamelucks are standard and Europe as far as me is concerned. If we get more and nicer stuff as Genoa for the Mamelucks, I don´t mind.:D
202101-202150 Swabia.. 32901-32950 Swabia.
Ola everyone.

Archduke, I was wondering if I could take over development of events, ai, leaders, and monarchs for the Merchant Republic of Genoa now? If it is alright, I'll be needing an ID range for genoese leaders -- perhaps 32551 to 32600? (right after the Byzantine leaders, part II).

Current ID ranges for Genoa are as follows (according to the latest download):

GEN monarchs: 06390-6559
GEN leaders: 0224-0228 (default GC)
GEN events: 201101 - 201200

This may (subject to executive approval) also be a good time to reserve some IDs for Tuscan monarchs, leaders and events as well... provided we still have plenty of #s to go around.

I'm off to do some research now... cheers all.
While I'm at it, I'd like to pinch some ids for Tuscan leaders -- perhaps the range of 32601 to 32650? I likely won't need that many, but I think we should leave room for expansion. I also think default monarchs are fine for Tuscany.

Once I've gotten some stuff together for Milan, Tuscany and Genoa (if I'm allowed, that is), I'll start up a Northern Italy thread, to post some of my ideas and get some feedback.
