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Your ids for cologne

33401 - 33500: For Cologne monarchs and leaders

202201 - 202210: Reserved for Cologne events
Hmm....I'm fairly sure that this thread is updated, but just to be careful....

For the new Caliphate events, I am going to have to reserve some more space. I'll take 202500-202600 for these events, it looks like I'm going to need the space :p . Sorry it isn't in order, but I feel like coding not reading this thread so I'm taking these ID's in case the first post isn't current.

I realise that my proposal for the the (re)Aberrated New World might not be accepted into the broader canon, but for the purposes of developing it so that it can be presented in a ready-to-use format, could you assign to me some id ranges for the following?



Extensive ranges required for:

Event range for Navajo
Monarch range for Navajo
Leader range for Navajo

Event range for Maya
Monarch range for Maya
Leader range for Maya

Monarch Range for Zapotec
Monarch Range for Aztec

Event range for the Smallpox events

Smaller ranges/combined range required for:

Events for Zapotec, Aztec, Iroquois and others
Leader ranges for Zapotec, Aztec, Iroquois and others
Sure, but as I told you it will be an option to be turned on/off before the game.

Although I would play it for sure.:D
TheArchduke said:
Sure, but as I told you it will be an option to be turned on/off before the game.

Although I would play it for sure.:D

I am pleased to read that you would give it a try.

Now, I am still unsure of what ranges are still possible/acceptable. Could you (or Byakhiam) clarify for me which ids are definitely not taken? I realised there is a list there for "all other minors" but who knows which are gone already? I'd rather not have to troll through every event and leader file.

If the list on first post is updated to reflect current situation, then just ask for next range continuing from what was last taken. What AD would need to know for updating purposes is how many leader and event IDs you need.
Byakhiam said:
If the list on first post is updated to reflect current situation, then just ask for next range continuing from what was last taken. What AD would need to know for updating purposes is how many leader and event IDs you need.

33501 to 33600 for Dichali monarchs
33601 to 33650 for Dichali leaders
33651 to 33700 for Maya monarchs
33701 to 33750 for Maya leaders
33751 to 33800 for Zapotec monarchs
33801 to 33820 for Zapotec leaders
33821 to 33870 for Aztec monarchs
33871 to 33900 for Aztec leaders
33901 to 33930 for Free Province monarchs
33931 to 33950 for Free Province leaders
33951 to 33980 for California monarchs
33981 to 34100 for California leaders
34001 to 34030 for Texas monarchs
34031 to 34100 for Texas leaders
34101 to 34130 for Louisiana monarchs
34131 to 34150 for Louisiana leaders
34151 to 34180 for Massachusetts monarchs
34181 to 34200 for Massachusetts leaders
34201 to 34030 for Quebec monarchs
34231 to 34250 for Quebec leaders
34251 to 34280 for Mexico monarchs
34281 to 34300 for Mexico leaders
34301 to 34330 for Iroquois monarchs
34331 to 34350 for Iroquois leaders
34351 to 34380 for Vinland monarchs
34381 to 34400 for Vinland leaders

202242 to 202350 for Dichali events
202351 to 202450 for Maya events
202461 to 202550 for Zapotec events
202551 to 202650 for Aztec events
202651 to 202700 for Republic of Free Province events
202701 to 202800 for Trade War events
202801 to 202900 for Smallpox events
202901 to 202920 for more TradeWar events
202921 to 202950 for Quebec events
202951 to 202980 for Louisiana events
202981 to 203000 for Massachusetts events
203001 to 203200 for ai BB and Tech events
203001 to 203100 for Iroquois events
203201 to 203300 for Vinland events

Let me know if all this is cool.

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Sorry to rock the boat here, but I think we could do with a radical rethink of how IDs are assigned. I don't know about leaders and monarchs, but we have nearly a MILLION IDs we can use for events, if not more. That means there's no need to make really tight slots for the files. 100 events for a major sounds like a lot, but it really isn't when you allow for province-by-province events, follow-up events, variants, branches and so on to create a more versatile file. Already I've overrun my slots and had to nab some random bits of real estate, and the probability of collision increases with every update. Instead, we should be giving writers more event slots than they could possibly need, so there's no chance of clashes. More fill the space, less shrink to fit.

