# Version 1, through reconciliation
event = {
id = 203
random = yes
trigger = {
NOT = { event = 851900 }
NOT = { event = 851950 }
event = 200
name = "The Assembly of Cardinals at Amsterdam"
desc = "With war having characterising the previous century of unresolved dispute between the two sides of the schism, the majority of cardinals, and many archbishops, met in Amsterdam following a decade of ongoing debate over reconciliation. Despite the goodwill which brought the hierarchy of the two churches together, a true recnciliation could not be acheived. Liturgically, they had grown too far apart, and the matter of the Papacy saw no common ground, other than the desire that each side's candidate was the true pope. Unwilling to come from the Assembly empty-handed and genuinely desiring to see the conflict abate, both popes issued an Edict of Tolerance, which enforced within their churches the acceptance of intermarriage, and denounced conflict based on religious grounds."
action_a = {
name = "I feel all warm and fuzzy"
command = { type = flag which = 4 }
# Version 2, the Catholics surrender
event = {
id = 851900
random = no
province = 349
trigger = {
event = 200
flag = altref
religion = protestant
NOT = { exists = BAY }
NOT = { exists = BRA }
countrysize = 10
atwar = no
stability = 0
NOT = { event = 851950 }
name = "The Capitulation of the False Pope"
desc = "With the fall of the Wittelsbachs, even the righteousness of the Teutonic Order was not enough to sustain the conservative cardinals and their false papacy. Their elected head (for we cannot refer to him as 'pope') has conceded to the Holy Father and urged all good Catholics to return to the true faith."
date = { year = 1553 }
offset = 100
deathdate = { year = 1820 }
action_a = {
name = "Excellent"
command = { type = DIP which = 1 value = 360 }
command = { type = DIP which = 1 value = 240 }
command = { type = DIP which = 1 value = 120 }
command = { type = ADM which = 1 value = 360 }
command = { type = MIL which = 1 value = 360 }
command = { type = addcore which = 349 }
command = { type = addcore which = 348 }
command = { type = stability value = 3 }
command = { type = inflation value = -2 }
# Version 3, the surrender of the Reformists
event = {
id = 851950
random = yes
trigger = {
event = 200
flag = altref
religion = catholic
NOT = { exists = PAP }
OR = {
provincereligion = { province = 399 data = catholic }
AND = {
provincereligion = { province = 399 data = protestant }
control = { province = 399 data = -1 }
OR = {
six of ten major capitals are catholic, Mecklenburg, Morbihan, Svealand, Liguria, Savoie, Ulster, Bourgogne, Magyar, Sicily, Lothian.
countrysize = 10
NOT = { event = 851900 }
name = "The Capture of the False Pope"
desc = "With the fall of the Wittelsbachs, even the righteousness of the Teutonic Order was not enough to sustain the conservative cardinals and their false papacy. Their elected head (for we cannot refer to him as 'pope') has conceded to the Holy Father and urged all good Catholics to return to the true faith."
date = { year = 1553 }
offset = 100
deathdate = { year = 1820 }
action_a = {
name = "Excellent"
command = { type = DIP which = 1 value = 360 }
command = { type = DIP which = 1 value = 240 }
command = { type = DIP which = 1 value = 120 }
command = { type = ADM which = 1 value = 360 }
command = { type = MIL which = 1 value = 360 }
command = { type = addcore which = 399 }
command = { type = stability value = 3 }
command = { type = inflation value = -2 }