What I'd propose is we reassign slots for events as follows: (these figures are actually quite stingy, but I'd propose these as a minimum)

10000 for the colonial file.
1000 (at least) for the random events files.
1000 for each major power's event file, and also for the really large 'international' files, such as smallpox or the German wars of religion. There'll be about 30 majors, so that's 30 000, plus a few thousand for any big 'epo' files.
100 for minors with significant event sequences, or for the more minor international files. Say we use 5000 here.
Countries that only have one or two events can go in the file of an appropriate major (usually 'appropriate' implies by the same author), or in a miscellaneous file - it's too fiddly looking through files for Carinthia or Gotland to work out the event sequences. The miscellaneous file can have 1000 or so.

Add all this up, and it's 50 000 slots. Much more than we could possibly actually fill, but still only 5% of those available. The benefit, though, is that modders will know that eg an event ID of the form 73xxxx belongs to the colonial file, and modders can be more specific in their files, eg an event ID of the form 732xxx is a colonial event concerning South America. As I say, we could be ten times as generous and still have enough space - the key is that having massive redundancy like this gives much more freedom to organise the numbers nicely, in a kind of Dewey Decimal system if you like. This will make the files far easier to update and extend in future, especially if the new author is different from the original one.
I would like ID-ranges for Khmer, Champa, Thai and Dai Viet (events, leaders, monarchs and so on), and also for Burma later, when I have decided waht to do with it.
Incompetent said:
Sorry to rock the boat here, but I think we could do with a radical rethink of how IDs are assigned. I don't know about leaders and monarchs, but we have nearly a MILLION IDs we can use for events, if not more. That means there's no need to make really tight slots for the files. 100 events for a major sounds like a lot, but it really isn't when you allow for province-by-province events, follow-up events, variants, branches and so on to create a more versatile file. Already I've overrun my slots and had to nab some random bits of real estate, and the probability of collision increases with every update. Instead, we should be giving writers more event slots than they could possibly need, so there's no chance of clashes. More fill the space, less shrink to fit.

What I'd propose is we reassign slots for events as follows: (these figures are actually quite stingy, but I'd propose these as a minimum)

10000 for the colonial file.
1000 (at least) for the random events files.
1000 for each major power's event file, and also for the really large 'international' files, such as smallpox or the German wars of religion. There'll be about 30 majors, so that's 30 000, plus a few thousand for any big 'epo' files.
100 for minors with significant event sequences, or for the more minor international files. Say we use 5000 here.
Countries that only have one or two events can go in the file of an appropriate major (usually 'appropriate' implies by the same author), or in a miscellaneous file - it's too fiddly looking through files for Carinthia or Gotland to work out the event sequences. The miscellaneous file can have 1000 or so.

Add all this up, and it's 50 000 slots. Much more than we could possibly actually fill, but still only 5% of those available. The benefit, though, is that modders will know that eg an event ID of the form 73xxxx belongs to the colonial file, and modders can be more specific in their files, eg an event ID of the form 732xxx is a colonial event concerning South America. As I say, we could be ten times as generous and still have enough space - the key is that having massive redundancy like this gives much more freedom to organise the numbers nicely, in a kind of Dewey Decimal system if you like. This will make the files far easier to update and extend in future, especially if the new author is different from the original one.

This is a solid idea, but I am reticent to have it backdated. A lot of work has already gone into those files and many events reference other events. Redoing my own events will take a lot of time to reassign, check, playtest, bug fix, playtest and so on. I do not relish the task. Then there are all the original AB I files.

Maybe this could be the model for new ids.
MattyG said:
This is a solid idea, but I am reticent to have it backdated. A lot of work has already gone into those files and many events reference other events. Redoing my own events will take a lot of time to reassign, check, playtest, bug fix, playtest and so on. I do not relish the task. Then there are all the original AB I files.

Maybe this could be the model for new ids.

That's the thing - because we have so much space, we can just start assigning new IDs from 300000 or whatever, and they won't overlap with AD's IDs. The old events could be reassigned in the case the files which are going to be extensively rewritten, but they wouldn't all need to be done at once, or even at all in the case of files which already have plenty of wiggle room and which we aren't redoing.

In any case, it shouldn't be too laborious to change the slots, if the slots are in a 'nice' form. For example, if a file currently occupies the slot 234500-234599, and we want to change that to 678000-678999, we just do a find/replace on existing events, replacing 'id = 2345' with 'id = 6780', 'event = 2345' with 'event = 6780' and 'trigger which = 2345' with 'trigger which = 6780'.
Incompetent said:
That's the thing - because we have so much space, we can just start assigning new IDs from 300000 or whatever, and they won't overlap with AD's IDs. The old events could be reassigned in the case the files which are going to be extensively rewritten, but they wouldn't all need to be done at once, or even at all in the case of files which already have plenty of wiggle room and which we aren't redoing.

In any case, it shouldn't be too laborious to change the slots, if the slots are in a 'nice' form. For example, if a file currently occupies the slot 234500-234599, and we want to change that to 678000-678999, we just do a find/replace on existing events, replacing 'id = 2345' with 'id = 6780', 'event = 2345' with 'event = 6780' and 'trigger which = 2345' with 'trigger which = 6780'.

You are kind of proposing a Dewey Decimal system for ids, which is cool.

However, redoing Scotland or TO is a much smaller job than redoing the misc_colony, epo_trade and all the other files I've worked on. It makes sense to have broader ranges so there are no restrictions, but I have no time for that work right now.

Instead, block off two very large areas and call one:

Americas - Leader and Monarchs

and the other

Americas - Events

And then I can one day get around to subdividing and painstakingly reassigning everything.
OK, to get rolling more on your idea, Incompetant, because I am starting to code up the new event ideas for the Gallic states ...

I claim the following large swathe of ids for 'Gaul', meaning countries that include Brittany, Burgundy, Savoy and related regions.

210001 - 220000 Gallic Events

210001 - 211000 Events for Brittany
211001 - 212000 Events for Burgundy
212001 - 213000 Events for Savoy

Others I will edit in and denote as required.

In order to script the new Caliphate events by Calipah and I, I will grab the following range for them.

220001 - 221000 for Caliphate events
221001 - 222000 for Teke, Caraman, Sivas and Order of the Crescent

Again, retaining the original range, with the expectation to one day re-do them.
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I will be compiling (eventually) all of the so-called flavour events into one file.

I will use the id range for these as

300001 - 301000


I am happy to re-ID the Hansa events, and perhaps also the northern Germanic ones. I have already maxed out the 100 ID available to Hansa, and really could use a few more, so this is a great step.

Lets say we set aside:
230001 - 240000 Germanic events. This would eventually include all of the germanic powers from Holland to Bavaria, and from Swabia through to Bohemia and (perhaps even) Teutonic Order.

This would include:
230001 - 231000 german wars of religion
231001 - 232000 northern germanic minors
232001 - 233000 Hanseatic League
233001 - 234000 Swabia

OK, to assign the slots neatly, it's best if we start by listing what things deserve slots. Here's a list of 'regions', with likely files listed underneath. Slots are given in block of powers of 10; if the area you're working on has been given 2 slots, use the lower-numbered one first. Also, it would be helpful if people employ a kind of 'Dewey decimal' system within files, leaving plenty of space for new events, in case the file is expanded upon later.


Scotland and Norway: 400xxx, 401xxx
Eire: 402xxx, 403xxx
Wales: 404xxx
Misc. English events: 405xxx

IBERIA: 41xxxx
Cordoba: 410xxx, 411xxx
epo_ibe: 412xxx
Iberian minors: 413xxx

GAUL: 42xxxx, 43xxxx
Brittany and Normandy: 420xxx, 421xxx
Burgundy: 422xxx, 423xxx
Savoy: 424xxx, 425xxx
Occitanie and Southwestern minors: 426xxx, 427xxx
epo_gau: 428xxx
'France': 429xxx

GERMANY + LOW COUNTRIES: 44xxxx, 45xxxx
Bavaria: 440xxx, 441xxx
Hanseatic League: 442xxx, 443xxx
Swabia: 444xxx, 445xxx
epo_ger (HRE religious conflict): 446xxx
United Provinces (Calvinist theocratic state): 448xxx
German minors: 449xxx

ITALY: 46xxxx
Genoa: 460xxx, 461xxx
Sicily: 462xxx, 463xxx
Papal States: 464xxx
Milan and Kingdom of Italy: 465xxx
epo_med: 466xxx
Italian minors: 467xxx
epo_bar (the Barbary Wars): 468xxx


Teutonic Order and Baltland: 500xxx, 501xxx
Kalmar: 502xxx, 503xxx
Finland: 504xxx, 505xxx
Boyar League and Russian minors: 506xxx

Hungary: 510xxx, 511xxx
Ukraine: 512xxx, 513xxx
Poland and related minors: 514xxx
Bohemia (inc. epo_hus?): 515xxx
Christian minors: 516xxx, 517xxx
Golden Horde and Muslim minors: 518xxx

Byzantium: 530xxx, 531xxx
Abbasid Caliphate: 532xxx, 533xxx
Kingdom of Jerusalem: 534xxx
Balkan minors: 535xxx
Turkish minors: 536xxx
Caucasian minors: 537xxx
Arabian minors: 538xxx

ASIA: 6xxxxx

Ilkhanate: 600xxx
Uzbeks: 601xxx, 602xxx
'Persia': 603xxx, 604xxx
Regional minors: 605xxx, 606xxx

INDIA + SRI LANKA: 61xxxx, 62xxxx
Ceylon: 610xxx, 611xxx
Hyderabad: 612xxx
Jodhpur: 613xxx
Unified Hindu State: 614xxx, 615xxx
Bengal: 616xxx
Indian minors: 617xxx
Events relating to Indian unification: 618xxx

Khmer: 630xxx, 631xxx
'Burma': 632xxx, 633xxx
Dai Viet: 634xxx, 635xxx
Thai country: 636xxx
island minors: 637xxx
continental minors: 638xxx

CHINA, KOREA + JAPAN: 64xxxx, 65xxxx
Korea: 640xxx, 641xxx
Japan and Japanese minors: 642xxx, 643xxx
various Chinese countries (?): preferably 644000-649999


Egypt: 700xxx, 701xxx
Nubia: 702xxx
Morocco: 703xxx
Tlemcen/Sfaxis and North African minors: 704xxx, 705xxx

Ethiopia: 710xxx
Zanj: 712xxx
Zimbabwe (?): 714xxx

Benin: 720xxx
Kongo: 722xxx
Mali (?): 724xxx
Songhai (?): 726xxx
West African minors: 728xxx, 729xxx

AMERICAS: 73xxxx, 74xxxx
Haudenosaunee: 730xxx, 731xxx
Dichali: 732xxx, 733xxx
Maya: 734xxx, 735xxx
'Mexican' minors: 736xxx
South America: 737xxx, 738xxx

Random events: 80xxxx
Colonies: 81xxxx, 82xxxx
AI helper/cheat events: 83xxxx
Pioneer activation events (I think these are best put in one place, so we can standardise them): 84xxxx
Reformation: 85xxxx
Misc/flavour events: 86xxxx
Smallpox: 870xxx, 871xxx
Trade wars: 872xxx
Mutazelites (if these belong in a separate file): 873xxx, 874xxx
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Place the trade wars events in with other epochal stuff, rather than North America.

Incompetant, great start. Now could you simply 'take over' at this point and assign hundren-thousand blocks to the various areas. I think it will still work with those few new numbers that have been claimed by people.

Also, because there is so little in south and central and North America, simply cluster the Americas together.

Incompetent said:
INDIA + SRI LANKA: 61xxxx, 62xxxx

Will try and fill this in.

610000 to 611999 Celyon

612000 to 612999 Hyderabad

613000 to 613999 Jodhpur

614000 to 615999 Unified Hindu state

616000 to 616999 Bengal

617000 to 617999 minor India states

618000 to 618999 India unifation events and other all effecting events

Also, is there a list of unused tags that is around, I would just like to know what is open.